
Detailübersetzungen für noticeable (Englisch) ins Schwedisch


Übersetzung Matrix für noticeable:

AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- detectable; obtrusive
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
påtagligt manifestly
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
förnimbar audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible audible
identifierbar audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible
identifierbart audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible
märkbar audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible
märkbart audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible
påtaglig audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible
påtagligt audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible material; tangible
synbart audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible
synlig audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible visibly
synligt audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible flaunting; showing; visibly
tydligt audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible blunt; bright; clear; clear-cut; crude; directly; distinct; explicit; frank; graphic; luminous; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward
uppenbart audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; discernible; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; identifiable; luminous; manifest; obvious; obviously; recognisable; recognizable; transparent; unambiguous; unburdened; unequivocal; unmistakable

Verwandte Wörter für "noticeable":

Synonyms for "noticeable":

Antonyme für "noticeable":

Verwandte Definitionen für "noticeable":

  1. capable or worthy of being perceived1
    • noticeable shadows under her eyes1
    • noticeable for its vivid historical background1
    • a noticeable lack of friendliness1
  2. undesirably noticeable1
  3. capable of being detected1
    • after a noticeable pause the lecturer continued1
  4. readily noticed1
    • a noticeable resemblance1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für noticeable:

Cross Translation:
noticeable sinnlig; sinne- sensible — Qui se fait sentir, qui fait impression sur les sens

noticeable form of notice:

to notice Verb (notices, noticed, noticing)

  1. to notice (behold; see; perceive; become aware of; see in)
    se; uppmärksamma; skåda; bli medveten om; notera
    • se Verb (ser, såg, sett)
    • uppmärksamma Verb (uppmärksammar, uppmärksammade, uppmärksammat)
    • skåda Verb
    • bli medveten om Verb (blir medveten om, blev medveten om, blivit medveten om)
    • notera Verb (noterar, noterade, noterat)
  2. to notice (signal; observe)
    märka; uppmärksamma; lägga märke till; observera
    • märka Verb (märker, märkte, märkt)
    • uppmärksamma Verb (uppmärksammar, uppmärksammade, uppmärksammat)
    • lägga märke till Verb (lägger märke till, lade märke till, lagt märke till)
    • observera Verb (observerar, observerade, observerat)
  3. to notice (sense; see; feel; perceive; observe)
    märka; ana; förstå; känna; uppfatta
    • märka Verb (märker, märkte, märkt)
    • ana Verb (anar, anade, anat)
    • förstå Verb (förstår, förstod, förstått)
    • känna Verb (känner, kännde, kännt)
    • uppfatta Verb (uppfattar, uppfattade, uppfattat)
  4. to notice (confirm; certify; authenticate; )
    • bekräfta Verb (bekräftar, bekräftade, bekräftat)
  5. to notice
    märka; notera; lägga märke till
    • märka Verb (märker, märkte, märkt)
    • notera Verb (noterar, noterade, noterat)
    • lägga märke till Verb (lägger märke till, lade märke till, lagt märke till)
  6. to notice (become aware of; perceive; see; sense; find)
    hitta; bli medveten om
    • hitta Verb (hittar, hittade, hittat)
    • bli medveten om Verb (blir medveten om, blev medveten om, blivit medveten om)
  7. to notice (keep apart; perceive; become aware of; )
    hålla isär
    • hålla isär Verb (håller isär, höll isär, hållit isär)

Konjugationen für notice:

