
Detailübersetzungen für broken (Englisch) ins Schwedisch


broken Adjektiv

  1. broken (in pieces; defective; finished)
    sönder; krossat; kaputt; i bitar; krossad
  2. broken (to pieces; defective; ruined; )
    sönderslaget; i kras; trasig; trasigt
  3. broken (to pieces)
    trasig; bruten; kaputt; i bitar; sönder; degraderad
  4. broken
    trasig; bruten; trasigt; brutet
  5. broken
    trasig; trasigt
  6. broken (damaged; crushed; torn; )
    skadad; trasigt; bruten; skadat; brutet
  7. broken (exhausted; shattered)
  8. broken (kinked; snapped; bent)
    bruten; snodd; brutet

Übersetzung Matrix für broken:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
skadad casualty; injured; offended; wounded; wounded person
snodd border; braid; fringe; lace; laces; ribbon; rim; ropes; tress; trimming
trasigt defect; error; fault; flaw; incorrectness
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- broken in; busted; confused; crushed; disordered; humbled; humiliated; impoverished; low; rugged; unkept; upset; wiped out
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
avbruten broken
sprucken broken; cracked
sprucket broken; cracked
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
bruten battered; bent; broken; cracked; crushed; damaged; gone to pieces; in rags; in shreds; kinked; moth eaten; ruptured; snapped; tattered; to pieces; torn
brutet battered; bent; broken; cracked; crushed; damaged; gone to pieces; in rags; in shreds; kinked; moth eaten; ruptured; snapped; tattered; to pieces; torn
degraderad broken; to pieces
dödstrött broken; exhausted; shattered
i bitar broken; defective; finished; in pieces; to pieces piecemeal
i kras broken; bust; defective; on the blink; out of order; ruined; to pieces; torn
kaputt broken; defective; finished; in pieces; to pieces
krossad broken; defective; finished; in pieces cross-bred; crushed
krossat broken; defective; finished; in pieces cross-bred; crushed
skadad battered; broken; cracked; crushed; damaged; gone to pieces; in rags; in shreds; moth eaten; ruptured; snapped; tattered; to pieces; torn hurt; wounded
skadat battered; broken; cracked; crushed; damaged; gone to pieces; in rags; in shreds; moth eaten; ruptured; snapped; tattered; to pieces; torn battered; damaged; in rags; in shreds; injured; tattered; to pieces; wounded
snodd bent; broken; kinked; snapped
sönder broken; defective; finished; in pieces; to pieces faulty; indistinct; obscure; out of order; unclear
sönderslaget broken; bust; defective; on the blink; out of order; ruined; to pieces; torn
trasig broken; bust; defective; on the blink; out of order; ruined; to pieces; torn battered; damaged; in rags; in shreds; tattered; to pieces
trasigt battered; broken; bust; cracked; crushed; damaged; defective; gone to pieces; in rags; in shreds; moth eaten; on the blink; out of order; ruined; ruptured; snapped; tattered; to pieces; torn battered; damaged; faulty; in rags; in shreds; indistinct; obscure; out of order; tattered; to pieces; unclear

Verwandte Wörter für "broken":

  • brokenness, brokenly

Synonyms for "broken":

Antonyme für "broken":

Verwandte Definitionen für "broken":

  1. physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split1
    • a broken mirror1
    • a broken tooth1
    • a broken leg1
    • his neck is broken1
  2. (especially of promises or contracts) having been violated or disregarded1
    • broken (or unkept) promises1
    • broken contracts1
  3. not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly1
    • broken lines of defense1
    • a broken cable transmission1
    • broken sleep1
    • tear off the stub above the broken line1
    • a broken note1
    • broken sobs1
  4. lacking a part or parts1
    • a broken set of encyclopedia1
  5. discontinuous1
    • broken clouds1
    • broken sunshine1
  6. out of working order (`busted' is an informal substitute for `broken')1
    • a broken washing machine1
    • the coke machine is broken1
  7. destroyed financially1
    • the broken fortunes of the family1
  8. weakened and infirm1
    • broken health resulting from alcoholism1
  9. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion1
    • troops fleeing in broken ranks1
  10. imperfectly spoken or written1
    • broken English1
  11. subdued or brought low in condition or status1
    • a broken man1
    • his broken spirit1
  12. topographically very uneven1
    • broken terrain1
  13. tamed or trained to obey1
    • a horse broken to the saddle1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für broken:

