
Detailübersetzungen für backwardness (Englisch) ins Spanisch


backwardness [the ~] Nomen

  1. the backwardness (retardation; preposterousness; rubbish)
    el estupidez; el disparate; el contrasentido; la gansadas; la tontería; la tonterías; el absurdo; el desatino; la bobadas; la cháchara; la tontera; la tonteras; el desvaríos; la idioteces; el carácter disparatado
  2. the backwardness (feeble-mindedness; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental derangement; derangement of mind)
    el atraso; el trastorno mental; la deficiencia mental; la subnormalidad; la pertubación mental

Übersetzung Matrix für backwardness:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
absurdo backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish baloney; folly; humbug; mental illness; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle
atraso backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance arrears; senility; slippage
bobadas backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish babble; baloney; cackling; chatter; claptrap; follies; folly; foolish things; gabble; humbug; jabber; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle; yacking
carácter disparatado backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
cháchara backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish babble; backbiting; blah; bunkum; cackling; chat; chatter; clanging; claptrap; defamation; gabble; gossip; jabber; jaw; mudslinging; prattle; profanity; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; slipslop; swindle; talk; talkee-talkee; talking; talks; tittle-tattle; tolling; vilification; wishwash; yacking
contrasentido backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish baloney; folly; humbug; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle
deficiencia mental backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance aberration; craziness; derangement; derangement of mind; idiocy; inanity; insanity; lunacy; madness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
desatino backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish foolishness; madness; mental illness
desvaríos backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish gibberish; nonsense
disparate backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish blunder; foolishness; frenzy; fury; madness; mental illness; rage
estupidez backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish absurdity; blooper; blunder; deaf-muteness; dullness; enormity; feebleness; folly; foolishness; frailty; idiocy; inanity; incongruity; inconsiderateness; lunacy; madness; mental illness; naïvete; paradox; rashness; silliness; slackness; stupidity; thougtlessness; trivial; vapidity; weakness
gansadas backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish baloney; folly; humbug; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle
idioteces backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish baloney; folly; humbug; idiocy; idiotism; inanity; lunacy; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle
pertubación mental backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance aberration; derangement of mind; insanity; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
subnormalidad backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance
tontera backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
tonteras backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish babble; backbiting; blah; boyish prank; bunkum; cackling; chatter; clanging; claptrap; defamation; gabble; gossip; jabber; jaw; mischief; monkey trick; mudslinging; practical joke; prank; prattle; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; slipslop; talk; talkee-talkee; talks; tittle-tattle; tolling; vilification; wishwash; yacking
tontería backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish a piece of cake; bagatelle; banter; child's play; dullness; folly; foolishness; frenzy; fury; futility; idiocy; inconsiderateness; jerkin; madness; mental illness; nonsense; rage; rashness; rubbish; sheepishness; silliness; silly joke; small affair; small matter; small thing; something unimportant; staggers; stupidity; tattle; thougtlessness; trifle; vapidity
tonterías backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish babble; backbiting; balderdash; baloney; banter; blah; bull; bunkum; burble; cackling; chatter; clanging; claptrap; defamation; drivel; empty talk; follies; folly; foolish things; gabble; gibberish; gossip; hot air; humbug; idiocy; jabber; jaw; mudslinging; nonsense; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; scandal; scandal-mongering; silliness; slander; slipslop; talk; talkee-talkee; talks; tattle; tittle-tattle; tolling; twaddle; unfunny joke; unfunny prank; vilification; waffle; wishwash; yacking
trastorno mental backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance aberration; derangement of mind; folly; foolishness; idiocy; insanity; lunacy; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
- mental retardation; retardation; slowness; subnormality
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
absurdo absurd; crazy; daft; dumb; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; impractible; insane; irrational; laughable; ludicrous; mad; mentally disturbed; mindless; mixed up; muzzy; not feasible; not sensible; odd; potty; preposterous; ridicule; ridiculous; senseless; silly; stupid; unrealistic; unwise; useless; weird

Verwandte Wörter für "backwardness":

Synonyms for "backwardness":

Verwandte Definitionen für "backwardness":

  1. lack of normal development of intellectual capacities1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für backwardness:

Cross Translation:
backwardness retraso; atraso retard — Fait d'arriver plus tard


backward Adjektiv

  1. backward (mentally retarded; simple; stupid)
    retrasado; retardado
  2. backward (mentally deficient; retarded)
    atrasado; loco; bebido; con locura; mentalmente enfermo; burro; idiota; locamente; descabellado; demencial
  3. backward (back to back; backwards)
  4. backward

Übersetzung Matrix für backward:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
burro Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; blockhead; dimwit; dolt; donkey; duffer; fathead; hare; idiot; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numskull; nutcase; rattle-brain
idiota Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; blockhead; buffoon; clown; coxcomb; daft; dandy; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; fop; idiot; imbecile; jack pudding; jackanapes; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; merry Andrew; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; nutcase; oaf; prig; rattle brain; rattle-brain; simpleton; stupid
loco Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; buffoon; clown; crazy person; daft; deranged maniac; disturbed person; fool; freak; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; mad; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disabled; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut; nutcase; rattle-brain; wacko; weirdo
retardado Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain
retrasado latecomer
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- feebleminded; half-witted; slow-witted
AdverbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- back; backwards; rearward; rearwards
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
atrasado backward; mentally deficient; retarded in arrear
bebido backward; mentally deficient; retarded blind drunk; boozed; dead drunk; drunk; drunken; half drunk; inebriated; intoxicated; loaded; more than enough; pissed; plenty; tight; tipsy
burro backward; mentally deficient; retarded crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid
con locura backward; mentally deficient; retarded crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird
de espaldas back to back; backward; backwards back; backwards; return; reverse
demencial backward; mentally deficient; retarded
descabellado backward; mentally deficient; retarded absurd; crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; ludicrous; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; preposterous; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird
idiota backward; mentally deficient; retarded cracked; crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; lunatic; mad; mentally ill; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid
locamente backward; mentally deficient; retarded crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird
loco backward; mentally deficient; retarded bonkered; cracked; crackers; crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; insane; irrational; lunatic; mad; mentally ill; mixed up; muzzy; nuts; odd; potty; ridiculous; round the bend; senseless; silly; stupid; unwise; weird
mentalmente enfermo backward; mentally deficient; retarded insane; lunatic; mad; mentally ill
retardado backward; mentally retarded; simple; stupid
retrasado backward; mentally retarded; simple; stupid

Verwandte Wörter für "backward":

Synonyms for "backward":

Antonyme für "backward":

Verwandte Definitionen für "backward":

  1. directed or facing toward the back or rear1
    • a backward view1
  2. (used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature1
    • a backward lover1
  3. having made less than normal progress1
    • an economically backward country1
  4. retarded in intellectual development1
  5. in or to or toward a past time1
    • lovers of the past looking fondly backward1
  6. at or to or toward the back or rear1
    • tripped when he stepped backward1
  7. in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal1
    • it's easy to get the `i' and the `e' backward in words like `seize' and `siege'1
    • the child put her jersey on backward1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für backward:

Cross Translation:
backward atrasado achterlijk — achterstand vertonend in de ontwikkeling
backward a popa; atrás achternSchifffahrt: hinten bei einem Seefahrzeug