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Detailübersetzungen für clearer (Englisch) ins Französisch


clear Adjektiv

  1. clear (unburdened)
  2. clear (clarifying; distinct)
    clair; éclaircissant; clairement; lucide; limpide
  3. clear (comprehensible; understandable; intelligible)
  4. clear (understandable; obvious)
    compréhensible; clair; clairement; manifestement; évident; net
  5. clear
  6. clear
    limpide; évident; clair; lumineux; pur; serein; lucide; manifeste
  7. clear (evident; obvious; clarifying; )
  8. clear (cloudless; unclouded)
    clair; sans nuages
  9. clear (unmistakable; recognizable; identifiable; )
  10. clear (distinct; bright; clear-cut; graphic)
    évident; manifestement; vivant; clairement; clair; net; concret; palpable; qui s'adresse à vue
  11. clear (transparent; translucent; see-through; )
    transparent; clair; limpide
  12. clear (blank; roguish; unmarked; sly)
    libre; vide
  13. clear (directly)
  14. clear (completed; over; finished; )
    prêt; fini; passé; fait; terminé; disposé; préparé; achevé; exécuté
  15. clear (colourless; pale; colorless)
    incolore; blanc; blême; sans couleur; sans nuance; gris
  16. clear (ringing; clear sounding)
  17. clear (cheerful; enthusiastic; happy; )
    joyeux; gai; joyeuse; joyeusement; gaiement; gaie; animé

to clear Verb (clears, cleared, clearing)

  1. to clear (free; disengage)
    liberalisér; dégager; libérer; affranchir; désencombrer; mettre en liberté; laisser libre
    • dégager Verb (dégage, dégages, dégagons, dégagez, )
    • libérer Verb (libère, libères, libérons, libérez, )
    • affranchir Verb (affranchis, affranchit, affranchissons, affranchissez, )
  2. to clear (found innocent)
    acquitter; décharger; laver; innocenter; déclarer innocent; blanchir; disculper
    • acquitter Verb (acquitte, acquittes, acquittons, acquittez, )
    • décharger Verb (décharge, décharges, déchargons, déchargez, )
    • laver Verb (lave, laves, lavons, lavez, )
    • innocenter Verb
    • blanchir Verb (blanchis, blanchit, blanchissons, blanchissez, )
    • disculper Verb (disculpe, disculpes, disculpons, disculpez, )
  3. to clear (clear baggage; enter)
    dédouaner; déclarer
    • dédouaner Verb (dédouane, dédouanes, dédouanons, dédouanez, )
    • déclarer Verb (déclare, déclares, déclarons, déclarez, )
  4. to clear (clean; give a good cleaning; wash; remove)
    nettoyer; purifier; laver; épurer; nettoyer à fond; purger; récurer; éponger
    • nettoyer Verb (nettoie, nettoies, nettoyons, nettoyez, )
    • purifier Verb (purifie, purifies, purifions, purifiez, )
    • laver Verb (lave, laves, lavons, lavez, )
    • épurer Verb (épure, épures, épurons, épurez, )
    • purger Verb (purge, purges, purgeons, purgez, )
    • récurer Verb (récure, récures, récurons, récurez, )
    • éponger Verb (éponge, éponges, épongeons, épongez, )
  5. to clear (clear the table; empty the table)
    débarrasser; débarrasser la table; nettoyer; desservir
    • débarrasser Verb (débarrasse, débarrasses, débarrassons, débarrassez, )
    • nettoyer Verb (nettoie, nettoies, nettoyons, nettoyez, )
    • desservir Verb (dessers, dessert, desservons, desservez, )
  6. to clear (make empty; empty; remove what is inside)
    vider; débourrer; enlever; emporter; dégarnir; finir; évacuer
    • vider Verb (vide, vides, vidons, videz, )
    • débourrer Verb (débourre, débourres, débourrons, débourrez, )
    • enlever Verb (enlève, enlèves, enlevons, enlevez, )
    • emporter Verb (emporte, emportes, emportons, emportez, )
    • dégarnir Verb (dégarnis, dégarnit, dégarnissons, dégarnissez, )
    • finir Verb (finis, finit, finissons, finissez, )
    • évacuer Verb (évacue, évacues, évacuons, évacuez, )
  7. to clear (evacuate; empty)
    enlever; débarrasser; balayer
    • enlever Verb (enlève, enlèves, enlevons, enlevez, )
    • débarrasser Verb (débarrasse, débarrasses, débarrassons, débarrassez, )
    • balayer Verb (balaye, balayes, balayons, balayez, )
  8. to clear (clean out; clean up; tidy up; )
  9. to clear (clear out; take out; remove; )
    enlever; vider; retirer; sortir; évacuer
    • enlever Verb (enlève, enlèves, enlevons, enlevez, )
    • vider Verb (vide, vides, vidons, videz, )
    • retirer Verb (retire, retires, retirons, retirez, )
    • sortir Verb (sors, sort, sortons, sortez, )
    • évacuer Verb (évacue, évacues, évacuons, évacuez, )
  10. to clear (sell off; sell out)
    solder; brader; liquider
    • solder Verb (solde, soldes, soldons, soldez, )
    • brader Verb (brade, brades, bradons, bradez, )
    • liquider Verb (liquide, liquides, liquidons, liquidez, )
  11. to clear (exonerate; exculpate)
  12. to clear
    – To turn a setting off or to remove a value. 1
  13. to clear
    – To collect the funds for a check and pay them to the check holder. When a check clears, the money has been withdrawn from the bank account and paid to the recipient. 1
    • compenser Verb (compense, compenses, compensons, compensez, )
  14. to clear
    – When Windows Disk Protection is enabled, to erase or empty the cache file on the hard disk when a user logs off or the computer is restarted. 1
    • effacer Verb (efface, effaces, effaçons, effacez, )

