Detailübersetzungen für mandarria (Spanisch) ins Englisch
mandarria: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- mandar: send; supply; mail; ship; forward; remit; send to; leave; deliver; bring; hand over; deliver to the door; order; command; preside; take the lead; be in command of; release; drop; discharge; dismiss; fire; sack; lay off; lead; charge; contribute; enter; assign to; send in; give an order; commission; force; dedicate; devote; rule; predominate; decree; dominate; exert power; bid; direct; dictate; instruct; burden; prevail; aggravate; ordain; give up; capitulate; majorate; hand oneself over to; hand oneself in; have the upper hand
- RIA: rich Internet application; RIA
- ría: tidal river
- riña: stir; hassle; fuss; arguing; bustle; commotion; din; scolding; bickering; wrangling; hubbub; quarreling; quarrelling; chicanery; squabbling; trouble making; brawl; quibbling; argy-bargy; hubble-bubble; free-for-all