Spanisch nach Englisch: mehr Daten
pago a la entrega:
pago a la entrega → collect on delivery
Detailübersetzungen für pago a la entrega (Spanisch) ins Englisch
pago a la entrega: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- pagar: settle; pay up; spend; pay off; pay for; pay; bear the costs; reward; honour; honor; remunerate; repay; pour; sprinkle; send; transfer; deposit; remit; cash; pay out; bring down; take down; pay on account; pay over; make even; turn out; cough up; come forward with; assign; allocate; suffer; fine; give; confer; allot; expiate; bestow on; atone for; pay for one's mistake's
- pago: payment; compensation; pay-off; settlement; paying off; benefit; remuneration; relief; reward; welfare; dole; social security; recompense; unemployment benefit; social assistance; wage; pay; salary; redemption; discharge; re-payment
- a: to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; for; towards; due to; because of; on account of; owing to; about; approximately; round
- atracarse: erode; attack; corrode; eat into; bite into; eat; consume; cram; eat up; gulp down
- la: it; the
- entrega: order; supply; dispatch; delivery; remittance; consignment; sending; sending in; yielding; issue; distribution; supplies; granting; offer; presentation; introduction; extradition; delivering; tradition; turning out; deliverable; surrendering; handing over; supplementary sheet; handoff
- entregar: provide; supply; send; deliver; ship; bring; furnish; bring around; put up for shipment; extend; pass; give; hand; delate; present with; give to; deliver up; hand over to; send round; order; dispense; surrender; turn in; offer; present; hand over; hand in; book; enter; subscribe; enroll; register; enlist; give up; inscribe; hand down; enrol; yield; cede; donate; allow; transfer; proffer; pay; cash; pay out; pay over
- entregarse: surrender; give in; capitulate; quit; give up to; turn oneself in
- entrego: hand over
Wiktionary Übersetzungen für pago a la entrega:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• pago a la entrega | → collect on delivery | ↔ Nachnahme — Postwesen, kurz für: Nachnahmesendung, Versendung von Waren, bei der der Adressat die Waren beim Empfang an das Postunternehmen bezahlt |