Konjugationen für clear:

  1. clear
  2. clear
  3. clears
  4. clear
  5. clear
  6. clear
simple past
  1. cleared
  2. cleared
  3. cleared
  4. cleared
  5. cleared
  6. cleared
present perfect
  1. have cleared
  2. have cleared
  3. has cleared
  4. have cleared
  5. have cleared
  6. have cleared
past continuous
  1. was clearing
  2. were clearing
  3. was clearing
  4. were clearing
  5. were clearing
  6. were clearing
  1. shall clear
  2. will clear
  3. will clear
  4. shall clear
  5. will clear
  6. will clear
continuous present
  1. am clearing
  2. are clearing
  3. is clearing
  4. are clearing
  5. are clearing
  6. are clearing
  1. be cleared
  2. be cleared
  3. be cleared
  4. be cleared
  5. be cleared
  6. be cleared
  1. clear!
  2. let's clear!
  3. cleared
  4. clearing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für clear:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
blanc cranny; crevice; fissure; opening; recess; space
direct buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner; streetcar ticket; tram ticket
dégager clearing away
fait act; action; affair; business; case; data; deed; event; fact; matter; occasion; occurrence
passé past
perpendiculaire lead line; plumb line; sounding line
transparent overhead sheet; transparency
vide blank; cleft; emptiness; emptyness; gap; hiatus; hole; hollowness; lacuna; leak; leakage; nothingness; punch-mark; puncture; vacuum; void
- open
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
acquitter clear; found innocent make even; pay; pay for; pay off; pay on account; redeem; settle
affranchir clear; disengage; free let go; liberate; prepay; release; set at liberty; set free; stamp
balayer clear; empty; evacuate blot out; delete; direct; eliminate; erase; guide; lead; point the direction; rub out; sweep; sweep away; sweep up; wipe; wipe out
blanchir clear; found innocent be ageing; clean; flush away; grow grey; launder; purify; rinse out; turn pale; wash; whitewash
brader clear; sell off; sell out
compenser clear be even match; compensate for; counterbalance; make good; make up; rectify
desservir clear; clear the table; empty the table aggrieve; be disadvantuous; cause disadvantage; cause injury; cause someone sorrow; damage; do harm; harm; harm somebody; hurt; injure
disculper clear; found innocent declare one's innocence
débarrasser clear; clear the table; empty; empty the table; evacuate clean; clear away; drink; drink up; empty; finish; pour out; put away; release; rid of; tidy up
débarrasser la table clear; clear the table; empty the table
débourrer clear; empty; make empty; remove what is inside
décharger clear; found innocent air; be discharged; bring down; cast out; commit murder; discard; discharge; disgorge; dismiss; drain; drop; dump out; effuse; empty; empty out; expel; fire; fire a shot; fire at; flash; fusillade; give vent to; kill; lay off; let off steam; lighten; murder; offload; pour out; put to the sword; release; remove; sack; shoot; take down; throw out; thunder; unload; vent; work off
déclarer clear; clear baggage; enter announce; appear as a witness; apply; bear testimony; bear witness; declare; do as if; enrol for; express; feign; give; give evidence; inform; pretend; register; report; report oneself; sham; state; take down; testify; testify to; write down
déclarer innocent clear; found innocent
dédouaner clear; clear baggage; enter arrange customs clearance
dégager clear; disengage; free discharge; disgorge; drain; employ; empty; expel; get undone; hire; kick away; loosen; pull out; release; remove; set free; set to work; thrust off; unlace; unpick; untie; work loose
dégarnir clear; empty; make empty; remove what is inside clear away; clear up; discard; dismantle; dispose; remove; strip down; take apart a machine; unharness; unrig
désactiver clear disable; turn off
