
Detailübersetzungen für madness (Englisch) ins Spanisch


madness [the ~] Nomen

  1. the madness (fun; joyfulness; high jinks; )
    la diversión; el gusto; la alegría; la broma; la gracia; el gozo; la locura; el alborozo; el júbilo; la bromas; el placer; el cachondeo; el optimismo
  2. the madness (foolishness)
    el disparate; el desatino; la locura; la estupidez; la tontada; la estulticia
  3. the madness (mental derangement; insanity; craziness; )
    la locura; la rabia; la chifladura; la deficiencia mental; la enajenación mental; la enfermedad mental
  4. the madness (foolishness; stupidity)
    la tontería; la picardía; la bribonada

Übersetzung Matrix für madness:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
alborozo folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness amusement; carousing; cheerfulness; decency; delight; diversion; ecstasy; effusiveness; entertainment; enthusiasm; exuberance; fun; high spirits; joy; merriment; mirth; neatness; orderliness; pleasure; rapture; ravishment; revelry; roistering; tidiness
alegría folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness amusement; banter; brightfulness; carousing; cheerfulness; delight in life; diversion; entertainment; flightiness; frivolity; frivolousness; fun; gladness; glee; good spirits; happiness; hilarity; joy; joy of life; joyfulness; lightheartedness; lust; lust for life; merriment; mirth; passion; pleasure; revelry; roistering; shallowness; superficiality; volatility; waggery
bribonada foolishness; madness; stupidity boyish prank; mischief; monkey trick; practical joke; prank; roguish trick
broma folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness banter; comical story; droll story; drollery; farce; folly; foolishness; fun; idiocy; jest; joke; lunacy; nonsense; pile-worm; prank; pun; silliness; waggishness; witticism; witty saying
bromas folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness banter; folly; fun; gags; hoaxes; idiocy; jests; jokes; laughs; nonsense; pun; quips; silliness; wheezes; witticisms
cachondeo folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness banter; drollery; folly; fun; idiocy; jest; joke; nonsense; pun; silliness; waggishness; witticism; witty saying
chifladura craziness; derangement; idiocy; inanity; insanity; lunacy; madness; mental derangement; mental illness absurdity; derangement of mind; incongruity; insanity; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness; paradox
deficiencia mental craziness; derangement; idiocy; inanity; insanity; lunacy; madness; mental derangement; mental illness aberration; backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; insanity; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
desatino foolishness; madness backwardness; mental illness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
disparate foolishness; madness backwardness; blunder; frenzy; fury; mental illness; preposterousness; rage; retardation; rubbish
diversión folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness absentmindedness; amusement; attraction; banter; brightfulness; cheerfulness; distractedness; distraction; diversion; draw; entertainment; fun; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; lust; merriment; mirth; passion; pleasure; relaxation; revelry; waggery
enajenación mental craziness; derangement; idiocy; inanity; insanity; lunacy; madness; mental derangement; mental illness derangement of mind; insanity; lunacy; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
enfermedad mental craziness; derangement; idiocy; inanity; insanity; lunacy; madness; mental derangement; mental illness derangement of mind; folly; foolishness; idiocy; insanity; lunacy; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
estulticia foolishness; madness absurdity; incongruity; paradox
