Detailübersetzungen für être perçant (Französisch) ins Englisch
être perçant: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- être: be somewhere; being; person; individual; mortal; human being; creation; creature; be
- percer: break through; bore; drill; contain; hold; grasp; realize; realise; get to know; come through; convert; reform; dig; plough; break up; pierce; perforate; plough up; stab; run through; pierce through; stab through; impress; encode; instil; penetrate; imprint; prick; put in; get through; stick in; bore through; leak through; instill; hint; filter
- perçant: shrill; sharp; sharp-edged; piercing; penetrating; cutting; snappy; nipping; dire; grinding; rasping