
Detailübersetzungen für größer (Deutsch) ins Englisch



  1. Größer
    the Larger
    – An item on the Text Size menu, which is opened from the Edit menu. Larger is one of the text size choices for the user's instant messages 1

Übersetzung Matrix für Größer:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Larger Größer


größer Adjektiv

  1. größer (höher; länger)
    higher; larger; taller

Übersetzung Matrix für größer:

AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
higher größer; höher; länger höher
larger größer; höher; länger grossere; höhere
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
taller größer; höher; länger

Synonyms for "größer":

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für größer:

  1. comparative of big

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für größer


Detailübersetzungen für größer (Englisch) ins Deutsch


gross Adjektiv

  1. gross
  2. gross (coarse; vulgar; unsavoury; )
    rüde; ungeschliffen; grob; obszön; ungehobelt; schmuddelig; schlüpfrig; schofel; abgestanden; unflätig
  3. gross (nasty; banal; coarse; )
    schmierig; faul; dick; heimtückisch; schamlos; fettartig; schal; schmutzig; falsch; grob; fett; ekelhaft; platt; dürftig; derb; dumpf; rüde; schäbig; banal; hinterhältig; garstig; fettig; hinterlistig; obszön; trivial; abgestanden; schmuddelig; dumpfig; bäuerisch; schofel; schuftig; schmählich; schändlich; ungeschlacht
  4. gross (messy; smudged; shabby; )
  5. gross (terrible)
    fürchterlich; arg

gross [the ~] Nomen

  1. the gross (biggest part; greater part; bulk; main body)
    die Mehrheit; größten Teils; die Mehrzahl