estupidez foolishness; madness absurdity; backwardness; blooper; blunder; deaf-muteness; dullness; enormity; feebleness; folly; foolishness; frailty; idiocy; inanity; incongruity; inconsiderateness; lunacy; mental illness; naïvete; paradox; preposterousness; rashness; retardation; rubbish; silliness; slackness; stupidity; thougtlessness; trivial; vapidity; weakness
gozo folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness amusement; benevolence; brightfulness; charity; cheerfulness; fun; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; lust; merriment; mirth; passion; philanthropy; pleasure; pun; revelry; well-doing
gracia folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness absolution; allurement; amiability; appeal; attractiveness; benevolence; charity; charm; clemency; delightfulness; elegance; enchantment; enticement; fascination; little gift; little present; loveliness; loving kindness; mercy; pardon; philanthropy; power of attraction; remission; splendidness; sweetness; well-doing
gusto folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness amusement; ardor; ardour; banter; be satisfied with; brightfulness; cheerfulness; choice; complacency; contentment; craze; decency; delight; desire; fancy; frenzy; fun; good spirits; happiness; hobby; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; liking; little gift; little present; lust; merriment; mirth; neatness; orderliness; passion; pastime; pet subject; pleasure; preference; pun; rankness; revelry; satisfaction; sexual desire; taste; tidiness; urge; waggery
júbilo folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness brightfulness; carousing; cheerfulness; cheering; fun; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry; roistering
locura craziness; derangement; folly; foolishness; fun; high jinks; hilarity; idiocy; inanity; insanity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; mental derangement; mental illness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness absurdity; banter; delirium; derangement of mind; ecstasy; folly; frenzy; hysteria; idiocy; incongruity; infatuation; insanity; joke; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness; nonsense; paradox; prank; shenanigan; silliness; silly trick; stupidity; trick
optimismo folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness brightfulness; carousing; cheerfulness; fun; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; optimism; pleasure; revelry; roistering
picardía foolishness; madness; stupidity boyish prank; impishness; mischief; monkey trick; naughtiness; practical joke; prank; roguishness
placer folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; lunacy; madness; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pleasure; silliness amusement; be satisfied with; brightfulness; cheerfulness; complacency; contentment; delight; enjoyment; fun; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; lust; merriment; mirth; passion; pleasure; pun; revelry; satisfaction
rabia craziness; derangement; idiocy; inanity; insanity; lunacy; madness; mental derangement; mental illness anger; bad temper; canine madness; fieriness; folly; foolishness; frenzy; fury; grimness; hydrophobia; idiocy; lunacy; rabies; rage; vehemence; wrath
tontada foolishness; madness inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness
tontería foolishness; madness; stupidity a piece of cake; backwardness; bagatelle; banter; child's play; dullness; folly; frenzy; fury; futility; idiocy; inconsiderateness; jerkin; mental illness; nonsense; preposterousness; rage; rashness; retardation; rubbish; sheepishness; silliness; silly joke; small affair; small matter; small thing; something unimportant; staggers; tattle; thougtlessness; trifle; vapidity
- craziness; folly; foolishness; fury; hydrophobia; insaneness; lunacy; lyssa; rabidity; rabidness; rabies; rage
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
alegría gladness

