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Bachelor of Arts in Nursing:
The word Bachelor of Arts in Nursing exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "bachelor of arts in nursing":
Bachelor of Arts in Nursing; BAN; bachelor's degree; baccalaureate
Synonyms for "bachelor of arts in nursing":
Detailübersetzungen für Bachelor of Arts in Nursing (Englisch) ins Spanisch
Bachelor of Arts in Nursing: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- bachelor: soltero; soltera; candidato; aspirante; solo; separado; individual
- of: desde; por parte de
- art: ciencia; comodidad; arte; aptitud; agilidad; truco; pericia; manija; artes; presteza
- arts: artes
- in: por; en; a; intervenir; interponerse
- nurse: atender; asistir; enfermera; enfermero; cuidar; ocuparse; atender a; ocuparse de; cuidar de; supervisor; inspector; cuidador de animales; administrar medicamentos; acariciar; abrigar; arrellanarse; canguro; cuidadora de niños; criar; amamantar; dar el pecho; dar de mamar; amamantar a un bebé; matrona; nodriza
- nursing: asistencia a los enfermos; asistencia médica; lactancia; lactación; cuidado; alojamiento; suministro; asistencia; aprovisionamiento; acomodamiento
bachelor of arts in nursing:
Synonyms for "bachelor of arts in nursing":
Bachelor of Arts in Nursing:
Übersetzung Matrix für Bachelor of Arts in Nursing:
Noun | Verwandte Übersetzungen | Weitere Übersetzungen |
- | BAN |
Verwandte Definitionen für "Bachelor of Arts in Nursing":
Computerübersetzung von Drittern: