
Detailübersetzungen für portions (Englisch) ins Deutsch


portions [the ~] Nomen

  1. the portions (shares; pieces; segments; parts)
    die Stücke; die Teile; die Segmente; die Partien; die Portionen

Übersetzung Matrix für portions:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Partien parts; pieces; portions; segments; shares
Portionen parts; pieces; portions; segments; shares
Segmente parts; pieces; portions; segments; shares
Stücke parts; pieces; portions; segments; shares
Teile parts; pieces; portions; segments; shares

Verwandte Wörter für "portions":

portions form of portion:

portion [the ~] Nomen

  1. the portion (share; part)
    die Portion; die Ration; der Anteil; der Teil
  2. the portion (fundamental ingredient; elementary component; part; )
    Stück; Teil; der Bestandteil; Element; Segment; der Anteil; Teilchen
  3. the portion (section; piece; part; segment)
    Stück; Teil; Segment; der Anteil; Bruchteil; Teilchen; Glied
  4. the portion (membership-fee; contribution; input; brought-in capital)
    der Beitrag; der Einsatz; der Anteil; die Einlage; Eingebrachte
  5. the portion (segment; part; share; )
    der Anteil; der Abschnitt; der Stück
  6. the portion (inheritance; heritage; legacy; yard; bequest)
    Vermächtnis; Erbe; der Anteil; die Erbschaft; Erbteil; der Nachlaß; die Hinterlassenschaft; Erbstück
  7. the portion (segment; section; part)
    Segment; Teil; der Abschnitt; der Bruchteil; Stück

Übersetzung Matrix für portion:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Abschnitt board; part; piece; portion; section; segment; share cleaning-rag; cloth; coupon; cut; demension; division; flight of stairs; hour; measurement; paragraph; period; period of time; piece of cloth; polishing-cloth; presentation section; proportion; receipt; remains; section; space; space of time; stairs; stepladder; subsection; tail-end; term; time; token; voucher
Anteil bequest; board; brought-in capital; contribution; element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; heritage; ingredient; inheritance; input; legacy; membership-fee; parliamentary party; part; piece; portion; principle ingredient; section; segment; share; yard growth share; investment in a partnership; participation; quota; share; share in a partnership; stock; volume
Beitrag brought-in capital; contribution; input; membership-fee; portion article; post
Bestandteil element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; parliamentary party; part; portion; principle ingredient; section; segment; share limb; part of the body
Bruchteil part; piece; portion; section; segment
Eingebrachte brought-in capital; contribution; input; membership-fee; portion
Einlage brought-in capital; contribution; input; membership-fee; portion deposit; inlay; invested capital; investment; marquetry; mosaic; stakes
Einsatz brought-in capital; contribution; input; membership-fee; portion ambition; assiduousness; building; building site; cash for playing; construction; dedication; devotion; diligence; edifice; ground; insert; lot; parcel; passion; plot; pool; premises; site; stakes; structure; wee-wee
Element element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; parliamentary party; part; portion; principle ingredient; section; segment; share Outlook item; artifact; dimension member; element; factor; item; member
Erbe bequest; heritage; inheritance; legacy; portion; yard bequest; descendant; descendent; estate; heir; heirloom; hereditament; heritage; inheritance; inheritor; legacy; legate; offspring
Erbschaft bequest; heritage; inheritance; legacy; portion; yard bequest; estate; heirloom; hereditament; heritage; inheritance; legacy; legate
Erbstück bequest; heritage; inheritance; legacy; portion; yard bequest; estate; heirloom; hereditament; heritage; inheritance; legacy; legate
Erbteil bequest; heritage; inheritance; legacy; portion; yard bequest; estate; heirloom; hereditament; heritage; inheritance; legacy; legate
Glied part; piece; portion; section; segment articulation; joint; limbs; link; link pin; member
Hinterlassenschaft bequest; heritage; inheritance; legacy; portion; yard bequest; estate; heirloom; hereditament; heritage; inheritance; legacy; legate
Nachlaß bequest; heritage; inheritance; legacy; portion; yard bequest; discount; drop in prices; estate; fall; heirloom; hereditament; heritage; inheritance; legacy; legate; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness
Portion part; portion; share dose; quantity
Ration part; portion; share
Segment element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; parliamentary party; part; piece; portion; principle ingredient; section; segment; share account code segment; segment; slice
Stück board; element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; parliamentary party; part; piece; portion; principle ingredient; section; segment; share chunk; cleaning-rag; cloth; coupon; little bit; little lump; lump; part; piece; piece of cloth; play; polishing-cloth; production; quota; remains; share; slice; small part; stage play; tail-end; token; voucher
Teil element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; parliamentary party; part; piece; portion; principle ingredient; section; segment; share building; construction; edifice; limbs; lot; member; part; premises; small part; structure
Teilchen element; elementary component; fundamental ingredient; ingredient; parliamentary party; part; piece; portion; principle ingredient; section; segment; share part; small part
Vermächtnis bequest; heritage; inheritance; legacy; portion; yard bequest; estate; heirloom; hereditament; heritage; inheritance; last will; legacy; legate; testament; will
- circumstances; component; component part; constituent; destiny; dower; dowery; dowry; fate; fortune; helping; lot; luck; parcel; part; percentage; serving; share
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- allot; assign
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Teil control part; fraction; part
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- cut; section; segment; slice

Verwandte Wörter für "portion":

Synonyms for "portion":

Verwandte Definitionen für "portion":

  1. the allotment of some amount by dividing something1
  2. something less than the whole of a human artifact1
  3. an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal1
    • his portion was larger than hers1
  4. money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage1
  5. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group1
  6. something determined in relation to something that includes it1
    • I read a portion of the manuscript1
  7. your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)1
    • success that was her portion1
  8. give out1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für portion:

  1. allocated amount
  1. trennbar, transitiv, reflexiv: sich etwas in kluge Portionen aufteilen, damit das Ziel, das man dabei im Auge hat, auch erreicht werden kann
  1. ein Element im Größenverhältnis zum Ganzen
  2. bestimmte Menge
  3. Anteil, abgemessene Menge
  4. nach einer Vereinbarung bestimmter Teil einer Menge (meistens Geld), die eine gewisse Person bekommen soll