  1. notice
  2. notice
  3. notices
  4. notice
  5. notice
  6. notice
simple past
  1. noticed
  2. noticed
  3. noticed
  4. noticed
  5. noticed
  6. noticed
present perfect
  1. have noticed
  2. have noticed
  3. has noticed
  4. have noticed
  5. have noticed
  6. have noticed
past continuous
  1. was noticing
  2. were noticing
  3. was noticing
  4. were noticing
  5. were noticing
  6. were noticing
  1. shall notice
  2. will notice
  3. will notice
  4. shall notice
  5. will notice
  6. will notice
continuous present
  1. am noticing
  2. are noticing
  3. is noticing
  4. are noticing
  5. are noticing
  6. are noticing
  1. be noticed
  2. be noticed
  3. be noticed
  4. be noticed
  5. be noticed
  6. be noticed
  1. notice!
  2. let's notice!
  3. noticed
  4. noticing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für notice:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
avsked dismissal; notice discharge; discharging; dismissal; farewell; good-bye; leaving; parting; redundancy
hyresuppsägning notice; notice to end the lease agreement
kungörelse announcement; notice; proclamation announcement; notification; subpoena; summons
märka marking
något som är uppmärksammat attraction; notice
tillkännagivande announcement; information; notice; notification announcement; declaration; disclosure; making known; notification; proclamation; promulgation; publication; subpoena; summons
uppklarning clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice
upplysning announcement; information; notice; notification
uppsägning dismissal; notice dismissal; resignation
uppsägningsnotis notice; notice to end the lease agreement
- bill; card; notification; observance; observation; placard; poster; posting
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
ana feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense anticipate; expect; look forward; look forward to
bekräfta assent; authenticate; certify; confirm; notice; ratify; signal; uphold be of the opinion; bear out; confirm; ratify; seal; support; take the view; uphold; validate
bli medveten om become aware of; behold; find; notice; perceive; see; see in; sense
förstå feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense be on to; comprehend; get; grasp; interpret; rumble to; see through; understand
hitta become aware of; find; notice; perceive; see; sense come across; discover; find; learn; locate; meet
hålla isär become aware of; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; sense disassociate from; distance from; distinguish; keep apart
känna feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense be acquainted with; be informed; cause emotions; encounter; experience; feel; grope; know; move; touch
lägga märke till notice; observe; signal pay heed to; take notice of
märka feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense; signal label; tag
notera become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in book; declare; enter into; inscribe; list; note; note down; pay attention to; pay heed to; put on record; record; register; set down; take down; take notice of; write down
observera notice; observe; signal attend; keep an eye on; look at; look on; monitor; observe; perceive; see; spectate; view; watch; witness
se become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in look at; observe; see; spectate; view; watch
skåda become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in
uppfatta feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense
uppmärksamma become aware of; behold; notice; observe; perceive; see; see in; signal pay heed to; take notice of
- acknowledge; comment; detect; discover; find; mark; note; observe; point out; remark
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
avi advice; notice
beakta consider; notice; observe; pay attention to
förmärka notice
märkas notice
notis notice
uppsägningstid notice; period of notice
varsebli discover; notice; observe
varsna notice; observe

Verwandte Wörter für "notice":

Synonyms for "notice":

Antonyme für "notice":

Verwandte Definitionen für "notice":

  1. the act of noticing or paying attention1
    • he escaped the notice of the police1
  2. polite or favorable attention1
    • his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice1
  3. a short critical review1
    • the play received good notices1
  4. an announcement containing information about an event1
    • you didn't give me enough notice1
    • an obituary notice1
  5. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement1
  6. a request for payment1
  7. advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract1
    • we received a notice to vacate the premises1
    • he gave notice two months before he moved1
  8. make or write a comment on1
  9. express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with1
  10. notice or perceive1
  11. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of1
  12. A privacy principle that requires reasonable disclosure to a consumer of an entity's personally identifiable information (PII) collection and use practices. This disclosure information is typically conveyed in a privacy notice or privacy policy. Notice is addressed in Fair Information Practices.2

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für notice:

  1. to detect
  2. to observe

Cross Translation:
notice kungörelse Bekanntmachung — öffentliche Mitteilung
notice kommentar; anmärkning BemerkungÄußerung zu einem Thema
notice kungörelse Kundmachungsüddeutsch, österreichisch, schweizerisch: öffentliche Bekanntgabe von bestimmten Informationen gegenüber einer ordnungsgemäßen Sache
notice uppsägning KündigungRecht: einseitige, in die Zukunft wirkende Beendigung eines Vertragsverhältnisses
notice slå; lägga märke till auffallenunpersönlich („es fällt auf“): von außen ins Bewusstsein gelangen
notice ge akt på; iaktta beachten — jemandem oder etwas Aufmerksamkeit schenken
notice lägga märke till bemerken — Etwas wahrnehmen und dabei als wichtig einstufen
notice nämna erwähnentransitiv: etwas nebenbei und beiläufig aussprechen, zur Sprache bringen
notice fastställa; fastslå feststellen — etwas behaupten, mitteilen
notice lägga märke till; märka merken — etwas mit den Sinnen wahrnehmen
notice skönja wahrnehmen — (transitiv) merken, spüren, erkennen, mit den Sinnen erfassen, bemerken
notice märka apercevoir — Remarquer une chose qui avait échappé d’abord.
notice fastställa; bevisa; intyga constater — vx|fr Rendre évident.
notice upplysning; underrättelse renseignementindice qui nous aider à connaître certaines choses ou qui nous éclairer sur une personne.