Übersetzung Matrix für gross:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Mehrheit biggest part; bulk; greater part; gross; main body ascendancy; circumstances beyond one's control; dominance; force majeure; superior force; superiority; supremacy
Mehrzahl biggest part; bulk; greater part; gross; main body biggest part; bulk; greater part; main body; masses; plural
größten Teils biggest part; bulk; greater part; gross; main body
- 144; receipts; revenue
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
dick banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar as fat as a pig; as plump as a partridge; bloated; broad; bulky; detailed; elaborate; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; heavily built; heavyset; in detail; massive; obese; sizeable; stout; thick; very overweight; voluminous; wide; widespread
fett banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar as fat as a pig; as plump as a partridge; bloated; bold; bulky; churlish; detailed; dowdy; elaborate; extensive; fatty; filling; greasy; grubby; heavy; huge; obese; rich; shoddy; sizeable; sloppy; slovenly; stout; terrible; tremendous; very overweight; voluminous
- crude; crying; earthy; egregious; flagrant; glaring; megascopic; porcine; rank; vulgar
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
abgestanden banal; below the belt; coarse; commonplace; gross; nasty; rotten; seedy; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar dirty; disgusting; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; sordid
arg gross; terrible badly; dreadful; evil-minded; false; frightful; horrible; low; malicious; terrible; terrifying; vicious; with evil intention
banal banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar crude; low; mean; not high; pedestrian; small; to a limited extent; to a small extent; vile; vulgar
brutto gross
bäuerisch banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abstemious; arrogant; boorish; clumsy; doltish; gawky; ill-bred; impudent; insolent; not very good; overbearing; owlish; poor; presumptuous; rude; rustic; shameless; stiff; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneasy; uneducated; unhandy; unmannerly; wooden
derb banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar arrogant; as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; big-boned; boorish; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; heavily-built; hefty; ill-bred; improper; impudent; inappropriate; indelicat; insolent; luminous; manifest; muscular; obvious; out of place; overbearing; powerfully built; presumptuous; rude; rustic; shameless; solid; stocky; stout; strong; sturdy; tactless; transparent; uncalled for; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly; unseemly; unsuitable; well built
dumpf banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar close; dozy; drab; drowsy; dull; faint; frosted; fusty; fuzzy; grey; mat; misty; muggy; musty; sleepy; soporific; stale; stifling; stuffy; subdued; sultry; sweltering; vague
dumpfig banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar dozy; drab; drowsy; dull; faint; fuzzy; grey; mat; sleepy; soporific; subdued; vague
dürftig banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar come off badly; few; flimsy; immature; inferior; lean; low; meager; meagre; mean; miserable; not high; pedestrian; poor; puny; ragged; ramshackle; rickety; shabby; skinny; small; thin; to a limited extent; to a small extent; vile; wobbly; wonky; worst
ekelhaft banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abhorrent; churlish; dirty; disgusting; distasteful; dowdy; filthy; grubby; gruesome; heinous; horrible; loathsome; nasty; nauseous; obnoxious; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repellant; repellent; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; shocking; shoddy; sick; sickening; sickly; sloppy; slovenly; sordid; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
falsch banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar amiss; bad; badly; bogus; cunning; double-tongued; evil-minded; faked; false; falsely; faulty; feigned; fictitious; improper; inaccurate; inappropriate; incorrect; indelicat; low; malicious; mean; nasty; not genuine; not high; off; off target; out of place; pedestrian; phoney; roguish; rude; sham; sharp; shrewd; slick; slippery; sly; stingy; tactless; uncalled for; underhand; unseemly; unsuitable; vicious; vile; with evil intention; wrong; wrongly
faul banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar bearing no interests; churlish; corrupt; dawdling; degenerate; depraved; dirty; disgusting; dowdy; dragging; drooping; filthy; grubby; gruesome; heinous; idle; inactive; indistinct; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; loathsome; obscure; passive; perverted; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; rotten; shoddy; shuffling; sickening; sloppy; slovenly; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; sordid; spongy; tardy; unclear; vague; woolly; wooly
fettartig banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar
fettig banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar churlish; dirty; disgusting; distasteful; dowdy; fatty; filthy; greasy; grubby; gruesome; heinous; high-fat; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; shocking; shoddy; sickening; sloppy; slovenly; sordid; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
fürchterlich gross; terrible abhorrent; abominable; appalling; awful; barbaric; blast; brutal; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; damn it; darned; dash it; disgraceful; disgusting; dreadful; enormously; frightful; gruesome; heinous; horrible; horribly; immensely; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; outrageous; rank; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; scandalous; shocking; terrible; terribly; terrifying
garstig banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abusive; angry; coarse; crass; enraged; irate; livid; seething
grob banal; below the belt; coarse; commonplace; gross; nasty; rotten; seedy; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abominable; abstemious; appalling; arrogant; barbaric; beastly; bestial; big-boned; blurred; bold; boorish; brutal; chubby; clumsy; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; detailed; disgraceful; doggish; doltish; elaborate; extensive; faint; gawky; gruesome; hard; hard-handed; harsh; heavily-built; heavy; hefty; heinous; ill-bred; impolite; improper; impudent; inappropriate; indelicat; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; not very good; out of focus; out of place; outrageous; overbearing; owlish; pityless; plump; poor; presumptuous; rank; rough; rude; rustic; ruthless; shameless; shocking; squat; stiff; stocky; subdued; tactless; uncalled for; uncivilised; uncivilized; uncontrolled; uneasy; uneducated; unhandy; unmannerly; unseemly; unsuitable; untrue; vague; violent; wooden
heimtückisch banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar bad; behind one's back; bogus; cunning; disloyal; dubious; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; grimy; indecent; jarring; low; macabre; mean; nasty; not genuine; obscure; offensive; pedestrian; perfidious; problematic; questionable; ribald; scary; scurvy; secretly; shady; sham; sharp; shifty; shrewd; sinister; slimy; slippery; sly; spooky; stealthily; stingy; suspect; suspicious; traitorous; treacherous; uncertain; underhand; unreliable; vicious; vile
hinterhältig banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar bad; behind one's back; blackguardly; bogus; cunning; dubious; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; grimy; indecent; jarring; low; macabre; mean; nasty; not genuine; obscure; offensive; pedestrian; problematic; questionable; ribald; roguish; scary; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; shady; sham; sharp; shifty; shrewd; sinister; slick; slimy; slippery; sly; spooky; stingy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; underhand; unreliable; vicious; vile; villainous
hinterlistig banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar astute; bad; badly; behind one's back; behind someone's back; bogus; bright; clever; covert; crafty; cunning; double-tongued; dubious; evil-minded; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; grimy; indecent; ingenious; intelligent; jarring; low; macabre; malicious; mean; nasty; not genuine; obscure; offensive; ominous; on the sly; pedestrian; problematic; questionable; ribald; roguish; sagacious; scary; scurvy; secretive; secretly; shady; sham; sharp; shifty; shrewd; sinister; skilful; skillful; slick; slimy; slippery; sly; smart; sneakily; sneaky; spooky; stealthily; stingy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; underhand; unreliable; vicious; vile; wily; wise; with evil intention
obszön banal; below the belt

Verwandte Wörter für "gross":

  • grossness, grosses, grosser, grossest, grossly

Synonyms for "gross":

Antonyme für "gross":

Verwandte Definitionen für "gross":

  1. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible2
    • gross ineptitude2
    • gross injustice2
  2. conspicuously and tastelessly indecent2
    • a revoltingly gross expletive2
  3. repellently fat2
  4. lacking fine distinctions or detail2
    • the gross details of the structure appear reasonable2
  5. before any deductions2
    • gross income2
  6. visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)2
  7. the entire amount of income before any deductions are made2
  8. twelve dozen2
  9. earn before taxes, expenses, etc.2

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für gross:

  1. twelve dozen
  2. total earnings or amount
  1. whole amount, total
  2. bulky, fat
  3. serious, flagrant, shameful
  4. coarse, rude, obscene
  5. disgusting

Cross Translation:
gross extrem; höchste; äußerste; außerordentlich; maßlos; radikal extrême — Qui est tout à fait au bout, tout à fait le dernier.

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