
Detailübersetzungen für restrained (Englisch) ins Französisch


restrained Adjektiv

  1. restrained (not free; committed; tied)
    lié; engagé; obligé; occupé; tenu
  2. restrained (inhibited; pent up; bottled up)
    retenu; timide; inhibé

Übersetzung Matrix für restrained:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
lié tie to
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
lié committed; not free; restrained; tied associated; bound; committed; concerted; concordant; connected; cuffed; fastened; interconnected; interdependent; joint; obligatory; obliged; oneness; solidary; tied; tied up; unanimous; unifying; united
occupé committed; not free; restrained; tied active; actively; busily; busy; engaged; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; occupied; operative; working
- guarded; moderate; quiet; reticent; unemotional
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
engagé committed; not free; restrained; tied bound; committed; obligatory; obliged; tied
inhibé bottled up; inhibited; pent up; restrained bashful; diffident; shy; timid
obligé committed; not free; restrained; tied appreciative; bound; committed; grateful; obligatory; obliged; thankful
retenu bottled up; inhibited; pent up; restrained against the grain; aloof; average; considerate; demure; discreet; grave; immovable; inflexible; kept off; moderate; modest; obstinate; recalcitrant; reserved; reticent; rigid; sedate; sober; star; stern; straight-backed; stubborn; unbending
tenu committed; not free; restrained; tied bound; committed; obligatory; obliged
timide bottled up; inhibited; pent up; restrained bashful; diffident; jittery; jumpy; nervous; nervy; shy; skittish; timid

Verwandte Wörter für "restrained":

Synonyms for "restrained":

Antonyme für "restrained":

Verwandte Definitionen für "restrained":

  1. prudent1
  2. cool and formal in manner1
  3. not showy or obtrusive1
  4. under restraint1
  5. marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes1
    • restrained in his response1


to restrain Verb (restrains, restrained, restraining)

  1. to restrain
    retenir; garder
    • retenir Verb (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )
    • garder Verb (garde, gardes, gardons, gardez, )
  2. to restrain
  3. to restrain (hold back; prevent; dissuade; )
    retenir; empêcher; arrêter; contrecarrer; stopper; dissuader
    • retenir Verb (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )
    • empêcher Verb (empêchs, empêcht, empêchons, empêchez, )
    • arrêter Verb (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • contrecarrer Verb (contrecarre, contrecarres, contrecarrons, contrecarrez, )
    • stopper Verb (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • dissuader Verb (dissuade, dissuades, dissuadons, dissuadez, )
  4. to restrain (moderate)
    tempérer; étouffer; apaiser; réprimer; calmer; modérer
    • tempérer Verb (tempère, tempères, tempérons, tempérez, )
    • étouffer Verb (étouffe, étouffes, étouffons, étouffez, )
    • apaiser Verb (apaise, apaises, apaisons, apaisez, )
    • réprimer Verb (réprime, réprimes, réprimons, réprimez, )
    • calmer Verb (calme, calmes, calmons, calmez, )
    • modérer Verb (modère, modères, modérons, modérez, )
  5. to restrain (curb; check)
    contrôler; réprimer; maîtriser; dominer; refréner; brider; dompter
    • contrôler Verb (contrôle, contrôles, contrôlons, contrôlez, )
    • réprimer Verb (réprime, réprimes, réprimons, réprimez, )
    • maîtriser Verb (maîtrise, maîtrises, maîtrisons, maîtrisez, )
    • dominer Verb (domine, domines, dominons, dominez, )
    • refréner Verb (refrène, refrènes, refrénons, refrénez, )
    • brider Verb (bride, brides, bridons, bridez, )
    • dompter Verb (dompte, domptes, domptons, domptez, )
  6. to restrain (control; suppress; keep under control)
    contenir; retenir; retirer; contraindre; dominer; réprimer; se modérer; refouler; se retenir; se maîtriser; se contenir
    • contenir Verb (contiens, contient, contenons, contenez, )
    • retenir Verb (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )
    • retirer Verb (retire, retires, retirons, retirez, )
    • contraindre Verb (contrains, contraint, contraignons, contraignez, )
    • dominer Verb (domine, domines, dominons, dominez, )
    • réprimer Verb (réprime, réprimes, réprimons, réprimez, )
    • refouler Verb (refoule, refoules, refoulons, refoulez, )
    • se retenir Verb

Konjugationen für restrain:

  1. restrain
  2. restrain
  3. restrains
  4. restrain
  5. restrain
  6. restrain
simple past
  1. restrained
  2. restrained
  3. restrained
  4. restrained
  5. restrained
  6. restrained
present perfect
  1. have restrained
  2. have restrained
  3. has restrained
  4. have restrained
  5. have restrained
  6. have restrained
past continuous
  1. was restraining
  2. were restraining
  3. was restraining
  4. were restraining
  5. were restraining
  6. were restraining
  1. shall restrain
  2. will restrain
  3. will restrain
  4. shall restrain
  5. will restrain
  6. will restrain
continuous present
  1. am restraining
  2. are restraining
  3. is restraining
  4. are restraining
  5. are restraining
  6. are restraining
  1. be restrained
  2. be restrained
  3. be restrained
  4. be restrained
  5. be restrained
  6. be restrained
  1. restrain!
  2. let's restrain!
  3. restrained
  4. restraining
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für restrain:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
arrêter coming to a stop; halting; stopping
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
apaiser moderate; restrain allay; appease; calm; calming down; chill; comfort; control; cool; cool down; fill; get cold; get cooler; get fresh; grow cold; grow cooler; hush; keep back; make up with; moderate; placate; please; provide gratification; quiet; reassure; reconcile with; refrigerate; satiate; satisfy; saturate; set at ease; silence; soothe; soothing; subdue; suffice; to eat one's fill; tranquilize; tranquillise; tranquillize
arrêter discourage; dissuade; hold back; obstruct; prevent; restrain; stop abandon; apprehend; arrest; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; bring to an end; capture; cease; come to a standstill; come to an end; conclude; cross; decide; delay; desist from; detain; deter; disconnect; end; end a call; extinguish; finish; finish off; give up; halt; hinder; hold; imprison; make out; matter; oppose; pick up; prevent; put out; put to a stop; retard; sabotage; seize; set out; shut down; stand still; staunch; stem; stop; switch off; take in custody; take prisoner; terminate; thwart; turn off; upset; wind up
brider check; curb; restrain control; keep back; moderate; subdue
calmer moderate; restrain allay; calm; calming down; control; hush; keep back; moderate; placate; please; quiet; reassure; satiate; satisfy; saturate; set at ease; silence; soothe; soothing; subdue; tranquilize; tranquillise; tranquillize; use sparingly
contenir control; keep under control; restrain; suppress add; avert; bound; comprise; confine; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; end; envelope; include; keep out; limit; prevent; restrict; surround
contraindre control; keep under control; restrain; suppress assault; attack; break in; coerce; compel; control; enforce; force; keep back; lay violent hands upon; moderate; oblige; oblige to; raid; storm; subdue; train; violate
contrecarrer discourage; dissuade; hold back; obstruct; prevent; restrain; stop beat against the wind; block; confine; counteract; cross; cross o.s.; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; hamper; hinder; limit; make impossible; make the sign of the cross; navigate; oppose; prevent; resist; restrict; sabotage; sail against the wind; stem; stop; tack; thwart; upset; withstand
contrôler check; curb; restrain affirm; audit; be the one in control; check; check out; control; dominate; examine; go through again; govern; have it taped; have the upper hand; hear; inspect; investigate; look at; prove; scrutinise; scrutinize; test; trace; understand; verify; view; watch
dissuader discourage; dissuade; hold back; obstruct; prevent; restrain; stop advise against; bring around; convince; force an opinion; get around; persuade; talk off his feet
dominer check; control; curb; keep under control; restrain; suppress be the one in control; bring to submission; bring under control; control; crush; develop; dominate; exercise authority; exert power; grow; grow up; have the upper hand; keep back; keep in control; moderate; order; overcome; overpower; overwhelm; predominate; prevail; pulverise; pulverize; recant; reign; retract; revoke; rise; rise above; rub fine; rule; subdue; subject; suppress; take back; take possession of something; tame; tower; tower above; withhold
dompter check; curb; restrain break in; bring to submission; bring under control; control; crush; domesticate; keep back; keep in control; moderate; overcome; overpower; overwhelm; pulverise; pulverize; recant; retract; revoke; rub fine; subdue; subject; suppress; take back; take possession of something; tame; train; withhold
empêcher discourage; dissuade; hold back; obstruct; prevent; restrain; stop block; bother; cross; field; foil; hamper; hinder; impede; keep from; make impossible; obstruct; oppose; parry; prevent; sabotage; stem; stonewall; stop; thwart; upset; ward off
garder restrain allocate; conserve; detain; don't let go of; equip with an alarm system; guard; hang on; herd; hold; keep; keep and eye on; keep free; keep watch over; lay; lay aside; lock up; maintain; monitor; patrol; place; preserve; protect; put; put aside; put away; put down; put in gaol; reserve; retain; safeguard; save; secure; set aside; shield; stand by; stand firm; store; supervise; uphold; watch