Verwandte Wörter für "madness":

Synonyms for "madness":

Verwandte Definitionen für "madness":

  1. unrestrained excitement or enthusiasm1
    • poetry is a sort of divine madness1
  2. the quality of being rash and foolish1
  3. a feeling of intense anger1
  4. an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal); rabies is fatal if the virus reaches the brain1
  5. obsolete terms for legal insanity1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für madness:

  1. insanity

Cross Translation:
madness frenesí; locura; enajenación waanzin — het lijden aan een geestesstoornis
madness locura krankzinnigheid — het lijden aan een geestesziekte
madness demencia; locura WahnsinnGeisteskrankheit, bei der man nicht mehr zurechnungsfähig ist
madness enloquecimiento affolementétat d’une personne affoler.
madness locura foliedérangement de l’esprit, accès de folie.


mad Adjektiv

  1. mad (furious; upset; annoyed; )
    furioso; enfurecido
  2. mad (mentally ill; insane; lunatic)
    loco; cú-cú; mentalmente enfermo; idiota; tonto
  3. mad (daft; crazy; insane; )
    estúpido; bobo; loco; burro; como loco; idiota; mentecato; loquillo; desconcertado; indolente; furioso; caótico; demente; chalado; curioso; confuso; absurdo; locamente
  4. mad (assiduous; sedulous; diligent; furious; industrious)
    apasionado; enconado
  5. mad (weird; ridiculous; muzzy; )
    cú-cú; Juan Lanas; extraño; loco; chiflado; perezoso; mudo; cucú; desconcertado; absurdo; cretino; chalado; desequilibrado; tonto; raro; peculiar; ganso; locamente; perturbado; loquillo; como loco; enmarañado; curioso; típico; desordenado; necio; característico; tontamente; con locura; loco de remate; caótico; descabellado; indolente; ofuscado; insano; obcecado

mad [the ~] Nomen

  1. the mad (mentally disabled; lunatic; loony; )
    el loco; el mequetrefe; el retardado; el subnormal; el deficiente mental; la idiota; el imbécil; el demente; el tonto

Übersetzung Matrix für mad:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Juan Lanas Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; henpecked husband; idiot; kind soul; lamb; lambkin; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; simpleton; softie; softy; spineless chap; spineless fellow; stupid; weed; wimp
absurdo backwardness; baloney; folly; humbug; mental illness; nonsense; piffle; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish; tattle; twaddle
bobo Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; buffoon; butt; clown; coxcomb; dandy; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dumbo; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; fop; idiot; jack pudding; jackanapes; kind soul; lamb; lambkin; laughing-stock; merry Andrew; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; prig; rattle brain; rattle-brain; silly man; silly thing; simple mind; simpleton; softy; stupid
burro Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; blockhead; dimwit; dolt; donkey; duffer; fathead; hare; idiot; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numskull; nutcase; rattle-brain
chalado character; drip; dud; figure; idiot; jerk; lemon; madcap; madman
chiflado Simple Simon; birdbrain; buffoon; clown; coxcomb; dandy; drip; dud; fop; idiot; imbecile; jack pudding; jackanapes; lemon; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; merry Andrew; nut; nutcase; prig; rattle-brain
cucú cuckoo's call; cuckoo's note
deficiente mental ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain
demente ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain disturbed person; nut
estúpido Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; simpleton; stupid
extraño alien; odd person; outsider; strange person; stranger; unknown person
furioso madcap; madman
ganso Simple Simon; birdbrain; goose; gossling; idiot; nutcase; rattle-brain
idiota ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; buffoon; clown; coxcomb; dandy; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; fop; idiot; imbecile; jack pudding; jackanapes; merry Andrew; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; prig; rattle brain; rattle-brain; simpleton; stupid
imbécil ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; asshole; bastard; birdbrain; blockhead; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; imbecile; jerk; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; shithead; silly thing; simpleton; stupid
loco ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; crazy person; deranged maniac; disturbed person; fool; freak; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut; nutcase; rattle-brain; wacko; weirdo
mentecato Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; boor; clodhopper; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; little dreamer; lout; moron; nerd; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; simpleton; stupid; yokel
mequetrefe ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; bungler; idiot; muddler; nutcase; rattle-brain; sad sack
necio fool; nutcase; rattle-brain
perezoso idler; layabout; lazy bones; loafer; lounger; skulker; slacker; sloth; sluggard; twerp
raro odd fellow; queer; strange person; weirdo
retardado ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; idiot; nutcase; rattle-brain
subnormal ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain
tonto ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; booby; boor; clodhopper; dimwit; dolt; duffer; duffers; dumbo; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; kind soul; lamb; lambkin; lout; lubber; meathead; mopers; moron; nerd; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; nutcase; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; silly man; silly thing; simple mind; simpleton; softy; stupid; yokel