désencombrer clear; disengage; free
effacer clear blot out; delete; eliminate; erase; hush up a thing; rub out; sweep away; wipe; wipe out
emporter clear; empty; make empty; remove what is inside accompany; carry away; carry before it; carry off; collect; come round for; drag along; fetch; pick up; pull along; see off; take; take along; take away; take in
enlever clean out; clear; clear out; drain; empty; evacuate; finish; make empty; remove; remove what is inside; take out abduct; bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; blot out; cadge; chisel off; clear out; collar; collect; come round for; cut away; cut off; delete; deprive; discredit; disrobe; eliminate; empty; erase; expropriate; fetch; filch; get down; go thieving; harbour a grudge; hide away; kidnap; lift out; lock up; make off with; nick; pick loose; pick up; pilfer; pinch; pluck; pull down; pull off; pull out; purloin; put away; rancor; rancour; rebuke; remove one's clothes; reprimand; reproach; rip off; rob; rub out; snatch; snitch; stash away; steal; stuff away; swipe; take; take along; take away; take down from; take off; take out; tear off; trim away; tuck away; undo; undress; unpick; wipe; wipe out
finir clear; empty; make empty; remove what is inside accomplish; be broken off; better; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; burn up; come to an end; complete; conclude; consume; decide; draw to an end; drink; drink up; eat; eat up; elapse; empty; end; expire; finish; finish off; finish with; fix; fix it up; get done; get ready; get to the end of; go by; have ended; have finished; improve; make better; manage; pass; perfect; play out; pull it off; pull the trick; read to the end; round off; stop; terminate; use up; wind up
innocenter clear; found innocent
laisser libre clear; disengage; free free; let go; liberate; release; set at liberty; set free
laver clean; clear; found innocent; give a good cleaning; remove; wash chasten; clean; ennoble; flush away; grow into; outgrow; purify; refine; rinse; rinse out; scour; scrub; swab out; wash; wash out; whitewash
liberalisér clear; disengage; free
libérer clear; disengage; free deliver; free; grant an amnesty; let go; liberate; loosen; redeem; release; rescue; set at liberty; set free; thaw; unlace; untie; work loose
liquider clear; sell off; sell out abolish; annul; break down; break up; cancel; clean; clear away; demolish; destroy; disband; dismantle; dissolve; drag down; eliminate; finish off; get down; kill; liquidate; murder; nullify; pull down; put away; settle; shut down; take down; tear down; tear loose; tidy up; undo; wreck
mettre en liberté clear; disengage; free let go; liberate; release; set at liberty; set free
nettoyer clean; clear; clear the table; empty the table; give a good cleaning; remove; wash chasten; clean; clean up; clear away; clear up; dust; ennoble; get undone; groom; keep clean; mop up; pull out; purify; put away; refine; remove; scour; scrub; scrub off; scrub-clean; tidy up; unpick; untie
nettoyer à fond clean; clean out; clean up; clear; clear out; empty; finish; give a good cleaning; remove; tidy out; tidy up; wash clean out; clean up; get undone; muck out; pull out; tidy up; unpick; untie
plaider l'acquittement clear; exculpate; exonerate
purger clean; clear; give a good cleaning; remove; wash chasten; ennoble; open the bowels; purify; refine
purifier clean; clear; give a good cleaning; remove; wash chasten; ennoble; purify; refine
retirer clean out; clear; clear out; drain; empty; finish; remove; take out annul; bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; cadge; cancel; collar; control; deprive; discredit; expropriate; filch; go thieving; harbour a grudge; keep back; keep under control; make off with; moderate; nick; pilfer; pinch; pull out; purloin; rancor; rancour; rebuke; recall; recant; repeal; reprimand; reproach; rescind; restrain; reverse; revoke; rob; snatch; snitch; steal; subdue; suppress; swipe; take; take away; take out; undo; unpick