  1. of software: badly designed or implemented
  2. meteorology: five eighths to seven eighths obscured by clouds
  3. poorly spoken
  4. having no money
  5. disconnected
  6. completely defeated and dispirited
  7. not working properly
  8. of skin: split or ruptured
  9. having the bone in pieces, fractured
  10. fragmented

Cross Translation:
broken kaputt kaporesumgangssprachlich: in einzelne Teile zerfallen; schadhaft; nicht mehr funktionierend
broken kaputt; förstörd; trasig; sönder kaputt — in einem schadhaften oder funktionslosen Zustand
broken kaputt; förstörd; trasig; sönder kaputtEhe, zwischenmenschliche Beziehung: völlig zerrüttet, zerstört


to break Verb (breaks, broke, breaking)

  1. to break (smash; fracture; break to pieces; refract)
    krossa; slå i bitar
    • krossa Verb (krossar, krossade, krossat)
    • slå i bitar Verb (slår i bitar, slog i bitar, slagit i bitar)
  2. to break
    bryta sönder
    • bryta sönder Verb (bryter sönder, bröt sönder, brutit sönder)
  3. to break (destroy; wreck; break into pieces)
    • bryta Verb (bryter, bröt, brutit)
  4. to break (break into pieces; smash; smash into pieces)
    slå sönder
    • slå sönder Verb (slår sönder, slog sönder, slagit sönder)
  5. to break (intentionally destroy)
    ta sönder på flit
    • ta sönder på flit Verb (tar sönder på flit, tog sönder på flit, tagit sönder på flit)
  6. to break (smash to pieces; shatter; smash; smash up; knock to pieces)
    slå sönder; slå i bitar
    • slå sönder Verb (slår sönder, slog sönder, slagit sönder)
    • slå i bitar Verb (slår i bitar, slog i bitar, slagit i bitar)
  7. to break (become defective; fall to pieces)
    falla sönder; bryta; bli bristfällig
    • falla sönder Verb (faller sönder, föll sönder, fallit sönder)
    • bryta Verb (bryter, bröt, brutit)
    • bli bristfällig Verb (blir bristfällig, blev bristfällig, blivit bristfällig)
  8. to break (throw in; shatter)
    slänga in
    • slänga in Verb (slänger in, slängde in, slängt in)
  9. to break (snap; crack)
    brista; gå av; gå sönder
    • brista Verb (brister, brast, brustit)
    • gå av Verb (går av, gick av, gått av)
    • gå sönder Verb (går sönder, gick sönder, gått sönder)
  10. to break (dawn)
    gry; dagas; ljusna
    • gry Verb (gryr, grydde, grytt)
    • dagas Verb (dagas, dagades, dagats)
    • ljusna Verb (ljusnar, ljusnade, ljusnat)
  11. to break (misbehave; infringe; violate; transgress)
    uppföra sig illa

Konjugationen für break:

  1. break
  2. break
  3. breaks
  4. break
  5. break
  6. break
simple past
  1. broke
  2. broke
  3. broke
  4. broke
  5. broke
  6. broke
present perfect
  1. have broken
  2. have broken
  3. has broken
  4. have broken
  5. have broken
  6. have broken
past continuous
  1. was breaking
  2. were breaking
  3. was breaking
  4. were breaking
  5. were breaking
  6. were breaking
  1. shall break
  2. will break
  3. will break
  4. shall break
  5. will break
  6. will break
continuous present
  1. am breaking
  2. are breaking
  3. is breaking
  4. are breaking
  5. are breaking
  6. are breaking
  1. be broken
  2. be broken
  3. be broken
  4. be broken
  5. be broken
  6. be broken
  1. break!
  2. let's break!
  3. broken
  4. breaking
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

