
Detailübersetzungen für messed (Englisch) ins Schwedisch


mess [the ~] Nomen

  1. the mess (debris; chaos)
    bråte; röra
  2. the mess (confused heap; jumble; heap; )
  3. the mess (rubbish; caboodle; trash; mayhem)
    röra; oreda
  4. the mess (chaos; disorder; confusion; )
    förvirring; kaos; oreda
  5. the mess (bother; hassle; fuss)
    besvär; omständighet; möda
  6. the mess (fuzz; rumpus; huzza; )
    dun; ludd; fjun
  7. the mess (mountain; accumulation; congestion; muddle)
  8. the mess (caboodle)
    subbert; klabb
  9. the mess (caboodle; muddle; mayhem; hash; chaos)
  10. the mess (swindling; fraud; cheating)

to mess Verb (messes, messed, messing)

  1. to mess (spill; slop)
    spilla; fläcka
    • spilla Verb (spiller, spillde, spillt)
    • fläcka Verb (fläckar, fläckade, fläckat)
  2. to mess (bungle; muck up)
    göra pannkaka utav; schabbla bort
  3. to mess (waste; spill; dissipate; slop; squander)
    slösa; förbruka; låta förfaras; misshushålla; ödsla
    • slösa Verb (slösar, slösade, slösat)
    • förbruka Verb (förbrukar, förbrukade, förbrukat)
    • låta förfaras Verb (låter förfaras, låt förfaras, låtit förfaras)
    • misshushålla Verb (misshushåller, misshushöll, misshushållit)
    • ödsla Verb (ödslar, ödslade, ödslat)
  4. to mess (drip)
    stöka till; smutsa ner; röra till
    • stöka till Verb (stökar till, stökade till, stökat till)
    • smutsa ner Verb (smutsar ner, smutsade ner, smutsat ner)
    • röra till Verb (rör till, rörde till, rört till)

Konjugationen für mess:

  1. mess
  2. mess
  3. messes
  4. mess
  5. mess
  6. mess
simple past
  1. messed
  2. messed
  3. messed
  4. messed
  5. messed
  6. messed
present perfect
  1. have messed
  2. have messed
  3. has messed
  4. have messed
  5. have messed
  6. have messed
past continuous
  1. was messing
  2. were messing
  3. was messing
  4. were messing
  5. were messing
  6. were messing
  1. shall mess
  2. will mess
  3. will mess
  4. shall mess
  5. will mess
  6. will mess
continuous present
  1. am messing
  2. are messing
  3. is messing
  4. are messing
  5. are messing
  6. are messing
  1. be messed
  2. be messed
  3. be messed
  4. be messed
  5. be messed
  6. be messed
  1. mess!
  2. let's mess!
  3. messed
  4. messing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für mess:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
besvär bother; fuss; hassle; mess ailment; bore; bother; complaint; difficulty; disease; disorder; distress; grief; handful; hindrance; impediment; inconvenience; load; misery; nuisance; obstacle; pain; pain in the neck; pest; sadness; sorrow; trouble; troublemaker; weight
bråte chaos; debris; mess
dun ado; bother; fuzz; huzza; mess; rumpus; to-do down; fluff; kapok; plush; silk cotton; vegetable silk
fjun ado; bother; fuzz; huzza; mess; rumpus; to-do down; down feather; kapok; silk cotton; vegetable silk
förvirring chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter astonishment; clamor; clamour; confusion; din; disorder; hubbub; hullabaloo; perplexedness; racket; standing agape; stay speechless; tumult; tumultuousness; turbidity
hela faderullan caboodle; chaos; hash; mayhem; mess; muddle
ihop blandat bungle; bungling; confused heap; heap; jumble; mess; muddle
kaos chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter absence of order; chaos; confusion; disarray; disorder
klabb caboodle; mess caboodle; chaos
klabbet caboodle; chaos; hash; mayhem; mess; muddle
ludd ado; bother; fuzz; huzza; mess; rumpus; to-do down; fluff; kapok; plush; silk cotton; vegetable silk
möda bother; fuss; hassle; mess
omständighet bother; fuss; hassle; mess situation
oreda caboodle; chaos; confusion; disorder; mayhem; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; rubbish; tangle; trash; trouble; welter absence of order; argy-bargy; chaos; commotion; confusion; disarray; disorder; fuss; hubble-bubble; mash; squabbling; stir
rasket caboodle; chaos; hash; mayhem; mess; muddle
röra accumulation; caboodle; chaos; congestion; debris; mayhem; mess; messing about; mountain; muddle; rubbish; trash bag and baggage; bungling; caboodle; discards; dredging; hodgepodge; hotchpotch; hotpot; jumble; mash; medley; mess up; messing; mishmash; muddling
subbert caboodle; mess
svindlande cheating; fraud; mess; swindling
virrvarr chaos; crisscross; discards; jumble; muddle; tangle
- fix; hole; jam; kettle of fish; mess hall; messiness; muddle; muss; mussiness; pickle
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
fläcka mess; slop; spill besmirch; blemish; stain; taint; tarnish
förbruka dissipate; mess; slop; spill; squander; waste consume; dispatch; spend; tire out; use; use up; wear out
göra pannkaka utav bungle; mess; muck up
låta förfaras dissipate; mess; slop; spill; squander; waste
misshushålla dissipate; mess; slop; spill; squander; waste
röra affect; agitate; be going to; concern; glance; go; hit; instigate; just touch; mix; move; pass; poke; poke up; regard; relate to; run; stir; strike; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon; walk
röra till drip; mess botch up; mess up; muck up; spoil
schabbla bort bungle; mess; muck up botch; bungle
slösa dissipate; mess; slop; spill; squander; waste dissipate; squander; waste
smutsa ner drip; mess blemish; mess up; stain
spilla mess; slop; spill blemish; shed; stain
stöka till drip; mess make a mess; mess up
ödsla dissipate; mess; slop; spill; squander; waste flog; spend; squander
- mess up
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
geggamoja mess
sudd blur; mess
virrvarr confusion; jumble; mess; muddle; tangle
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
svindlande dazzling; dizzying

Verwandte Wörter für "mess":

Synonyms for "mess":

Verwandte Definitionen für "mess":

  1. a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax1
  2. a meal eaten in a mess hall by service personnel1
  3. soft semiliquid food1
    • a mess of porridge1
  4. informal terms for a difficult situation1
  5. a state of confusion and disorderliness1
    • the house was a mess1
  6. make a mess of or create disorder in1
    • He messed up his room1
  7. eat in a mess hall1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für mess:

  1. a disagreeable mixture or confusion of things…
  2. Mass; church service

Cross Translation:
mess röra Durcheinander — Dinge befinden sich im Zustand der Unordnung
mess villervalla Kuddelmuddel — chaotischer, ungeordneter Zustand
mess mäss MesseSchifffahrt: gemeinsamer Wohn- und Speiseraum der Schiffsoffiziere
mess knipa; sitta i klistret Schlamasselumgangssprachlich: schwierige, (zunächst) ausweglos scheinende Situation, in die jemand wegen eines leidigen Missgeschicks gerät; im weitesten Sinne: hinderliche Umstände; Unglück
mess oreda; oordning Unordnung — eine Situation, die sich durch das Fehlen von Ordnung auszeichnet
mess puré purée — (cuisine) préparation épaisse de légumes cuits à l’eau et écrasés.

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