
Detailübersetzungen für idled (Englisch) ins Französisch


idle Adjektiv

  1. idle (empty; unused)
  2. idle (bearing no interests)
  3. idle (inactive)
    inactif; apathique; léthargique; passif
  4. idle (aimless; purposeless)
    sans but; vide de sens; inepte; inutile
  5. idle (meaningless; hollow; empty)
    creux; vide de sens; banal
  6. idle (lazy; slack; workshy; slow)
  7. idle
    – Operational but not in use. 1

to idle Verb (idles, idled, idling)

  1. to idle (lounge about; lounge around; sit around)
    fricoter; paresser; bricoler; flâner; déconner; traînasser; traîner; cochonner; fainéanter
    • fricoter Verb (fricote, fricotes, fricotons, fricotez, )
    • paresser Verb (paresse, paresses, paressons, paressez, )
    • bricoler Verb (bricole, bricoles, bricolons, bricolez, )
    • flâner Verb (flâne, flânes, flânons, flânez, )
    • déconner Verb (déconne, déconnes, déconnons, déconnez, )
    • traînasser Verb (traînasse, traînasses, traînassons, traînassez, )
    • traîner Verb (traîne, traînes, traînons, traînez, )
    • cochonner Verb (cochonne, cochonnes, cochonnons, cochonnez, )
    • fainéanter Verb (fainéante, fainéantes, fainéantons, fainéantez, )
  2. to idle (loaf)
    flâner; fainéanter; être libre
    • flâner Verb (flâne, flânes, flânons, flânez, )
    • fainéanter Verb (fainéante, fainéantes, fainéantons, fainéantez, )

Konjugationen für idle:

  1. idle
  2. idle
  3. idles
  4. idle
  5. idle
  6. idle
simple past
  1. idled
  2. idled
  3. idled
  4. idled
  5. idled
  6. idled
present perfect
  1. have idled
  2. have idled
  3. has idled
  4. have idled
  5. have idled
  6. have idled
past continuous
  1. was idling
  2. were idling
  3. was idling
  4. were idling
  5. were idling
  6. were idling
  1. shall idle
  2. will idle
  3. will idle
  4. shall idle
  5. will idle
  6. will idle
continuous present
  1. am idling
  2. are idling
  3. is idling
  4. are idling
  5. are idling
  6. are idling
  1. be idled
  2. be idled
  3. be idled
  4. be idled
  5. be idled
  6. be idled
  1. idle!
  2. let's idle!
  3. idled
  4. idling
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für idle:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
bricoler doing odd jobs
creux cavity; channel groove; ditch; emptyness; groove; hole; hollow; hollowness; slit; trench
fainéant good-for-nothing; idler; layabout; lazy bones; lazybones; loafer; loiterer; lounger; skulker; slacker; sloth; slowcoach; slowpoke; sluggard; snail; twerp; wretch; wretched fellow; yellowbelly
léthargique lethargy
paresseux good-for-nothing; idler; layabout; lazy bones; lazybones; loafer; loiterer; lounger; skulker; slacker; slackers; sloth; slowcoach; slowpoke; sluggard; snail; twerp; wretch; wretched fellow; yellowbelly
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
bricoler idle; lounge about; lounge around; sit around botch; bungle; do odd jobs; fool about; fool around; mess about; mess around; muddle; muddle on; potter; tinker; tinker at
cochonner idle; lounge about; lounge around; sit around blot; bungle; daub; fool about; fool around; make blots; mess about; mess around; potter about; tinker
déconner idle; lounge about; lounge around; sit around bungle; mess; muck up
fainéanter idle; loaf; lounge about; lounge around; sit around dawdle; linger; loiter; tarry; waffle
flâner idle; loaf; lounge about; lounge around; sit around be lost; do nothing much; hang about; knock about; lounge; lounge about; lounge around; pace; parade; plod; saunter; saunter about; stand around; stroll; trudge; walk about; walk round
fricoter idle; lounge about; lounge around; sit around deceive; fiddle
paresser idle; lounge about; lounge around; sit around
traînasser idle; lounge about; lounge around; sit around brood over; dawdle; defer; delay; deter; do nothing much; doubt; hang about; hesitate; linger; loiter; lounge around; procrastinate; put off; retard; saunter; stand around; tarry; waffle; waver
traîner idle; lounge about; lounge around; sit around be lost; bear; brood over; carry; carry along; dawdle; defer; delay; deter; do nothing much; doubt; drag; drag along; drag away; draw; fling about; hang about; haul; hesitate; knock about; linger; loiter; lounge; lounge about; lounge around; lug; lug away; parade; pull; saunter; saunter about; stand around; stroll; tarry; tow; trail; waffle; walk about; walk round; waver
être libre idle; loaf be open; be vacant
- laze; slug; stagnate; tick over
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
inactif bearing no interests; idle; inactive inactive; jobless; out of work; unemployed; workless
- baseless; dead; groundless; jobless; light; loose; out of work; unfounded; unused; unwarranted; wild
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
passif liability
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- laze
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
apathique idle; inactive drained; languid; lifeless; limp; listless; no energy; washed out; washed-out
banal empty; hollow; idle; meaningless acceptable; average; banal; below the belt; coarse; common; commonplace; crude; current; futile; gross; infinitesimal; insignificant; little; meaningless; mediocre; minimal; minor; nasty; rotten; scant; seedy; shabby; slight; small; trifling; trite; trivial; unimportant; unmannerly; unremarkable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar
creux empty; hollow; idle; meaningless being unable to see; blind; deep; deep-seated; gaunt; haggard; hollow; hollow-eyed; profound; sunken
fainéant bearing no interests; idle indolent
indolent bearing no interests; idle dawdling; dragging; drained; drooping; easy-going; inactive; indolent; inert; jobless; languid; lax; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; out of work; passive; shuffling; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; supine; tardy; unemployed; washed out; workless
inepte aimless; idle; purposeless nonsensical; ridiculous
inoccupé empty; idle; unused deserted; fresh; unbroached; uninhabited; unopened; untouched; unused; vacant
inutile aimless; idle; purposeless for nothing; fruitless; futile; good-for-nothing; in vain; meaningless; mindless; needless; pointless; redundant; senseless; superfluous; to no avail; unnecessary; unusable; useless; vainly
inutilement empty; idle; unused for nothing; fresh; fruitless; futile; in vain; meaningless; needless; pointless; redundant; senseless; superfluous; to no avail; unbroached; unnecessary; unopened; untouched; unusable; unused; useless; vainly
léthargique idle; inactive easy-going; indolent
non occupé empty; idle; unused blank; empty; fresh; unbroached; unopened; untouched; unused
paresseuse bearing no interests; idle; lazy; slack; slow; workshy jobless; out of work; unemployed; workless
paresseusement bearing no interests; idle; lazy; slack; slow; workshy jobless; out of work; unemployed; workless
paresseux bearing no interests; idle; lazy; slack; slow; workshy easy-going; jobless; lazy; out of work; unemployed; workless
passif idle; inactive calm; dominated; enduring; meek; passive; resigned; subjugated; suffering
sans but aimless; idle; purposeless
vainement empty; idle; unused for nothing; fresh; fruitless; futile; in vain; to no avail; unbroached; unopened; untouched; unused; vainly
vide de sens aimless; empty; hollow; idle; meaningless; purposeless meaningless; mindless; pointless; senseless; unusable; useless