break [the ~] Nomen

  1. the break (intermission; pause; interval)
    paus; uppehåll; avbrott
  2. the break (fracture)
    brott; fraktur
  3. the break (rest-break; recess; pause)
    rast; paus
  4. the break (rest-break; intermission; interval)
  5. the break (escape; breakout; escaping; )
    räddning; flykt; rymning
  6. the break (lunch break; lunch time; lunch hour; lunch)
    – a pause from doing something (as work) 1
  7. the break (playtime; interval)
    avbrott; intervall
  8. the break
    – A short period of time in a resource's schedule where the resource is not available for work. 2

Übersetzung Matrix für break:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
avbrott break; intermission; interval; pause; playtime IRQ; destruction; interference; intermission; interrupt; interrupt request; interruption; intervention; intrusion; meddling; recess; severance
brista crack; kink
brott break; fracture Crime; breaks; crime; fractures; infraction; offence; offences; offense; transgression; violation; violation of the law; violations
flykt break; breakout; escape; escaping; flight; getting away; jailbreak
fraktur break; fracture
gå sönder breakdown
intervall break; interval; playtime interval; range
lunchrast break; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time
paus break; intermission; interval; pause; recess; rest-break half-time score; interlude; intermission; interruption; intervals; pauses; recess; rest; stop; wait
rast break; pause; recess; rest-break
rymning break; breakout; escape; escaping; flight; getting away; jailbreak
räddning break; breakout; escape; escaping; flight; getting away; jailbreak
uppehåll break; intermission; interval; pause intermission; interruption
- breach; break of serve; breakage; breaking; breakout; disruption; falling out; fault; faulting; fracture; gaolbreak; gap; geological fault; good luck; happy chance; intermission; interruption; jailbreak; open frame; pause; prison-breaking; prisonbreak; recess; respite; rift; rupture; severance; shift; suspension; time out
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
bli bristfällig become defective; break; fall to pieces
brista break; crack; snap be devoid of; be utterly lacking in; chop; chop into small pieces; chop up; cleave; crack; cut open; split; split open
bryta become defective; break; break into pieces; destroy; fall to pieces; wreck lever; wrench
bryta sönder break break down; break off
dagas break; dawn dawn
falla sönder become defective; break; fall to pieces crumble
gry break; dawn
gå av break; crack; snap get off; step down; step out
gå sönder break; crack; snap become defective; break down; die; give way; go to pieces; perish
krossa break; break to pieces; fracture; refract; smash crush; dash; flatten; grind; grind off; jack; keep back; keep in control; lever; pulverise; pulverize; recant; retract; revoke; rub fine; shatter; smash; smash up; squash; subdue; suppress; take back; trash; withhold
ljusna break; dawn brighten; clarify; clear up; enlighten; light; light up; lighten; shine; shine on; shine upon; turn pale; whiten
slänga in break; shatter; throw in
slå i bitar break; break to pieces; fracture; knock to pieces; refract; shatter; smash; smash to pieces; smash up knock to pieces; smash; smash to pieces; smash up; to break into pieces; to fall into pieces
slå sönder break; break into pieces; knock to pieces; shatter; smash; smash into pieces; smash to pieces; smash up crush; dash; knock to pieces; pulverise; pulverize; rub fine; shatter; smash; smash to pieces; smash up
ta sönder på flit break; intentionally destroy
uppföra sig illa break; infringe; misbehave; transgress; violate
- bankrupt; better; breach; break away; break dance; break down; break in; break off; break out; break up; break-dance; bump; burst; bust; cave in; check; collapse; come apart; conk out; crack; damp; dampen; demote; develop; die; discontinue; erupt; fail; fall apart; fall in; founder; fracture; get around; get out; give; give out; give way; go; go against; go bad; infract; intermit; interrupt; kick downstairs; offend; part; pause; recrudesce; relegate; ruin; separate; smash; snap off; soften; split; split up; stop; transgress; violate; weaken; wear; wear out
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
bristning break; breaking; burst; bursting
spräcka break; crack; plough
vilopaus break; pause
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
gå sönder break down; get lost; go wrong

