

Detailübersetzungen für representatives (Englisch) ins Französisch


representatives [the ~] Nomen

  1. the representatives (authorizations; proxies; solicitors)
    la procurations; le mandats

Übersetzung Matrix für representatives:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
mandats authorizations; proxies; representatives; solicitors mandates; powers of attorney; proxies
procurations authorizations; proxies; representatives; solicitors

Verwandte Wörter für "representatives":

representatives form of representative:

representative [the ~] Nomen

  1. the representative (substitute; delegate; deputy; mandatary; replacement)
    le remplaçant; le suppléant; le substitut; l'intérimaire
  2. the representative (salesman; seller)
    le représentant; le vendeur; le commis-voyageur; le démarcheur
  3. the representative (delegate)
    le représentant; le délegué; le député
  4. the representative (spokesman; spokesperson; informant; )
    le porte-parole; l'orateur
  5. the representative (delegate; deputy)
    le délégué; le député; le mandataire
  6. the representative (envoy; ambassador; envoi)
    le délégué; le représentant; le député; l'ambassadeur
  7. the representative (agent; selling-agent; dealer; traveling salesman; travelling salesman)
    l'agent de vente; le représentant

representative Adjektiv

  1. representative (representing)

Übersetzung Matrix für representative:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
agent de vente agent; dealer; representative; selling-agent; traveling salesman; travelling salesman
ambassadeur ambassador; envoi; envoy; representative ambassador
commis-voyageur representative; salesman; seller
délegué delegate; representative
délégué ambassador; delegate; deputy; envoi; envoy; representative M.P.; Member of Parliament; ambassador; delegate; deputy; stand-in; substitute
démarcheur representative; salesman; seller canvasser; colporteur; hawker
député ambassador; delegate; deputy; envoi; envoy; representative M.P.; Member of Parliament; ambassador; delegate; dupe; harmed; victim
intérimaire delegate; deputy; mandatary; replacement; representative; substitute delegate; deputy; replacement; stand-in; substitute; temp; temporary employee; temporary helper; temporary worker
mandataire delegate; deputy; representative authorized representative; delegate; managing clerk; plenipotentiary
orateur Speaker; informant; informer; mouthpiece; rapporteur; representative; spokesman; spokesperson; spokeswoman lecturer; orator; recitalist; reciter; speaker
porte-parole Speaker; informant; informer; mouthpiece; rapporteur; representative; spokesman; spokesperson; spokeswoman mouthpiece; speaker; speaking-trumpet; speaking-tube; spokesperson; spokeswoman
remplaçant delegate; deputy; mandatary; replacement; representative; substitute delegate; deputy; palliative; replacement; stand-in; sub; substitute; surrogate; switch; temporary helper
représentant agent; ambassador; dealer; delegate; envoi; envoy; representative; salesman; seller; selling-agent; traveling salesman; travelling salesman ambassador; delegate; exponent
substitut delegate; deputy; mandatary; replacement; representative; substitute delegate; deputy; replacement; stand-in; substitute; substitute product; temporary helper
suppléant delegate; deputy; mandatary; replacement; representative; substitute alternate; authorized representative; delegate; deputy; plenipotentiary; replacement; stand-in; substitute; temporary helper
vendeur representative; salesman; seller counter-assistant; dealer; hawker; merchant; peddler; pedlar; salesclerk; salesgirl; salesperson; seller; shop-assistant; shop-girl; trader; vendor
- congressman; congresswoman; example; illustration; instance; interpreter; spokesperson; voice
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
intérimaire acting; ad interim; deputy; for now; in the near future; in the time coming; provisional; substitute; temporary
remplaçant acting; ad interim; deputy; substitute; temporary
représentatif representative; representing bizarre; characteristic; characterizing; conspicuous; curious; defining; different; distinct; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; explicit; freak; idiosyncratic; notable; noteworthy; obvious; odd; outstanding; peculiar; pronounced; remarkable; specifying; striking; typical; unmistakable; unusual
suppléant acting; ad interim; deputy; substitute; temporary

Verwandte Wörter für "representative":

Synonyms for "representative":

Antonyme für "representative":

  • nonrepresentative

Verwandte Definitionen für "representative":

  1. being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens exercise power through elected officers and representatives1
    • representative government as defined by Abraham Lincoln is government of the people, by the people, for the people1
  2. standing for something else1
    • the bald eagle is representative of the United States1
  3. serving to represent or typify1
    • representative moviegoers1
    • a representative modern play1
  4. an item of information that is typical of a class or group1
  5. a member of the United States House of Representatives1
  6. a person who represents others1
  7. an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für representative:

  1. one who speaks for another
  2. representative of a constituency
  3. member of the House of Representatives
  1. délégué qui représente une nation
  2. membre d’une assemblée représentative du peuple
  3. membre de la principale assemblée élective, démocratique
  4. Celui qui charger d’un mandat, d’une procuration ou d’une mission pour agir au nom d’un autre.
  5. Celui, celle qui en représenter un autre, qui tenir sa place, qui recevoir de lui des pouvoirs pour agir en son nom.
  1. Qui représenter.

Cross Translation:
representative agent; représentant Handlungsreisenderaltmodischer Begriff für: Vertreter

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für representatives