
Detailübersetzungen für grasper (Englisch) ins Französisch

grasper form of grasp:

to grasp Verb (grasps, grasped, grasping)

  1. to grasp (realize; contain; get to know; hold; realise)
    concevoir; se rendre compte; percevoir; reconnaître; entendre; saisir; voir; percer
    • concevoir Verb (conçois, conçoit, concevons, concevez, )
    • percevoir Verb (perçois, perçoit, percevons, percevez, )
    • reconnaître Verb (reconnais, reconnaît, reconnaissons, reconnaissez, )
    • entendre Verb (entends, entend, entendons, entendez, )
    • saisir Verb (saisis, saisit, saisissons, saisissez, )
    • voir Verb (vois, voit, voyons, voyez, )
    • percer Verb (perce, perces, perçons, percez, )
  2. to grasp (comprehend; understand; get)
    comprendre; saisir; se rendre compte; voir; piger; concevoir; réaliser
    • comprendre Verb (comprends, comprend, comprenons, comprenez, )
    • saisir Verb (saisis, saisit, saisissons, saisissez, )
    • voir Verb (vois, voit, voyons, voyez, )
    • piger Verb (pige, piges, pigeons, pigez, )
    • concevoir Verb (conçois, conçoit, concevons, concevez, )
    • réaliser Verb (réalise, réalises, réalisons, réalisez, )
  3. to grasp (clasp; clutch; grip; seize)
    serrer; saisir; coincer; pincer; presser; tordre; comprimer; happer; compresser
    • serrer Verb (serre, serres, serrons, serrez, )
    • saisir Verb (saisis, saisit, saisissons, saisissez, )
    • coincer Verb (coince, coinces, coinçons, coincez, )
    • pincer Verb (pince, pinces, pinçons, pincez, )
    • presser Verb (presse, presses, pressons, pressez, )
    • tordre Verb (tords, tord, tordons, tordez, )
    • comprimer Verb (comprime, comprimes, comprimons, comprimez, )
    • happer Verb (happe, happes, happons, happez, )
    • compresser Verb (compresse, compresses, compressons, compressez, )
  4. to grasp (snatch away; caught; snatch; )
    prendre; piquer; chiper; attraper; souffler; barboter
    • prendre Verb (prends, prend, prenons, prenez, )
    • piquer Verb (pique, piques, piquons, piquez, )
    • chiper Verb (chipe, chipes, chipons, chipez, )
    • attraper Verb (attrape, attrapes, attrapons, attrapez, )
    • souffler Verb (souffle, souffles, soufflons, soufflez, )
    • barboter Verb (barbote, barbotes, barbotons, barbotez, )
  5. to grasp (grab; clamp; take hold of; )
    prendre; attraper; se cramponner à; saisir; clouer; empoigner; coller à; s'accrocher à
    • prendre Verb (prends, prend, prenons, prenez, )
    • attraper Verb (attrape, attrapes, attrapons, attrapez, )
    • saisir Verb (saisis, saisit, saisissons, saisissez, )
    • clouer Verb (cloue, cloues, clouons, clouez, )
    • empoigner Verb (empoigne, empoignes, empoignons, empoignez, )
    • coller à Verb

Konjugationen für grasp:

  1. grasp
  2. grasp
  3. grasps
  4. grasp
  5. grasp
  6. grasp
simple past
  1. grasped
  2. grasped
  3. grasped
  4. grasped
  5. grasped
  6. grasped
present perfect
  1. have grasped
  2. have grasped
  3. has grasped
  4. have grasped
  5. have grasped
  6. have grasped
past continuous
  1. was grasping
  2. were grasping
  3. was grasping
  4. were grasping
  5. were grasping
  6. were grasping
  1. shall grasp
  2. will grasp
  3. will grasp
  4. shall grasp
  5. will grasp
  6. will grasp
continuous present
  1. am grasping
  2. are grasping
  3. is grasping
  4. are grasping
  5. are grasping
  6. are grasping
  1. be grasped
  2. be grasped
  3. be grasped
  4. be grasped
  5. be grasped
  6. be grasped
  1. grasp!
  2. let's grasp!
  3. grasped
  4. grasping
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