récurer clean; clear; give a good cleaning; remove; wash
solder clear; sell off; sell out clean; clear away; get even; level; lower; make even; mark down; pay; pay on account; pay up; put away; reduce; settle; tidy up
sortir clean out; clear; clear out; drain; empty; finish; remove; take out abandon; be on the razzle; be on the spree; bring out; bulge; bulge out; depart from; feast; go out; going out; issue; leave; pop; pull out; retire; revel; secede from; show; take out; undo; unpick; withdraw
vider clean out; clear; clear out; drain; empty; finish; make empty; remove; remove what is inside; take out burn up; cast out; consume; drink; drink up; dump out; effuse; empty; empty out; finish; gut; loot; pour; pour out; pump dry; pump out; ransack; sprinkle; strip bare; throw out; unload; use up
éponger clean; clear; give a good cleaning; remove; wash wipe off
épurer clean; clear; give a good cleaning; remove; wash chasten; ennoble; purify; refine
évacuer clean out; clear; clear out; drain; empty; finish; make empty; remove; remove what is inside; take out discharge; disgorge; drain; empty; evacuate; expel; pour out; remove; tap
- acquit; assoil; authorise; authorize; brighten; bring in; clear up; discharge; earn; exculpate; exonerate; gain; light up; make; net; pass; pull in; realise; realize; sack; sack up; solve; take in; top; unclutter
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
libre blank; clear; roguish; sly; unmarked accessible; at liberty; at someone's disposal; available; bold; easy; effortless; free; freely; natural; single; unconstrained; unhampered; unhindered; unimpeded; uninhibited; unmarried; unobstructed; vacant
net bright; clear; clear-cut; directly; discernible; distinct; graphic; identifiable; obvious; recognisable; recognizable; unambiguous; understandable; unequivocal; unmistakable after tax; clean; cleaned; cleanly; cleansed; cutting; hygienic; neat; neatly; net; nett; nipping; pure; snappy; tidied; tidy; unadulterated; unambiguous
transparent clear; diaphanous; glass-like; glassiness; pellucid; see-through; translucent; transparent; vitreous glasslike; glassy; glazed; transparent
- absolved; clean; clean-cut; clear-cut; cleared; decipherable; exculpated; exonerated; light; open; percipient; readable; unclouded; unmortgaged; vindicated; well-defined
AdverbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- all the way; clearly
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
libérer deallocate
manifeste application manifest; assembly manifest; manifest
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
sortir issue
- arrange; clarify; clear in; clear in the customs; clear through the Customs; declare; declare in the customs; given; lucid; make way
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
achevé accomplished; achieved; clear; completed; concluded; evident; finished; out; over; prepared; ready; ready for use accomplished; achieved; complete; completed; done; finished; flawless; off; over; perfect; proficient; ready; thorough
animé amusing; animated; attentive; bright; buoyant; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; festive; funny; gay; happy; jolly; joyful; joyous; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; reliable; safe; spell bound; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; vibrant active; actively; animated; blatant; boisterous; brisk; buoyant; busily; busily engaged; bustling; busy; cheerful; clamorous; dynamic; eager; eagre; energetic; engaged; enthusiastic; fidgety; full of joy; gay; happy; hard-working; high-spirited; humming; impassioned; industrious; industriously; inspired; jolly; lively; loud; merry; noisy; occupied; operative; restless; spirited; sprightly

