
Detailübersetzungen für gruffer (Englisch) ins Französisch


Übersetzung Matrix für gruff:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
droit claim; demand; jurisprudence; justice; justness; legal ground; legal title; ownership; right; righteousness; rightness; soundness; title
grincheux curmudgeon; curmudgeons; grouches; grumblers; moper; peevish person; sourfaces; sourpuss; sourpusses; wet; wet blanket
grognon groaner; grouch; grouser; grumbler; moaner
juste honest person; just person; righteous person; sincere person
sensible perceptibility
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- crusty; curmudgeonly; hoarse; husky; ill-humored; ill-humoured
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- grim; harsh; rough
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
brusque cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly abrupt; abruptly; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; curt; fast; out of the blue; quick; rapid; short; speedy; steep; sudden; suddenly; swift; swiftly; unexpectedly
d'un ton bourru cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly grumbling; grumpy; sulky
d'un ton râleur cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly grumbling; grumpy; sulky
d'un ton traînard bad-tempered; cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; moody; nagging; peevish; rigid; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly complaining
de mauvaise humeur cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly abrupt; bad tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; disagreeable; disgruntled; grumpy; indigestible; lamenting; moody; peevish; put out; snappy; snarling; wailing
droit cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly bolt upright; dead straight; direct; erect; fair; frank; frontal; honest; honorable; honourable; just; open; perpendicular; right-minded; righteous; sincere; straight; true; true-hearted; upright
excitable cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy bad-tempered; irritable; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sensitive; sore; touchy
fixe cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly against the grain; concentrated; definite; established; final; fixed; fossilised; fossilized; immovable; inflexible; intently; obstinate; permanent; petrified; recalcitrant; rigid; set; stable; star; steady; stern; stiff; straight-backed; strenuous; stubborn; unavoided; unbending; with concentration
grincheuse bad-tempered; cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; moody; nagging; peevish; rigid; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly angry; annoyed; complaining; displeased; enraged; grumbling; grumpy; indignant; irate; livid; sulky; upset; vexed
grincheux bad-tempered; cantankerous; crabbed; cross-grained; crusty; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; moody; nagging; peevish; rigid; stern; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy angry; annoyed; bad tempered; cantankerous; capricious; churlish; complaining; crabbed; crusty; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; enraged; grumbling; grumpy; indignant; irate; lamenting; livid; moody; peevish; put out; sulky; surly; upset; vexed; wailing
grognon bad-tempered; cantankerous; crabbed; cross-grained; crusty; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; moody; nagging; peevish; rigid; stern; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy bad tempered; cantankerous; capricious; complaining; crabbed; crusty; grumbling; grumbly; grumpish; grumpy; lamenting; moody; peevish; sulky; wailing
grognonne cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly grumbling; grumpy; sulky
grondeur bad-tempered; cantankerous; crabbed; cross-grained; crusty; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; moody; nagging; peevish; rigid; stern; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy
impassible cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly against the grain; calm; carefree; careless; collected; composed; cool; dispassionate; dry-eyed; easy; emotionless; equanimous; fearless; fixed; fossilised; fossilized; freely; fresh; hard-hearted; heartless; immovable; impassive; indifferent; inflexible; insensitive; intrepid; light-spirited; lighthearted; obstinate; petrified; placid; recalcitrant; rigid; set; soulless; star; stern; stiff; stolid; straight-backed; stubborn; super cooled; unaffected; unbending; unbroached; uncaring; unconcerned; undisturbed; unemotional; unfeeling; unhindered; unimpaired; uninterrupted; unmoved; unopened; unperturbed; unspoiled; untouched; unused; unweakened; virgin
irascible bad-tempered; cantankerous; crabbed; cross-grained; crusty; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; moody; nagging; peevish; rigid; stern; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy abrupt; bad tempered; bad-tempered; cantankerous; catty; complaining; crabbed; crusty; fiery; grumpy; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; irritable; irritated; lamenting; moody; nettled; peevish; petulant; piqued; pissed off; querulous; quick-tempered; sensitive; snappy; snarling; sore; testy; touchy; wailing