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- brainsick; crazy; delirious; demented; disturbed; excited; frantic; harebrained; huffy; insane; sick; sore; unbalanced; unhinged; unrestrained
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- absurd; crazy; wild
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Juan Lanas crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird
absurdo crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird absurd; crazy; daft; dumb; foolish; idiot; idiotic; impractible; insane; irrational; laughable; ludicrous; mentally disturbed; mindless; not feasible; not sensible; potty; preposterous; ridicule; ridiculous; senseless; silly; stupid; unrealistic; unwise; useless
apasionado assiduous; diligent; furious; industrious; mad; sedulous ardent; embittered; exasperated; fanatic; fervent; fierce; grim; heated; hot-blooded; hot-tempered; impassioned; intense; keen; manic; passionate; possessed; quick-tempered; sullen; suppressed; temperamental; temperamentful; uncontrolled; violent
bobo crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid as a child; boring; child-like; childish; deadening; dense; dull; dumb; empty-headed; foolish; irrational; mindless; naive; not sensible; obtuse; senseless; sheepish; simple; stupid; wide-eyed
burro crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid backward; mentally deficient; retarded
característico crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird atypical; bizarre; characteristic; characterizing; conspicuous; curious; describing; different; distinct; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; explicit; freak; idiosyncratic; notable; noteworthy; obvious; odd; outstanding; peculiar; pronounced; queer; remarkable; strange; striking; typical; unmistakable; unusual
caótico crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird chaotic; confused; diffuse; disorderly; disorederly; disorganised; disorganized; lawless; littered; mixed up; neglected; pell mell; undisciplined; wild
chalado crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird bonkers; cracked; crackers; crazy; foolish; loony; nuts; potty; round the bend; silly; stark mad; stark raving mad; stark staring mad; stupid
chiflado crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird bonkered; bonkers; cracked; crackers; crazy; daft; dotty; foolish; idiot; irrational; loony; nuts; potty; round the bend; senseless; silly; stark mad; stark raving mad; stark staring mad; stupid; unwise
como loco crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird
con locura crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird backward; mentally deficient; retarded
confuso crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid aghast; appalled; baffled; bashful; blurred; confused; crestfallen; dazed; diffident; diffuse; dim; dismayed; disordered; dumbfounded; faint; flabbergasted; glum; hazy; in a daze; inconvenient; indistinct; mentally confused; misty; nontransparent; not bright; not clear; obscure; opaque; perplexed; shy; stunned; taken aback; timid; turbid; unclear; undefinable; upset; vague; vaguely
cretino crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird
cucú crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird
curioso crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird atypical; bizarre; characteristic; conspicuous; curious; different; distinct; distinctive; eager to learn; eager to see; eccentric; exceptional; explicit; freak; idiosyncratic; informative; informatory; inquisitive; notable; noteworthy; obvious; odd; outstanding; peculiar; pronounced; queer; remarkable; strange; striking; typical; unmistakable; unusual; worth having a peek at; worth looking at; worth seeing; worth the view
cú-cú crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; lunatic; mad; mentally ill; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird
demente crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid
descabellado crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird absurd; backward; ludicrous; mentally deficient; preposterous; retarded
desconcertado crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mixed up; muzzy; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid; weird aghast; amazed; appalled; astonished; baffled; bashful; bewildered; blank; bottled up; chaotic; confused; crestfallen; dazed

Verwandte Wörter für "mad":

Synonyms for "mad":

Verwandte Definitionen für "mad":

  1. roused to anger1
    • she gets mad when you wake her up so early1
    • mad at his friend1
  2. affected with madness or insanity1
    • a man who had gone mad1
  3. marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion1
    • a mad whirl of pleasure1
  4. very foolish1
    • a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für mad:

  1. angry
  2. wanting intensely
  3. insane (adj.)

Cross Translation:
mad loco; alienado; frenético krankzinnig — lijdend aan een ernstige psychische ziekte
mad colérico; furioso; enfadado boos — kwaad, woedend
mad loco; estupendo tollteilweise veraltet, teilweise regional: einfältig, anmaßend, verrückt, geistesgestört, besessen, schizophren
mad loco; estupendo toll — an Tollwut erkrankt, tollwütig
mad loco verrückt — geistig verwirrt
mad loco; alienado fou — Qualifie une personne ayant perdu la raison, étant atteinte d’aliénation mentale.
mad demente; irracional; insensato insane — Fou, insensé

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für madness