
Detailübersetzungen für powers (Englisch) ins Französisch


powers [the ~] Nomen

  1. the powers
    la forces; le pouvoirs

Übersetzung Matrix für powers:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
forces powers highvoltage currents; power
pouvoirs powers authority; capacity; competence; force; power; qualification; ruler; strength
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- authority

Verwandte Wörter für "powers":

powers form of power:

power [the ~] Nomen

  1. the power (strength; capacity; force; authority)
    la puissance; la capacité; le pouvoir; la force; le pouvoirs
  2. the power (electric current; current)
  3. the power (authority; rule)
    l'autorité; la puissance; le pouvoir
  4. the power (authority; competence; qualification)
    l'autorité; la puissance; le pouvoir; la compétence; l'empire; l'aptitude; l'autorités; le pouvoirs
  5. the power (vigour; strength; intensity; vigor)
    la vigueur; l'énergie; la solidité; la dynamique; la force; l'intensité
  6. the power (ability; capacity)
    la capacité
  7. the power (dominion; authority; command; mastery)
    l'autorité; le pouvoir; la puissance; la domination
  8. the power (authorization; power of attorney; approval; )
    l'autorisation; l'approbation; la permission; la procuration; le consentement
  9. the power (authorities; establishment)
    l'autorité; la détentrice du pouvoir; le détenteur du pouvoir; le pouvoir; l'autorités
  10. the power
    la puissance; la forces
  11. the power
    – Strength exerted; might. 1
    la puissance

Übersetzung Matrix für power:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
approbation approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney acclaim; agreement; approval; approval activity; approving; assent; assenting; consent; endorsement; finds general favour; permission; sanctioning
aptitude authority; competence; power; qualification ability; adroitness; agility; appropriateness; art; capability; capacity; chance; competence; competency; dexterity; handiness; knack; opportunity; possibility; quality; skill; suitability; trick
autorisation approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney acceptance; access; admission; admittance; agreement; allowance; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; authorization form; consent; form of proxy; granting; instructions; licence; license; mandate; permission; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard; warrant
autorité authorities; authority; command; competence; dominion; establishment; mastery; power; qualification; rule administration; authorities; authority; cabinet; colonial administration; colonial government; control; expert; government; leadership; local government; public authorities; regime; reign; right of say; rule; rule of life; ruler; specialist
autorités authorities; authority; competence; establishment; power; qualification authorities; authority; country; empire; government; kingdom; nation; persons in charge; public authorities; ruler; state
capacité ability; authority; capacity; force; power; strength Capacity; ability; ability to achieve; adroitness; business sense; capability; capacity; cargo hold; cargo space; carrying capacity; competence; dexterity; expertise; handiness; knack; loading capacity; potential; quality; skill; stowage; tonnage; volume
compétence authority; competence; power; qualification ability; business sense; capability; capacity; competence; competency; expertise; handiness; quality; skill
consentement approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney acclaim; agreement; approval; assent; authorisation; authorization; chord; come to terms; complaisance; compliance; compliantness; concurrence; consent; endorsement; finds general favour; make a compromise; permission; pliability; settlement; yes
domination authority; command; dominion; mastery; power domination; rule
dynamique intensity; power; strength; vigor; vigour
détenteur du pouvoir authorities; establishment; power authority; ruler
détentrice du pouvoir authorities; establishment; power authority; ruler
empire authority; competence; power; qualification authorities; country; empire; government; kingdom; nation; public authorities; state
force authority; capacity; force; intensity; power; strength; vigor; vigour boost; compulsion; courage; drive; energy; fervor; fervour; fiber; fibre; fierceness; force; fortitude; gin; gusto; impetus; impulse; incentive; influence; intensity; jenever; momentum; pressure; robustness; soul; spirit; spunk; spur; stimulus; strength; strongness; sturdiness; thoroughness; vehemence; vigor; vigour; violence; zest
forces power highvoltage currents; powers
intensité intensity; power; strength; vigor; vigour fervor; fervour; fierceness; intensity; vehemence; violence
permission approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney acceptance; access; admission; admittance; agreement; allowance; approval; authorisation; authorization; consent; day off; floating day; furlough; granting; leave; leave-pass; licence; license; mountain pass; pass; permission; permit; sabbatical; study leave; vacation
pouvoir authorities; authority; capacity; command; competence; dominion; establishment; force; mastery; power; qualification; rule; strength authority; control; mandate; right of say; warrant
pouvoirs authority; capacity; competence; force; power; qualification; strength authority; powers; ruler
procuration approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney authority; care; facility; furnishing; instructions; maintenance; mandate; nursing; procurement; providing; provision; service; warrant
puissance authority; capacity; command; competence; dominion; force; mastery; power; qualification; rule; strength authority; courage; fiber; fibre; fortitude; influence; ruler
solidité intensity; power; strength; vigor; vigour bravery; chastity; coarseness; courage; daring; decency; doggedness; durability; firmness; gallantry; high quality; incontrovertibility; indisputableness; indossulability; modesty; reliability; solidity; solidness; solubility; soundness; stability; stableness; steadiness; sturdiness; substance; thoroughness; toughness; valor; valour; vigor; vigour; virtue
vigueur intensity; power; strength; vigor; vigour being awake; bodily strength; bravery; courage; daring; decisiveness; gallantry; gusto; legitimacy; lively; strongness; sturdiness; toughness; validity; valor; valour; vigor; vigour; youth; youthfulness; zest
énergie current; electric current; intensity; power; strength; vigor; vigour braveness; capacity for work; courage; decisiveness; drive; energy; fascination; fervor; fervour; gin; gusto; impetus; interest; jenever; lively; manliness; momentum; productivity; resilience; soul; spirit; spunk; stamina; strength; strongness; thoroughness; vigor; vigour; work force; zest
- ability; baron; big businessman; business leader; exponent; force; great power; index; king; magnate; major power; might; mightiness; mogul; office; powerfulness; superpower; top executive; tycoon; world power
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
pouvoir be able; be allowed to; have permission; may
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
dynamique active; decisive; drastic; dynamic; energetic; energetically; forceful; lively; potent; powerful; robust; spirited; stout; strong; tough; vigorous