Verwandte Wörter für "break":

Synonyms for "break":

Antonyme für "break":

Verwandte Definitionen für "break":

  1. an escape from jail1
  2. any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare1
    • the break in the eighth frame cost him the match1
  3. a sudden dash1
    • he made a break for the open door1
  4. the act of breaking something1
  5. an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity1
    • it was presented without commercial breaks1
  6. (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving1
    • he was up two breaks in the second set1
  7. the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool1
  8. a pause from doing something (as work)1
    • we took a 10-minute break1
  9. an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion)1
    • then there was a break in her voice1
  10. a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)1
    • they hoped to avoid a break in relations1
  11. an unexpected piece of good luck1
    • he finally got his big break1
  12. the occurrence of breaking1
    • the break in the dam threatened the valley1
  13. some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity1
    • there was a break in the action when a player was hurt1
  14. (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other1
  15. breaking of hard tissue such as bone1
    • the break seems to have been caused by a fall1
  16. a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something1
  17. weaken or destroy in spirit or body1
    • His resistance was broken1
    • a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death1
  18. diminish or discontinue abruptly1
    • The patient's fever broke last night1
  19. fracture a bone of1
    • I broke my foot while playing hockey1
  20. fall sharply1
    • stock prices broke1
  21. make submissive, obedient, or useful1
    • The horse was tough to break1
    • I broke in the new intern1
  22. be broken in1
    • If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress1
  23. crack; of the male voice in puberty1
    • his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir1
  24. render inoperable or ineffective1
    • You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!1
  25. become separated into pieces or fragments1
    • The figurine broke1
  26. destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments1
    • He broke the glass plate1
    • She broke the match1
  27. become fractured; break or crack on the surface only1
  28. happen1
  29. prevent completion1
  30. terminate1
    • break a lucky streak1
    • break the cycle of poverty1
  31. lessen in force or effect1
    • break a fall1
  32. stop operating or functioning1
    • The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town1
    • The coffee maker broke1
  33. change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another1
    • Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children1
  34. come into being1
    • light broke over the horizon1
    • Voices broke in the air1
  35. find the solution or key to1
    • break the code1
  36. find a flaw in1
    • break an alibi1
    • break down a proof1
  37. undergo breaking1
    • The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages1
  38. interrupt the flow of current in1
    • break a circuit1
  39. cease an action temporarily1
    • let's break for lunch1
  40. be released or become known; of news1
    • News of her death broke in the morning1
  41. surpass in excellence1
    • break a record1
  42. pierce or penetrate1
    • The blade broke her skin1
  43. become punctured or penetrated1
    • The skin broke1
  44. break a piece from a whole1
    • break a branch from a tree1
  45. go to pieces1
    • The lawn mower finally broke1
  46. ruin completely1
  47. separate from a clinch, in boxing1
    • The referee broke the boxers1
  48. make the opening shot that scatters the balls1
  49. destroy the completeness of a set of related items1
    • The book dealer would not break the set1
  50. exchange for smaller units of money1
    • I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy1
  51. force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up1
    • break into tears1
  52. do a break dance1
    • Kids were break-dancing at the street corner1
  53. curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves1
    • The surf broke1
  54. break down, literally or metaphorically1
    • The dam broke1
  55. emerge from the surface of a body of water1
    • The whales broke1
  56. scatter or part1
    • The clouds broke after the heavy downpour1
  57. make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing1
    • The ranks broke1
  58. move away or escape suddenly1
    • The horses broke from the stable1
    • Three inmates broke jail1
  59. change directions suddenly1
  60. reduce to bankruptcy1
    • My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!1
  61. assign to a lower position; reduce in rank1
    • He was broken down to Sergeant1
  62. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways1
    • The business partners broke over a tax question1
  63. invalidate by judicial action1
    • The will was broken1
  64. interrupt a continued activity1
    • She had broken with the traditional patterns1
  65. cause the failure or ruin of1
    • His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage1
    • This play will either make or break the playwright1
  66. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises1
    • break a law1
    • break a promise1
  67. enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act1
    • Someone broke in while I was on vacation1
    • They broke into my car and stole my radio!1
    • who broke into my account last night?1
  68. happen or take place1
    • Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months1
  69. come forth or begin from a state of latency1
    • The first winter storm broke over New York1
  70. fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns1
  71. give up1
    • break cigarette smoking1
  72. cause to give up a habit1
    • She finally broke herself of smoking cigarettes1
  73. vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity1
    • The flat plain was broken by tall mesas1
  74. come to an end1
    • The heat wave finally broke yesterday1
  75. A short period of time in a resource's schedule where the resource is not available for work.2

