
Detailübersetzungen für reported (Englisch) ins Schwedisch


reported [the ~] Nomen

  1. the reported (announced; presented)

Übersetzung Matrix für reported:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
annonserad announced; presented; reported

Verwandte Wörter für "reported":

  • reportedly

Synonyms for "reported":

Antonyme für "reported":

  • unreported

Verwandte Definitionen für "reported":

  1. made known or told about; especially presented in a formal account1
    • his reported opinion1
    • the reported findings1


to report Verb (reports, reported, reporting)

  1. to report (inform; announce; state)
    meddela; informera; reportera
    • meddela Verb (meddelar, meddelade, meddelat)
    • informera Verb (informerar, informerade, informerat)
    • reportera Verb (reporterar, reporterade, reporterat)
  2. to report (tell; say; expound; )
    berätta; återberätta; skildra; förklara; beskriva; rapportera
    • berätta Verb (berättar, berättade, berättat)
    • återberätta Verb (återberättar, återberättade, återberättat)
    • skildra Verb (skildrar, skildrade, skildrat)
    • förklara Verb (förklarar, förklarade, förklarat)
    • beskriva Verb (beskriver, beskrev, beskrivit)
    • rapportera Verb (raporterar, raporterade, raporterat)
  3. to report (narrate; tell)
    berätta; rapportera
    • berätta Verb (berättar, berättade, berättat)
    • rapportera Verb (raporterar, raporterade, raporterat)
  4. to report (inform)
    meddela; informera; rapportera
    • meddela Verb (meddelar, meddelade, meddelat)
    • informera Verb (informerar, informerade, informerat)
    • rapportera Verb (raporterar, raporterade, raporterat)
  5. to report (tell tales; reveal; denounce; )
    berätta sagor; fördöma
    • berätta sagor Verb (berättar sagor, berättade sagor, berättat sagor)
    • fördöma Verb (fördömer, fördömde, fördömt)

Konjugationen für report:

  1. report
  2. report
  3. reports
  4. report
  5. report
  6. report
simple past
  1. reported
  2. reported
  3. reported
  4. reported
  5. reported
  6. reported
present perfect
  1. have reported
  2. have reported
  3. has reported
  4. have reported
  5. have reported
  6. have reported
past continuous
  1. was reporting
  2. were reporting
  3. was reporting
  4. were reporting
  5. were reporting
  6. were reporting
  1. shall report
  2. will report
  3. will report
  4. shall report
  5. will report
  6. will report
continuous present
  1. am reporting
  2. are reporting
  3. is reporting
  4. are reporting
  5. are reporting
  6. are reporting
  1. be reported
  2. be reported
  3. be reported
  4. be reported
  5. be reported
  6. be reported
  1. report!
  2. let's report!
  3. reported
  4. reporting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

report [the ~] Nomen

  1. the report (composition; paper; account)
    uppsats; skrift
  2. the report (survey; record)
    reportage; kommentera
  3. the report (charge; statement)
  4. the report (list; record)
    lista; uppteckning; förteckning; protokoll
  5. the report (announcement; statement; message; piece of news)
    meddelande; nyhet
  6. the report (commentary; account)
  7. the report (note)
    anteckning; tecken
  8. the report (announcements)
  9. the report (magazine; periodical; journal; )
    tidskrift; tidning
  10. the report (tidings; message; news; intelligence; piece of news)
    budskap; tidender; nyheter
  11. the report (note; annotation; scribble; )
    anteckning; notering; anmärkning
  12. the report
    – The presentation of information about a given topic, typically in printed form. Reports prepared with computers and appropriate software can include text, graphics, and charts. Database programs can include special software for creating report forms and generating reports. Desktop publishing software and laser printers or typesetting equipment can be used to produce publication-quality output. 2
  13. the report
    – A database object that prints information formatted and organized according to your specifications. 2
  14. the report
    – Information produced from the metrics warehouse of Visual Studio Team Foundation. 2
  15. the report
    – A visual display of data in a dashboard that can be coordinated with other report views by using filters. 2

