Detailübersetzungen für tournette (Französisch) ins Englisch
tournette: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- tour: trip; excursion; journey; march; hike; tour; voyage; expedition; tower; turret; hiking tour; go; turn; game; round; drive; walk; stroll; passage; tramp; feat; ramble; outing; promenade; short walk; track; reach; trail; way; path; stretch; distance; avenue; road; small circle; ability; skill; agility; art; trick; prank; dexterity; knack; lathe; adroitness; making one's round; tour of inspection; skyscraper; tower block; ring; gimmick; circle; sleight of hand; orbit; revolution; inversion; rotation; shenanigan; dealing with; silly trick; castle-tower
- nette: net; nett; after tax
- tourner: turn; swing; veer; turn around; shift; reverse; twist; swing around; roll; rotate; return; stir; churn; spin; swirl; whirl; twirl; go back; spin round; word; phrase; rock; open; oscillate; formulate; turn on; dangle; unlock; open up; unscrew; put into words; swing to and fro; revolve; confuse; tack; turn away; change tack; swing round; make dizzy
- tête: head; sphere; head of a human being; headline; superior; lead; command; leading; taking the lead; front position; principal; master; boss; leader; chief; captain; forewoman; woman-leader
- tournée: trip; excursion; track; reach; trail; way; journey; path; stretch; distance; round; avenue; road; small circle; tour; making one's round; tour of inspection
- tourné: twisted; turned; winded; distorted; disguised; warped; contorted; out of shape; buckled; filmed
Spelling Suggestions for: tournette
Synonyms for "tournette":
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