maîtriser check; curb; restrain be the one in control; bring to submission; bring under control; confine; control; crush; dam; dominate; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; exercise authority; exert power; have it taped; have the upper hand; keep back; keep in control; limit; moderate; order; overcome; overpower; overwhelm; pulverise; pulverize; recant; reign; restrict; retract; revoke; rub fine; rule; subdue; subject; suppress; take back; take possession of something; tame; understand; withhold
modérer moderate; restrain control; damp; ease; keep back; mellow; moderate; reduce; relax; relieve; soften; soothe; subdue; use sparingly; weaken
munir de brides restrain
refouler control; keep under control; restrain; suppress accumulate; bottle up; control; crush; drain away; force back; hide away; hide feelings; keep back; keep in control; lock up; moderate; pen up; pickle; pulverise; pulverize; push away; put away; recant; retract; revoke; rub fine; salt; shove away; souse; stash away; stuff away; subdue; suppress; suppress feelings; take back; tuck away; withhold
refréner check; curb; restrain
retenir control; discourage; dissuade; hold back; keep under control; obstruct; prevent; restrain; stop; suppress allocate; blur; charter; conceal; control; cross; crush; deduct; detain; disguise; don't let go of; gloss over; grab; hang on; have got hold of; hide; hinder; hold; hush up; keep; keep back; keep in control; lock up; maintain; mantle; moderate; oppose; preserve; prevent; pulverise; pulverize; put aside; put away; put in gaol; recant; record; remain standing; remember; reserve; retain; retract; revoke; rub fine; sabotage; set aside; stand by; stand firm; stand still; stay put; stem; stop; subdue; suppress; take back; thwart; uphold; upset; veil; withhold
retirer control; keep under control; restrain; suppress annul; bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; cadge; cancel; clean out; clear; clear out; collar; control; deprive; discredit; drain; empty; expropriate; filch; finish; go thieving; harbour a grudge; keep back; make off with; moderate; nick; pilfer; pinch; pull out; purloin; rancor; rancour; rebuke; recall; recant; remove; repeal; reprimand; reproach; rescind; reverse; revoke; rob; snatch; snitch; steal; subdue; swipe; take; take away; take out; undo; unpick
réprimer check; control; curb; keep under control; moderate; restrain; suppress bring to his knees; control; crush; keep back; keep in control; moderate; pulverise; pulverize; recant; retract; revoke; rub fine; subdue; suppress; take back; withhold
se contenir control; keep under control; restrain; suppress bear up; carry it off; control; crush; keep back; keep in control; moderate; pulverise; pulverize; put a good face on it; recant; remain standing; restrain oneself; retract; revoke; rub fine; stand still; stay put; stop; subdue; suppress; swallow; take back; to stay calm; withhold
se maîtriser control; keep under control; restrain; suppress control oneself; crush; keep back; keep in control; pulverise; pulverize; recant; retract; revoke; rub fine; subdue; suppress; take back; withhold
se modérer control; keep under control; restrain; suppress control; crush; economise; economize; keep back; keep in control; moderate; pulverise; pulverize; recant; retract; revoke; rub fine; subdue; suppress; take back; use less; withhold
se retenir control; keep under control; restrain; suppress control; crush; keep back; keep in control; pulverise; pulverize; recant; remain standing; restrain oneself; retract; revoke; rub fine; stand still; stay put; stop; subdue; suppress; take back; withhold
stopper discourage; dissuade; hold back; obstruct; prevent; restrain; stop adjourn; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; bring to an end; come to a stand-still; come to an end; conclude; cross; decide; elapse; end; expire; finish; finish off; go by; halt; hinder; oppose; pass; prevent; put out; put to a stop; sabotage; set out; stand still; stem; stop; terminate; thwart; turn off; upset; wind up
tempérer moderate; restrain damp; reduce
étouffer moderate; restrain asphyxiate; extinguish; gag; mute; oppress; put out; stew; suffocate; suppress; truss up
- bound; confine; constrain; cumber; encumber; hold; hold back; intimidate; keep; keep back; limit; restrict; throttle; trammel

Verwandte Wörter für "restrain":

Synonyms for "restrain":

Verwandte Definitionen für "restrain":

  1. place limits on (extent or access)1
  2. hold back1
  3. to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement1
  4. to compel or deter by or as if by threats1
  5. keep under control; keep in check1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für restrain:

  1. to control or keep in check
  2. to deprive of liberty
  3. to restrict or limit
  1. rare|fr ralentir.
  2. Ramener à des limites plus étroites.
  3. Se restreindre.
  4. Traductions à trier suivant le sens

Cross Translation:
restrain retenir inbinden — minder heftig te keer gaan
restrain retenir weerhouden — beletten om iets te doen
restrain restreindre einschränkenSchranken setzen, Grenzen setzen, eingrenzen
restrain retenir zurückhalten — (transitiv) etwas nicht zur Schau stellen, unterdrücken, bändigen

Verwandte Übersetzungen für restrained