Übersetzung Matrix für report:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
anklagelse charge; report; statement accusation; allegation; charge; complaint; imputation; indictment; insinuation
anmärkning annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement
anteckning annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement annotation; business note; chit; notation; note; quotation; record; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper
budskap intelligence; message; news; piece of news; report; tidings
förteckning list; record; report directory; file; index; register
kommentera record; report; survey comment; observation; remark
kungörelser announcements; report
lista list; record; report SharePoint list; chart; hit parade; list; top list
meddelande announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement announcement; announcements; document; memorandum; message; notification; notification message; proclamations; reminder; statement
meddelanden announcements; report Announcements; notifications
notering annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement chit; notation; note; quotation; record; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper
nyhet announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement freshness; innovation; modernity; newness; reform; renewal
nyheter intelligence; message; news; piece of news; report; tidings journal; news; news bulletin; news item; news reel; news report; what's new
protokoll list; record; report minutes; protocol; records
rapport account; commentary; report
reportage record; report; survey objective reporting; reportage
skrift account; composition; paper; report article; document; documented; lecture; manuscript; paper; project; publication; scribe; script; scripture; text; wording; writing; written character
tecken note; report badge; character; evidence; gesture; indication; insignia; omen; sign; signal; symptom; written character
tidender intelligence; message; news; piece of news; report; tidings
tidning journal; magazine; message; monthly; monthly magazine; news; periodical; piece of news; report; weekly daily paper; newspaper; papers
tidskrift journal; magazine; message; monthly; monthly magazine; news; periodical; piece of news; report; weekly journal; magazine; periodical; periodical publication
tillkännagivanden announcements; report notifications
uppsats account; composition; paper; report essay; lecture; paper; project
uppteckning list; record; report
väcka åtal mot charge; report; statement
- account; composition; news report; paper; report card; reputation; story; study; theme; write up; written report
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
berätta cover; define; depict; describe; explain; expound; narrate; recount; report; say; tell blab; call attention to; chat; chatter; come out with; have a conversation; indicate; inform; instil; instill; make known; narrate; point out; rattle; relate; speak; talk; tell
berätta sagor denounce; disclose; give away; inform against; peach; report; reveal; squeal; tell tales
beskriva cover; define; depict; describe; explain; expound; recount; report; say; tell characterise; characterize; define; depict; describe; mark; outline; reproduce; sketch
fördöma denounce; disclose; give away; inform against; peach; report; reveal; squeal; tell tales castigate; condemn; convict; curse; damn; decry; denounce; sentence
förklara cover; define; depict; describe; explain; expound; recount; report; say; tell announce; assert; brighten; clarify; clear up; communicate; compute; contend; declare; demonstrate; draw up; elaborate; enlighten; explain; express; impart; inform; intimate; make clear; make explicit; make one's opinion known; paraphrase; state; work out
informera announce; inform; report; state call attention to; indicate; inform; instil; instill; make known; notify; point out; send word; tell
kommentera annotate; comment; comment upon; discuss; give comment; review; speak about; talk about; talk it over
lista book; enter into; enumerate; inscribe; list; mention; name; note; note down; record; register; write down
meddela announce; inform; report; state
rapportera cover; define; depict; describe; explain; expound; inform; narrate; recount; report; say; tell
reportera announce; inform; report; state
skildra cover; define; depict; describe; explain; expound; recount; report; say; tell depict; describe; outline; paint; picture; portray; sketch
återberätta cover; define; depict; describe; explain; expound; recount; report; say; tell
- account; cover; describe
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- bringing out of a report
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
föredragning report; submission
förljudande hearsay; report; rumor; rumour
förspörja report
inberätta report
inrapportera report
referat account; report
tidning magazine; newspaper; paper

Verwandte Wörter für "report":

  • reportable

Synonyms for "report":

Verwandte Definitionen für "report":

  1. the general estimation that the public has for a person1
    • he was a person of bad report1
  2. an essay (especially one written as an assignment)1
  3. a short account of the news1
    • the report of his speech1
  4. the act of informing by verbal report1
    • he heard reports that they were causing trouble1
  5. a written document describing the findings of some individual or group1
  6. a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and deportment1
  7. a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing)1
    • they heard a violent report followed by silence1
  8. to give an account or representation of in words1
  9. make known to the authorities1
    • One student reported the other to the principal1
  10. complain about; make a charge against1
    • I reported her to the supervisor1
  11. announce one's presence1
    • I report to work every day at 9 o'clock1
  12. announce as the result of an investigation or experience or finding1
    • Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city1
    • The team reported significant advances in their research1
  13. be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism1
    • Snow reported on China in the 1950's1
    • The cub reporter covered New York City1
  14. The presentation of information about a given topic, typically in printed form. Reports prepared with computers and appropriate software can include text, graphics, and charts. Database programs can include special software for creating report forms and generating reports. Desktop publishing software and laser printers or typesetting equipment can be used to produce publication-quality output.2
  15. A database object that prints information formatted and organized according to your specifications.2
  16. Information produced from the metrics warehouse of Visual Studio Team Foundation.2
  17. A visual display of data in a dashboard that can be coordinated with other report views by using filters.2

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für report:

  1. to relate details of
  1. information describing events

Cross Translation:
report referat; rapport Bericht — Text, der einen Sachverhalt oder eine Handlung objektiv schildert
report utlåtande; omdöme Gutachten — Urteil von einem Fachmann oder Sachverständigen, zu einer bestimmten Frage oder einem Sachverhalt auf seinem Fachgebiet
report omnämnande Mentionveraltet: Erwähnung, Meldung
report protokoll Protokoll — schriftliche Aufzeichnung oder Niederschrift nach einem genau definierten Schema
report anmäla; tillkännage; annonsera anzeigentransitiv: der Polizei oder Staatsanwaltschaft eine von jemandem verübte Straftat mitteilen
report berätta; rapportera berichten — jemanden über etwas informieren
report anmäla; rapportera melden — ein Ereignis (beispielsweise einem Vorgesetzter) berichten
report meddela; delge; överföra; sprida communiquerrendre commun à ; faire part de ; transmettre.
report informera; upplysa informerinstruire de quelque chose ; faire savoir quelque chose.
report återbära; lämna igen; apportera; tillfoga; vidfästa; överflytta; berätta; meddela; skvallra om; hänföra; anvisa; avkasta; inbringa; föredra; hänföra sig; syfta; likna; överensstämma; åberopa sig; hålla sig rapporterapporter une chose, la remettre au lieu où elle était.
report upplysning; underrättelse renseignementindice qui nous aider à connaître certaines choses ou qui nous éclairer sur une personne.

Computerübersetzung von Drittern:

Verwandte Übersetzungen für reported