grasp [the ~] Nomen

  1. the grasp (understanding; comprehension; notion)
    la compréhension

Übersetzung Matrix für grasp:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
compréhension comprehension; grasp; notion; understanding ability to understand; acumen; acuteness; awareness; brain; comprehension; concept; conception; consciousness; discernment; idea; insight; intellectual grasp; keen perception; mental grasp; mind; notion; perception; realisation; realization; reason; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; understanding
serrer screwing down; screwing home; screwing tighter
- appreciation; clasp; clench; clutch; clutches; compass; grip; hold; range; reach
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
attraper catch; caught; clamp; clasp; clutch; drag; grab; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; take hold of; toil and moil; yearn arrest; badger; capture; catch; catch on the way; contract; fool; get; get hold of; grab; grip; hoax; hoodwink; intercept; lay hold of; lay one's hands on; make fun; receive; seize; snatch; sneak up on; swindle; take in custody; take prisoner; take unaware; tattle; tease; trap; trick; twig; vex
barboter catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn cadge; collar; expropriate; filch; go thieving; make off with; nick; paddle; pilfer; pinch; purloin; rob; snatch; snitch; steal; swipe; take; take away
chiper catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn cadge; cajole; coax; collar; cuddle; expropriate; filch; go thieving; make off with; mooch; munch; nibble; nick; nybble; obtain by begging; pilfer; pinch; purloin; rob; snatch; snitch; steal; swipe; take; take away; wheedle
clouer catch; clamp; clasp; grab; grasp; grip; seize; take hold of drive in nails; evaluate; hammer; nail; nail down; rate; rivet together; spike; tax
coincer clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize pinch; pinch off; press; squeeze
coller à catch; clamp; clasp; grab; grasp; grip; seize; take hold of attach to; couple; rivet together; stick to
comprendre comprehend; get; grasp; understand be in sympathy with; be on to; comprise; conceive; confine; consist of; count in; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; feel; feel empathy for; figure in; fill; imagine; include; intend; limit; look through; restrict; rumble to; see through; sympathise; sympathize; take up space; think; understand
compresser clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize clamp; compress; crush; flatten; gag; oppress; pack; pinch; press; press together; squash; squeeze
comprimer clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize clamp; compress; constrict; crush; decrease; diminish; flatten; gag; oppress; pack; pinch; press; press in; press together; reduce; shrink; squash; squeeze
concevoir comprehend; contain; get; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize; understand be on to; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; contrive; create; design; devise; estimate; invent; make; manufacture; plan; plot; prepare; rumble to; see through; set up; understand
empoigner catch; clamp; clasp; grab; grasp; grip; seize; take hold of catch; enclose with the hands
entendre contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize aim at; be on to; capture; catch; grab; grip; hear; hear out; interpret; learn; listen; listen to; mean; rumble to; see through; seize; take up; trap; understand
happer clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize
percer contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize bore; bore through; break through; break up; come through; convert; dig; drill; encode; filter; get through; hint; impress; imprint; instil; instill; leak through; penetrate; perforate; pierce; pierce through; plough; plough up; prick; put in; reform; run through; stab; stab through; stick in
percevoir contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize acquire; attend; become aware of; behold; cash; claim; collect money; come by; demand; feel; find; gain; notice; observe; obtain; perceive; procure; see; see in; sense; witness
piger comprehend; get; grasp; understand be on to; look through; rumble to; see through; understand
pincer clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize capture; catch; clench; grab; grip; peg out; pinch; pinch out; plonk; pluck strings; press; seize; squeeze; squeeze dry; squeeze empty; squeeze out; trap
piquer catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn administer a medecin w a syringe; anger; annoy; arouse; banquet; bite; cadge; cajole; catch; cause irritation; chafe; coax; collar; corrode; cuddle; cut; excite; expropriate; feast; filch; give offence; gnaw; go thieving; grate; irritate; make off with; mooch; nick; obtain by begging; pilfer; pinch; plane; prick; purloin; regale; rise to the bait; rob; seize; smooth; snap; snatch; snatch away; snatch off; sneak up on; snitch; spout; spurt; steal; stimulate; sting; stir up; swipe; take; take away; take unaware; tattle; twig; vex; wheedle
