
Detailübersetzungen für meanings (Englisch) ins Französisch


meaning [the ~] Nomen

  1. the meaning (intent; tendency; purport; )
    l'intention; la signification; le sens; le but; la dimension; la portée
  2. the meaning (substance; purpose; intention; composition)
    la contenance; le contenu; le sens; la portée; l'intention
  3. the meaning
    le sens
  4. the meaning (use; purpose; intention; drift)
    le sens; l'utilité; l'avantage
  5. the meaning (significance; importance; weight)
    la signification; l'importance; le sens
  6. the meaning (expression; phrase; statement; )
    l'expression; la locution verbale
  7. the meaning (purport; tendency; inclination; )
    la tendance; la signification

meaning Adjektiv

  1. meaning (so to speak; so to say)

Übersetzung Matrix für meaning:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
avantage drift; intention; meaning; purpose; use advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; fittableness; gain; output; plus point; profit; return; take; upper hand; use; usefulness; utility; value; victory; winning; yield
but intent; meaning; purport; sense; stature; tendency; tenor aim; aiming at; aiming for; dedication; design; devotion; effort; exertion; final destination; goal; goal post; hit; idea; intention; mark; object; objective; scheme; strive for; target; ultimate goal; winner
contenance composition; intention; meaning; purpose; substance index; table of contents
contenu composition; intention; meaning; purpose; substance content; contents; index; size; table of contents; volume
dimension intent; meaning; purport; sense; stature; tendency; tenor circumference; demension; dimension; extent; measure; measurement; proportion; size
expression expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase aphorism; expression; facial expression; formulation; idiom; look; maxim; phrasing; saying; utterance; vocabulary; wording
importance importance; meaning; significance; weight importance; merit; significance; value; worth
intention composition; intent; intention; meaning; purport; purpose; sense; stature; substance; tendency; tenor aim; aiming at; aiming for; angle; aspect; attitude; conception; dedication; design; devotion; drift; effort; exertion; goal; idea; intention; interpretation; notion; objective; opinion; orientation on; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; scheme; stand; strive for; target; tendency; tendency toward; trend; version; view; vision; way of thinking; will; wish
locution verbale expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase
portée composition; intent; intention; meaning; purport; purpose; sense; stature; substance; tendency; tenor drift; earshot; hearing; range; reach; reach of clicks; scope; size; span; stave; tendency; volume; width
sens composition; drift; importance; intent; intention; meaning; purport; purpose; sense; significance; stature; substance; tendency; tenor; use; weight circumference; compassion; course; dimension; direction; drift; emotion; establishment; excitement; extent; feeling; institute; institution; measure; organ of sense; passion; sense organ; sentiment; size; tendency; touch
signification importance; inclination; intent; meaning; purport; sense; significance; signification; stature; tendency; tenor; trend; weight circumference; dimension; drift; extent; measure; size; tendency
tendance inclination; meaning; purport; sense; signification; tendency; tenor; trend drift; drive; fashion; frame of mind; humor; humour; impulse; inclination; instinct; mood; orientation on; temper; tendency; tendency toward; tenor; trend; urge
utilité drift; intention; meaning; purpose; use advisability; appropriateness; benefit; desirability; fittableness; profit; relevance; use; usefulness; utility; value
- import; significance; signification; substance
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- pregnant; significant
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
pour at; pro
- knowing; significant
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
entendu comme meaning; so to say; so to speak
pour meaning; so to say; so to speak for; in favor of; in favour of; on behalf of; to the credit of
pour ainsi dire meaning; so to say; so to speak almost; as it were; forthwith; nearly; practically; virtually; well-nigh

Verwandte Wörter für "meaning":

Synonyms for "meaning":

Verwandte Definitionen für "meaning":

  1. rich in significance or implication1
    • a meaning look1
  2. the idea that is intended1
    • What is the meaning of this proverb?1
  3. the message that is intended or expressed or signified1
    • what is the meaning of this sentence1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für meaning:

  1. -
  2. definition or connotation of a word
  3. symbolic value of something
  1. sens particulier dans lequel un mot est utilisé.
  2. Signification
  3. Ce que signifie une chose ; sens attacher à une chose.
  1. -

Cross Translation:
meaning sens Bedeutung — Sinn einer Information, Handlung oder Sache
meaning signification betekenis — wat iets betekent, waar iets voor staat
meaning sens bedoeling — de zin of strekking
meaning signification woordbetekenis — de semantische inhoud van een woord

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