Verwandte Wörter für "idle":

Synonyms for "idle":

Antonyme für "idle":

Verwandte Definitionen für "idle":

  1. not in active use2
    • the machinery sat idle during the strike2
    • idle hands2
  2. not in action or at work2
    • an idle laborer2
    • idle drifters2
    • the idle rich2
    • an idle mind2
  3. not having a job2
    • idle carpenters2
  4. not yielding a return2
    • idle funds2
  5. lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility2
    • idle talk2
  6. silly or trivial2
    • idle pleasure2
    • light idle chatter2
  7. without a basis in reason or fact2
    • idle fears2
  8. the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling2
    • the car engine was running at idle2
  9. run disconnected or idle2
    • the engine is idling2
  10. be idle; exist in a changeless situation2
  11. Waiting for a command.1
  12. Operational but not in use.1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für idle:

  1. to lose or spend time doing nothing
  1. averse to work or labor
  2. of no importance, worthless, useless
  3. not engaged in any occupation or employment
  1. suspendre son travail. Il se disait, au propre, de ceux qui ont un métier manuel.
  1. Qui ne faire rien, qui n’a pas d’occupation, de profession.

Cross Translation:
idle paresseux; paresseuse faul — keine Lust bzw. Motivation besitzend, sich einer anstrengend erscheinenden Angelegenheit zu widmen
idle fainéanter faulenzen — nichts tun, es sich gutgehen lassen, faul sein
idle oiseux; oiseuse; inutile müßigvon Gedanken, Ideen und Fragen: ohne praktische Bedeutung
idle oisive; oisif müßigkeine oder keine sinnvolle Beschäftigung ausübend
idle inactif untätigabwertend: nichts tuend, faul
idle désœuvré; inactif werkeloos — niets doend, niets verrichtend, niet werkend

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