Detailübersetzungen für en froid (Französisch) ins Englisch
en froid: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- en: of; from; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; from it; towards; to that; of it; about that; of this
- froid: unimpaired; unperturbed; unaffected; untouched; unmoved; cool; cold; distant; aloof; chilly; in an unresponsive way; chilli; indifferent; little fresh; bleak; intrepid; fearless; insensitive; unfounded; dispassionate; impassive; heartless; uncaring; hard-hearted; groundless; soulless; unfeeling; emotionless; hard; abrasive; fresh; detachment; clammy; unused; coolness; coldness; coolly; chilliness; unopened; unbroached; iron-hard; rock-hard; stone-hard; cold and damp; hard as steel; air of distance; as hard as nails; hard as stone; somewhat cold; as hard as rock; as hard as a nails; hard as iron