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für break:

  1. tennis: game won by receiving party
  2. rest or pause, usually from work
  3. instance of breaking something into pieces
  1. -
  2. to interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily
  3. billiards: to make the first shot
  4. transitive: to cause to stop functioning
  5. of a wave, to collapse into a surf
  6. intransitive: to stop functioning properly or altogether
  7. transitive: to do that which is forbidden by (something)
  8. transitive: to cause (a bone) to crack
  9. intransitive, of a bone: to crack
  10. transitive: to separate into (to cause to end up in) two or more pieces
  11. intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces

Cross Translation:
break brytning; brott Bruch — das körperliche Brechen, Zertrennen eines Gegenstandes; Materials; der Ort des Brechens; ein Auseinandergehen, Trennen im weitesten Sinne von Gegenständen, Materialien, Verbindungen, Zusammenschlüssen
break paus PauseUnterbrechung einer Tätigkeit
break paus; rast RastUnterbrechung einer Reise oder Wanderung zur Erholung
break uppehåll Unterbrechung — kurzzeitige Aussetzung einer Handlung um diese später wieder aufzunehmen
break börja; bryta in anbrechen — Etwas, das beginnt
break bryta upp aufbrechen — (transitiv) öffnen, aufmachen, analysieren; auch trennen, teilen, zerteilen (oftmals im destruktiven Sinne)
break bryta upp aufbrechen — (transitiv) metaphorisch: lockern, lösen, etwas loswerden, alte Strukturen aufbrechen
break gå upp aufbrechen — (intransitiv) bersten
break böja beugenreflexiv: sich unterwerfen
break bryta brechen — (transitiv) etwas zerkleinern, durch Kraft in mehrere Stücke zerlegen
break bryta sönder bröckeln — (transitiv) in Bröckchen, in kleine Stücke zerbrechen
break bryta upp erbrechentransitiv, selten: etwas gewaltsam öffnen
break avsnitt; stycke AbsatzVerlagswesen: die Unterbrechung eines fortlaufenden Textes durch den Neubeginn in einer neuen Zeile oder in einem ganz neuen Abschnitt
break avhopp AbfallPolitik, Religion: das (unauffällige) Schwinden der Verbindung zu – oder die (ausdrückliche) Lossagung von – einer Lehre, Religion, politischen Partei oder Richtung
break krossa zerbrechen — (intransitiv) kaputt gehen (wenn es dabei Splitter oder Brocken erzeugt)
break banka; drabba; slå battrefrapper de coups répétés.
break avbryta; bryta; knäcka; krossa briserrompre, mettre en pièces.
break bryta upp; bräcka fracturerrompre, briser avec violence.
break paus pausesuspension, interruption momentanée d’une action.
break rast; ro; vila; paus reposprivation, cessation de mouvement, d’activité ou d’effort,.

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für broken