Detailübersetzungen für vis sans fin (Französisch) ins Englisch
vis sans fin: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- vis: screw; propeller
- visé: proposed; screwed; intended
- vivre: exist; live; stay; reside; lodge; be established; have one's seat; witness; encounter; experience; feel; endure; live through
- voir: perceive; notice; see; behold; become aware of; see in; attend; witness; sense; feel; observe; get; understand; comprehend; look; glance; look on; cast an eye on; control; scrutinize; view; check; examine; verify; watch; inspect; look at; scrutinise; contain; hold; grasp; realize; realise; get to know; find; go through
- sans: without; outside; exclusive; out of; in the country; in the open
- Fin: End
- fin: end; termination; conclusion; ending; final end; fine; finish; thin; final; slender; small-boned; finishing line; finishing point; keen; acute; biting; finale; sharpwitted; sharp-minded; final piece; concluding piece; sophisticated; tender; cease; nice; bright; susceptible; pretty; slight; handsome; lovely; sensitive; smart; tip; cunning; snap; delicate; subtle; clever; offensive; perky; sharp; slick; refined; shrewd; sly; precarious; graceful; astute; cutting; resourceful; stylish; offending; elegant; dainty; insulting; snappy; wily; petite; personable; terminus; injurious; in conclusion; knock off; roguish; quitting; nipping; stopping; oversensitive; far end; lightly built; concluding remarks; easily hurt; concluding observations
Wiktionary Übersetzungen für vis sans fin:
vis sans fin
something helical, especially the thread of a screw