prendre catch; caught; clamp; clasp; clutch; drag; grab; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; take hold of; toil and moil; yearn absorb; accept; accept a gift; annex; apprehend; arrest; bear a grudge; bear malice; begin; blame; blame someone of; cadge; captivate; capture; catch; chain; choose; collar; collect; come round for; commence; conquer; deprive; detain; discredit; dive in; employ; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; expropriate; fall to; fascinate; fetch; filch; gather; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; get something; glean; go thieving; grab; grip; handle; harbour a grudge; hold; imprison; intrigue; lap up; lay one's hands on; make inaccessible; make off with; make use of; nick; obtain; occupy; overcome by; pick; pick out; pick up; pilfer; pinch; practice; practise; prefer; purloin; rancor; rancour; rebuke; receive; receive for one's portion; recruit; reprimand; reproach; rob; secure; seize; seize upon; select; serve oneself; set in motion; set up; shackle; single out; sip up; snatch; snitch; sort out; start; start to; steal; strike up; swipe; take; take along; take away; take in; take off; take on; take possession of; take up; take upon oneself; trap; undertake; use; utilise; utilize
presser clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize accelerate; boost; chase; clench; compress; crush; drive; encourage; excite; fasten; grabble; hasten; hurry; hustle; incite; insist; keep on; make haste; move it; pack; peg out; persist; pinch; pinch out; press; press in; press together; push on; quicken; rouse; rummage; rush; scramble; speed up; squeeze; squeeze dry; squeeze empty; squeeze out; stimulate; storm; urge; wedge
reconnaître contain; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize accede; admit; admit the truth; allow; authorise; authorize; explore; identify; permit; prospect; recognise; recognize; scan; tolerate
réaliser comprehend; get; grasp; understand accomplish; achieve; act; attain; bring about; bring forth; capitalise; capitalize; carry out; come about; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; direct; do; effect; execute; gain; generate; get hold of; get one's hands on; invent; labor; labour; lay one's hands on; make; manufacture; obtain; prepare; produce; realise; realize; receive for one's portion; seize; seize upon; succeed; win; work
s'accrocher à catch; clamp; clasp; grab; grasp; grip; seize; take hold of catch
saisir catch; clamp; clasp; clutch; comprehend; contain; get; get to know; grab; grasp; grip; hold; realise; realize; seize; take hold of; understand apprehend; arrest; be on to; captivate; capture; catch; catch on the way; chain; confiscate; detain; dive in; enchain; enchant; enclose with the hands; enthral; enthrall; fall to; fascinate; get hold of; get one's hands on; grab; grip; hold; imprison; intercept; intrigue; lay one's hands on; look through; obtain; overcome by; pick up; receive; receive for one's portion; rumble to; see through; seize; seize upon; serve oneself; shackle; strike; take; take in custody; take prisoner; trap; understand
se cramponner à catch; clamp; clasp; grab; grasp; grip; seize; take hold of clasp; cling
se rendre compte comprehend; contain; get; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize; understand
serrer clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize bind tightly; caress; clamp; clench; compress; cuddle; fasten; fondle; gag; hug; jam; lock; oppress; pack; pinch; press; press together; pull to; screw; screw down; screw on; span; squeeze; stalemate; stretch; stroke; thighten; tighten; turn off; wedge
souffler catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn blow; breathe; breathe out; draw breath; exchange confidences; gasp; hum; inhale; pant; prompt; puff; suggest; tell; wheeze; whisper; whisper in someone's ear; whistle
tordre clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize clamp; distort; gag; lever; oppress; pinch; press; sprain; squeeze; twist; twist together; wrench; wrest from; wring; wring out
voir comprehend; contain; get; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize; understand attend; become aware of; behold; cast an eye on; check; control; examine; feel; find; glance; go through; inspect; look; look at; look on; notice; observe; perceive; scrutinise; scrutinize

Verwandte Wörter für "grasp":

Synonyms for "grasp":

Verwandte Definitionen für "grasp":

  1. the act of grasping1
  2. an intellectual hold or understanding1
    • a terrible power had her in its grasp1
  3. the limit of capability1
  4. understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something1
    • he has a good grasp of accounting practices1
  5. get the meaning of something1
  6. hold firmly1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für grasp:

  1. to understand
  2. to grip
  1. sens transitif
  2. Prendre vivement.
  3. Discerner, comprendre.
  4. Avoir, concernant quelqu’un ou quelque chose, une opinion, une présomption désavantageux, mais incertaine et mêlée de doute.

Cross Translation:
grasp saisir; empoigner grijpen — plotseling iets of iemand beetpakken
grasp entourer; couvrir umfassen — etwas umarmen, umschlingen, umgeben
grasp accorder; adonner; avec; comprendre; entendre; être en affaires; plaire; sympathiser; être; doué; pour; y; connaître; en verstehen — (reflexiv) ohne Streitigkeiten mit jemandem auskommen, eine gute persönliche Beziehung zu jemandem haben