irritable cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy angry; bad-tempered; enraged; fiery; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; irate; irritable; irritated; livid; nettled; piqued; pissed off; seething; sensitive; sore; thin-skinned; touchy
irrité cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly abrupt; agile; agitated; angry; annoyed; aroused; bad tempered; bad-tempered; bothered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; embittered; enraged; exasperated; excited; fierce; fluttered; grim; grumpy; heated; irate; irritated; lamenting; livid; moody; nettled; piqued; pissed off; put out; seething; snappy; snarling; sore; sullen; suppressed; wailing; wrathful
juste cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly accurate; actually; careful; certainly; close; closely; concentrated; convincing; correct; definitely; even; exact; exactly; factually; fair; genuinely; honest; honorable; honourable; incorruptible; indeed; intently; just; lawful; legitimate; narrowly; one minute ago; only; precise; really; reasonable; right; right-minded; righteous; sincere; solid; sound; sporting; strenuous; surely; thorough; tight; true; true-hearted; truethfull; truthfully; undiscussed; upright; valid; with concentration
maussade bad-tempered; cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; moody; nagging; peevish; rigid; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly bad tempered; cantankerous; cheerless; clowdy; complaining; crabbed; cross; crusty; dejected; depressed; despondent; disconsolate; discouraged; disheartened; dispirited; drab; dreary; dull; gloomy; grey; grumbling; grumpy; joyless; lamenting; lifeless; low spirited; moody; mopish; peevish; pensive; pessimistic; rainy; sad; somber; sombre; sulky; triste; unanimated; wailing; wistful
raide cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly abstemious; against the grain; broke; clumsy; doltish; drunk; drunken; fixed; fossilised; fossilized; gawky; immovable; inflexible; intoxicated; measured; not very good; obstinate; owlish; petrified; pissed; poor; recalcitrant; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff; straight-backed; stubborn; tight; tipsy; tough; unbending; uneasy; unhandy; wooden
renfrogné bad-tempered; gruff; grumpy; moody; peevish; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly grumbling; grumpy; sulky
rigide cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly according to the rules; against the grain; conscientious; cutting; exact; fixed; fossilised; fossilized; immovable; inflexible; nipping; obstinate; petrified; precise; precisely; recalcitrant; rigid; set; severe; snappy; star; stern; stiff; straight-backed; strict; stringent; stubborn; unbending
rude cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly abominable; agressive; barbaric; bare; barren; brutal; cruel; cutting; feral; gruesome; hard; hard-handed; harsh; heinous; inflexible; inhuman; inhumane; nipping; offensive; rough; severe; snappy; stern; strict; unbroken; untamed; violent; wild
sensible cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy accessible; bad-tempered; concrete; deeply; delicate; easily hurt; emotional; irritable; irritated; nettled; oversensitive; piqued; pissed off; sense; senses stimulating; sensitive; sensory; sensual; sore; subtle; susceptible; tangible; tender; tender hearted; thin-skinned; touchable; touchy
sensiblement cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy thin-skinned; touchy
serré cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly against the grain; bashfull; clamped down; clasped; cramped; diffident; immovable; inflexible; narrow; narrow minded; narrowly; obstinate; oppressed; petty; pressing; recalcitrant; rigid; small; star; stern; straight-backed; stringent; stubborn; stuck; tight; unbending; urgent; wedged
susceptible cross-grained; grim; gruff; grumpy; huffy; stern; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy accessible; bad-tempered; fragile; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore; susceptible; thin-skinned; touchy; weak
tendu cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumpy; nagging; rigid; sullen; surly against the grain; concentrated; elongated; immovable; inflexible; intently; obstinate; recalcitrant; rigid; spanned; star; stern; straight-backed; strained; strenuous; stressed; stretched; stubborn; tense; unbending; uptight; with concentration

Verwandte Wörter für "gruff":

  • gruffness, gruffer, gruffest, gruffly

Synonyms for "gruff":

  • crusty; curmudgeonly; ill-humored; ill-humoured; ill-natured
  • hoarse; husky; cacophonous; cacophonic

Verwandte Definitionen für "gruff":

  1. deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion1
    • gruff voices1
    • the dog's gruff barking1
  2. brusque and surly and forbidding1
    • gruff manner1
    • a gruff reply1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für gruff:

  1. rough-, surly-natured
  2. hoarse-voiced

Cross Translation:
gruff rébarbatif; rébarbative; revêche borstigübertragen: rücksichtslos und ungestüm im Verhalten anderen gegenüber