Verwandte Wörter für "clear":

Synonyms for "clear":

Antonyme für "clear":

Verwandte Definitionen für "clear":

  1. readily apparent to the mind2
    • a clear and present danger2
    • a clear explanation2
    • a clear case of murder2
    • a clear indication that she was angry2
    • gave us a clear idea of human nature2
  2. allowing light to pass through2
    • clear water2
    • clear plastic bags2
    • clear glass2
    • the air is clear and clean2
  3. free from confusion or doubt2
    • a complex problem requiring a clear head2
    • not clear about what is expected of us2
  4. free from clouds or mist or haze2
    • on a clear day2
  5. accurately stated or described2
  6. characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving2
    • clear mind2
  7. clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible2
    • as clear as a whistle2
    • clear footprints in the snow2
    • the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather2
  8. (especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law2
    • I have clear title to this property2
  9. free from contact or proximity or connection2
    • we were clear of the danger2
    • the ship was clear of the reef2
  10. freed from any question of guilt2
    • was now clear of the charge of cowardice2
  11. easily deciphered2
  12. clear of charges or deductions2
    • a clear profit2
  13. affording free passage or view2
    • a clear view2
    • a clear path to victory2
  14. free from flaw or blemish or impurity2
    • a clear perfect diamond2
    • the clear complexion of a healthy young woman2
  15. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims2
    • clear laughter like a waterfall2
    • clear reds and blues2
  16. free of restrictions or qualifications2
    • a clear winner2
  17. characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt)2
    • a clear conscience2
    • regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes2
  18. in an easily perceptible manner2
    • She cried loud and clear2
  19. completely2
    • read the book clear to the end2
    • slept clear through the night2
    • there were open fields clear to the horizon2
  20. a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water2
  21. the state of being free of suspicion2
    • investigation showed that he was in the clear2
  22. free (the throat) by making a rasping sound2
  23. rid of obstructions2
  24. remove2
    • clear the leaves from the lawn2
  25. make a way or path by removing objects2
  26. remove the occupants of2
  27. remove (people) from a building2
    • clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat2
  28. rid of instructions or data2
    • clear a memory buffer2
  29. make clear, bright, light, or translucent2
    • The water had to be cleared through filtering2
  30. settle, as of a debt2
    • clear a debt2
  31. grant authorization or clearance for2
  32. pronounce not guilty of criminal charges2
    • The suspect was cleared of the murder charges2
  33. pass an inspection or receive authorization2
    • clear customs2
  34. pass by, over, or under without making contact2
    • the balloon cleared the tree tops2
  35. go away or disappear2
    • The fog cleared in the afternoon2
  36. sell2
    • We cleared a lot of the old model cars2
  37. be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts2
    • The check will clear within 2 business days2
  38. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages2
    • He clears $5,000 each month2
  39. make as a net profit2
    • The company cleared $1 million2
  40. yield as a net profit2
  41. clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.2
    • clear the water before it can be drunk2
  42. free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment2
  43. go unchallenged; be approved2
    • The bill cleared the House2
  44. become clear2
  45. To turn a setting off or to remove a value.1
  46. To collect the funds for a check and pay them to the check holder. When a check clears, the money has been withdrawn from the bank account and paid to the recipient.1
  47. When Windows Disk Protection is enabled, to erase or empty the cache file on the hard disk when a user logs off or the computer is restarted.1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für clear:

  1. to become clear
    • clear → s'éclaircir
  2. to eliminate ambiguity or doubt; to clarify
  1. meteorology: less than 1/8 obscured by clouds
  2. free of ambiguity or doubt
  3. without clouds
  4. free of obstacles
  5. bright, not obscured
  6. transparent in colour
  1. rendre quitte, libérer des dettes. Il se dit en parlant des personne et des choses.
  2. rendre blanc, couvrir d’une couche blanche.
  3. débarrasser une table des plats, assiettes, etc.
  4. dégager de ce qui embarrasser.
  5. débarrasser, dégager un lieu des choses qui l’encombrer, qui s’y trouver entasser confusément.
  6. débarrasser de ce qui boucher, de ce qui obstruer.
  7. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  8. Faire disparaître plus ou moins, parler de la forme, des couleurs de quelque chose.
  9. Faire que ce qui clore, fermer, ne le être plus.
  1. Qui a l’éclat du jour, de la lumière.
  2. Qui est clair, transparent.
  3. Qui est uni, poli, sans tache, sans souillure.
  4. Qui est clair, doux, pur et calme, en parlant du ciel, de l’air, du temps.
  5. physique|fr Qualifie un corps qui laisser passer une lumière diffuse, sans permettre de distinguer les objets à travers.
  6. qui est évident
  7. Dont le sens s’impose naturellement à l’esprit, qui a le caractère de l’évidence.

Cross Translation:
clear ranger opruimen — iets uit de weg ruimen
clear → s'éclairir opklaren — het ontstaan van open plekken in wat een gesloten wolkendek was
clear clair klaar — helder, duidelijk
clear clair duidelijk — goed te herkennen
clear clair duidelijk — niet mis te verstaan
clear déboucher doorsteken — met een lang voorwerp door een buis gaan met als doel deze open te maken
clear effacer wissen — (overgankelijk) het niet meer laten bestaan van
clear clair; parlant; compréhensible anschaulich — allgemein verständlich (z.B. bei Weitergabe von Informationen)
clear nettoyer aufklarenSeeleutesprache: (einen Raum, eine Werkstatt usw.) aufräumen, ordnen
clear limpide; clair; net deutlich — wahrnehmbar durch die Sinne
clear apparent; évident; claire evidentgehoben: überzeugend, offensichtlich oder klar ersichtlich
clear clair; évident klaroffensichtlich
clear clair klarungetrübt
clear clarifier klären — von Schmutz befreien
clear clair übersichtlichdeutlich zu erkennen, überblicken oder verstehen

Computerübersetzung von Drittern: