Detailübersetzungen für vitacée (Französisch) ins Englisch
vitacée: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- vita: vita
- ce: the; it; that; this; these; those
- voir: perceive; notice; see; behold; become aware of; see in; attend; witness; sense; feel; observe; get; understand; comprehend; look; glance; look on; cast an eye on; control; scrutinize; view; check; examine; verify; watch; inspect; look at; scrutinise; contain; hold; grasp; realize; realise; get to know; find; go through
- ACE: ACE; access control entry
- vivre: exist; live; stay; reside; lodge; be established; have one's seat; witness; encounter; experience; feel; endure; live through