
Detailübersetzungen für mazes (Englisch) ins Spanisch


maze [the ~] Nomen

  1. the maze (labyrinth)
    – complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost 1
    el laberinto; el dédalo; la desorientación; el caos; el desorden; el enredo
  2. the maze (chaos; disorder; confusion; )
    – something jumbled or confused 1
    el laberinto; el pandemónium; el desorden; el destrozos; el rollo; el estragos; la maraña; el escombros; la madeja; el ovillo; el disturbios; la ruina; la ruinas; el dédalo; el enredo; la perturbación; el tumulto; la escombrera

Übersetzung Matrix für maze:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
caos labyrinth; maze bungle; bungling; caboodle; chaos; confused heap; crisscross; debris; hash; heap; hotchpotch; jumble; lumber; mayhem; mess; muddle; omnium gatherum; rubbish; tangle; trash
desorden chaos; confusion; disorder; labyrinth; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter absence of order; bungle; bungling; caboodle; chaos; confused heap; confusion; crisscross; daubing; debris; disarray; disorder; disorderliness; disturbance; hash; heap; hotchpotch; interference; jumble; lumber; mayhem; medley; mess; mishmash; muddle; neglected mess; omnium gatherum; rubbish; staining; tangle; trash; trouble
desorientación labyrinth; maze confusion; disorder
destrozos chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter chaos; crisscross; destruction; devastation; havoc; muddle; ravage; tangle
disturbios chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter argy-bargy; commotion; disorder; disturbance; fisticuffs; fuss; hubble-bubble; interference; pandemonium; problems; rebellion; revolt; riot; riots; squabbling; stir; trouble; troubles
dédalo chaos; confusion; disorder; labyrinth; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter
enredo chaos; confusion; disorder; labyrinth; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter absence of order; argy-bargy; chaos; commotion; confusion; conniving; crisscross; disarray; disorder; entanglement; fuss; hubble-bubble; interlocking; intrige; intrigue; muddle; plot; scheming; squabbling; stir; tangle; trapping; wangling
escombrera chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter caboodle; chaos; crisscross; hash; mayhem; mess; muddle; tangle
escombros chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter chaos; crisscross; heap of rubbish; heap of rubble; muddle; tangle
estragos chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter chaos; crisscross; muddle; tangle
laberinto chaos; confusion; disorder; labyrinth; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter chaos; crisscross; muddle; tangle
madeja chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter bowline; bun; chaos; crisscross; knot; muddle; rope; tangle
maraña chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter bun; bush; chaos; crisscross; hotchpotch; jumble; jungle; medley; mishmash; muddle; tangle; virgin forest
ovillo chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter bun; chaos; crisscross; muddle; tangle
pandemónium chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter
perturbación chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter absence of order; chaos; confusion; disarray; disorder; disturbance; interference; malfunction
rollo chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; misery; misfortune; moaning; nagging; role; role in theatre or movie; roll; sorrow; squabbling; squalor; stir; trouble; whining
ruina chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter annihilation; annulment; bust-up; cancellation; caving in; chaos; collapse; collapsing; crash; debris; disadvantage; downfall; drawback; mess; nullification; ruin; ruins; sagging; slump; smash
ruinas chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter destruction; devastation; havoc; ravage; remains; ruins; wreck
tumulto chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter argy-bargy; cabal; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; disorder; disturbance; fisticuffs; fuss; hubble-bubble; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; interference; movement; noise; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; roar; row; rumor; rumour; rumpus; sound; squabbling; stir; trouble; tumult; tumultuousness
- labyrinth; snarl; tangle

Verwandte Wörter für "maze":

  • mazes

Synonyms for "maze":

Verwandte Definitionen für "maze":

  1. complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost1
  2. something jumbled or confused1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für maze:

  1. Puzzle to get through
  1. -

Cross Translation:
maze laberinto; dédalo Irrgarten — ein Garten oder eine Anlage, worin die weit verzweigten Wege seitlich mit hohen Sichthindernissen, wie dichten Hecken, Bäumen, Mauern, hohen Maispflanzen oder verspiegeltem Glas abgegrenzt sind, so dass man sich wegen fehlender Orientierungsmöglichkeit in seinen Gängen vorübergehend verlaufen kann
maze laberinto Labyrinth — in sich verschlungener und gefalteter Weg, der sich nicht verzweigt
maze laberinto Labyrinth — oft auch synonym verwendet für Irrgarten; unübersichtliches Gebiet mit verzweigten Wegen
maze laberinto labyrinthe — antiq|fr édifice composé d’un grand nombre de chambres et de galeries dont la disposition était telle, que ceux qui s’y engager parvenaient difficilement à en trouver l’issue.

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