Detailübersetzungen für partesana (Spanisch) ins Englisch
partesana: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- parte: part; segment; piece; portion; volume; branch; division; department; section; ward; detachment; brigade; share; board; small part; lump; quantity; limb; chunk; dose; little bit; noise level; sound level; little lump; sound intensity; sound volume; part of the body
- sano: rosy cheeked; fighting fit; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; well; prosperous; thriving; healthy; flourishing; in good health; substantial; whole; flawless; perfect; plump; untainted; portly; undamaged; legitimate; full-fledged; up to par; up to the mark; on legitimate grounds
- partir: go; leave; depart; break up; go away; travel; hike; travel about; grease; take off; sail; set out; smear; rub in; leave for; cut; cut through; separate; embark; start; cleave; slice; hew through