Verwandte Wörter für "power":

Synonyms for "power":

Antonyme für "power":

Verwandte Definitionen für "power":

  1. physical strength2
  2. possession of controlling influence2
    • the deterrent power of nuclear weapons2
    • the power of his love saved her2
  3. possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done2
    • danger heightened his powers of discrimination2
  4. a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself2
  5. a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world2
  6. a very wealthy or powerful businessman2
  7. one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority2
    • the mysterious presence of an evil power2
  8. (physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second)2
  9. (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power2
    • during his first year in power2
    • the power of the president2
  10. supply the force or power for the functioning of2
    • The gasoline powers the engines2
  11. Strength exerted; might.1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für power:

  1. influence
  2. physical force or strength
  3. electricity supply
  4. physics: measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy
  5. mathematics: product of equal factors
  1. Pouvoir de réaliser ou de produire qqchose
  2. Pouvoirs reconnus par la loi
  3. faculté naturelle d’agir vigoureusement, en particulier en parlant de l’homme et des animaux.
  4. rare|fr droit|fr résultat de l’habilitation, aptitude.
  5. capacité à produire un effet.
  6. pouvoir d’imposer son autorité.

Cross Translation:
power puissance vermogen — de kwaliteiten om iets te kunnen doen
power pouvoir Gewalt — Fähigkeit oder Möglichkeit, über jemanden zu bestimmen
power puissance LeistungPhysik: verrichtete Arbeit pro Zeit
power puissance Macht — Fähigkeit, auf andere Einfluss ausüben zu können, auch gegen deren Willen
power effectif; intensité; force; corpulence; puissance StärkeKraft, Macht, Potenz, Vermögen, insbesondere

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für powers