
Detailübersetzungen für Aids (Englisch) ins Französisch


aids [the ~] Nomen

  1. the aids (carriers; helping hands; couriers; delivery-men; messengers)
    le porteurs; le facteurs; le messagers; le coursiers; le livreurs

Übersetzung Matrix für aids:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
coursiers aids; carriers; couriers; delivery-men; helping hands; messengers
facteurs aids; carriers; couriers; delivery-men; helping hands; messengers deliverers; delivery men; mailmen; postmen; roundsmen
livreurs aids; carriers; couriers; delivery-men; helping hands; messengers couriers; deliverers; delivery men; distributors; dividers; messengers; roundsmen
messagers aids; carriers; couriers; delivery-men; helping hands; messengers deliverers; delivery men; roundsmen
porteurs aids; carriers; couriers; delivery-men; helping hands; messengers couriers; deliverers; delivery men; distributors; dividers; messengers; roundsmen

Verwandte Wörter für "aids":

Synonyms for "aids":

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für aids:



AIDS [the ~] Nomen

  1. the AIDS
    le SIDA
  2. the AIDS

Übersetzung Matrix für AIDS:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
sida AIDS

Verwandte Definitionen für "AIDS":

  1. a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für AIDS:

  1. acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Cross Translation:
AIDS SIDA aids — een virusziekte waarbij het natuurlijke afweersysteem van het lichaam steeds verder afgebroken wordt
AIDS sida AidsMedizin: Immunschwächekrankheit AIDS durch Infektion mit dem HIV-Virus (Akronym für: human immunodeficiency virus)
AIDS sida AIDSMedizin: Krankheit, welche schrittweise das Immunsystem zerstört; erworbenes Immundefektsyndrom

Aids form of aid:

aid [the ~] Nomen

  1. the aid (assistance; helpfulness; relief; help)
    l'assistance; l'aide; le secours; le soutien; le coup de main; l'aide sociale; l'aide familiale
  2. the aid (help; assistance)
    l'aide; le support; le secours; le soutien; l'appui
  3. the aid (support; assistance; help)
    le soutien; le support; l'aide
  4. the aid (assistant; valet; help; hand)
    le valet; l'aide; le valet de ferme; le domestique; le valet de chambre
  5. the aid (support; help; assistance)
    l'aide; l'assistance
  6. the aid (assistance; relief)

to aid Verb (aids, aided, aiding)

  1. to aid (help; assist; attend; )
    aider; assister; prêter son aide; tendre la main; seconder; rendre service; secourir; être au service de; venir en aide de; servir; dépanner; être utile à; être serviable; soigner; montrer de l'obligeance
    • aider Verb (aide, aides, aidons, aidez, )
    • assister Verb (assiste, assistes, assistons, assistez, )
    • seconder Verb (seconde, secondes, secondons, secondez, )
    • secourir Verb (secours, secourt, secourons, secourez, )
    • servir Verb (sers, sert, servons, servez, )
    • dépanner Verb (dépanne, dépannes, dépannons, dépannez, )
    • soigner Verb (soigne, soignes, soignons, soignez, )
  2. to aid (assist; help)
    assister; aider; venir en aide de
    • assister Verb (assiste, assistes, assistons, assistez, )
    • aider Verb (aide, aides, aidons, aidez, )

Konjugationen für aid:

  1. aid
  2. aid
  3. aids
  4. aid
  5. aid
  6. aid
simple past
  1. aided
  2. aided
  3. aided
  4. aided
  5. aided
  6. aided
present perfect
  1. have aided
  2. have aided
  3. has aided
  4. have aided
  5. have aided
  6. have aided
past continuous
  1. was aiding
  2. were aiding
  3. was aiding
  4. were aiding
  5. were aiding
  6. were aiding
  1. shall aid
  2. will aid
  3. will aid
  4. shall aid
  5. will aid
  6. will aid
continuous present
  1. am aiding
  2. are aiding
  3. is aiding
  4. are aiding
  5. are aiding
  6. are aiding
  1. be aided
  2. be aided
  3. be aided
  4. be aided
  5. be aided
  6. be aided
  1. aid!
  2. let's aid!
  3. aided
  4. aiding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für aid:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
aide aid; assistance; assistant; hand; help; helpfulness; relief; support; valet anchor; assistance; assistant; auxiliairy staff; bystander; clerk; crutch; footman; help; helper; helpful; indication; lead; mainstay; maintenance service; pointer; provision of services; second servant; services; social work; starting point; suggestion; support; valet; welfare work
aide familiale aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief home help; homemaker; social security; supplementary benefit
aide sociale aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief anchor; crutch; home help; mainstay; social security; supplementary benefit; welfare
appui aid; assistance; help anchor; assistance; buttress; crutch; help; indication; lead; mainstay; pointer; rest; starting point; suggestion; support; window-sill
assistance aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support accompaniment; assistance; attendance; care; escort; guard; help; maintenance service; nursing; persons present; provision; provision of services; relief; service; services; social security; social work; support; turnout; welfare; welfare work
coup de main aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief blow; lash; slap; smack; stroke; swipe
domestique aid; assistant; hand; help; valet assistant; butler; bystander; chamber servant; charlady; charwoman; cleaning lady; cleaning woman; clerk; domestic; footman; helper; hired help; home help; human being; lackey; man; manservant; pallbearer; second servant; servant; valet
secours aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief allaying; appeasement; appeasing; assistance; benefit; bliss; calming; calming down; delight; deliverance; happiness; help; indication; lead; liberation; maintenance service; pacifying; pointer; quieting; redemption; release; relieve; rescue; salvation; social assistance; social security; social work; soothing; starting point; steadying; suggestion; support; unemployment benefit; welfare; welfare work
soutien aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief; support anchor; assistance; cheers; crutch; encouragement; encouraging; help; indication; lead; mainstay; maintenance service; pointer; prop; putting on; shore; starting point; stay; stimulation; suggestion; support; switching on; turning on; turning up; urging; urging on
support aid; assistance; help; support assistance; basal area; bogie; buttress; chassis; cheers; encouragement; encouraging; help; indication; landing gear; lead; leg; lower part; pointer; prop; putting on; rest; shore; stand; starting point; stay; stimulation; stipule; substructure; suggestion; support; switching on; turning on; turning up; undercarriage; urging; urging on
valet aid; assistant; hand; help; valet assistant; bellhop-boy; butler; bystander; chamber servant; clerk; footman; helper; journeyman painter; lackey; man; pallbearer; second servant; servant; valet
valet de chambre aid; assistant; hand; help; valet butler; chamber servant; footman; lackey; man; pallbearer; servant; valet
valet de ferme aid; assistant; hand; help; valet agrarian; agriculturist; farm hand; farmer; hand; help; rancher
- assist; assistance; attention; care; economic aid; financial aid; help; tending
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
aider aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second assist; be attentive; be charitable to; be helpful; co-operate; comfort; give a hand; help; help along; help on; help out; lend a hand; replace someone; support
assister aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be attentive; be helpful; endow; gift; help through; present
dépanner aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second fix; mend; repair; replace someone; restore
montrer de l'obligeance aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second
prêter son aide aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second
rendre service aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be charitable to; make someone glad; make someone happy; oblige someone with; replace someone
seconder aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be attentive; be helpful; give a hand; help; lend a hand; support
secourir aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be charitable to; give a hand; help; lend a hand; replace someone; support
servir aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second accomodate; act as; attend to; be of help; dish up; distribute; do up; extend the hand; function as; hand out; help; make oneself useful; oblige; operate; provide; ration; serve; serve out; service; te be of service
soigner aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second attend to it; attend to the matter; care for; nurse; take care; take care of somebody; tend; treat; work on; worry about
tendre la main aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be charitable to; replace someone
venir en aide de aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be charitable to; replace someone
être au service de aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second accomodate; be of help; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; oblige
être serviable aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second be attentive; be helpful
être utile à aid; assist; attend; back; back up; be attentive; be helpful; do good; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; prop up; second accomodate; be of help; extend the hand; help; make oneself useful; oblige
- assist; help
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
aide guidance; help; online help
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
domestique docile; domestic; domesticated; house-trained; meek; tame; tamed

Verwandte Wörter für "aid":

  • aiding, aids, aider

Synonyms for "aid":

Verwandte Definitionen für "aid":

  1. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something1
  2. the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose1
    • rescue party went to their aid1
  3. a resource1
    • visual aids in teaching1
  4. money to support a worthy person or cause1
  5. improve the condition of1
  6. give help or assistance; be of service1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für aid:

  1. to support
  1. subsidy granted to the crown by parliament
  2. help; succor; assistance; relief
  1. personne qui est adjoindre à une autre pour certaines fonctions.
  2. action d’apporter son soutien physiquement, verbalement, financièrement ou de tout autre manière.
  1. faciliter l’accomplissement d’une action.
  2. prêter assistance à quelqu’un, pour un objet déterminé, et le plus souvent pour un travail qui demande des efforts physiques.
  3. aider ; courir à l’aide de quelqu’un ; prêter assistance à qui en avoir besoin de.

Cross Translation:
aid aide hulp — handeling om iemand steun of bijstand te verlenen
aid secours; aide; assistance assistentie — het verlenen van hulp
aid aide; ressource Hilfsmittel — Etwas, das hinzuziehen / verwenden wird, um eine Sache leichter / schneller / gut erledigen zu können
aid aide Zuhilfenahme — die Verwendung einer Sache zum Erreichen eines Ziels
aid appuyer; assister; aider; alimenter; avancer; promouvoir fördern — jemanden beim Vorankommen unterstützen; zum Erfolg verhelfen

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für Aids:

Cross Translation:
Aids sida AidsMedizin: Immunschwächekrankheit AIDS durch Infektion mit dem HIV-Virus (Akronym für: human immunodeficiency virus)
Aids sida AIDSMedizin: Krankheit, welche schrittweise das Immunsystem zerstört; erworbenes Immundefektsyndrom

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für Aids