
Detailübersetzungen für structure (Englisch) ins Französisch


to structure Verb (structures, structured, structuring)

  1. to structure
    • structurer Verb (structure, structures, structurons, structurez, )

Konjugationen für structure:

  1. structure
  2. structure
  3. structures
  4. structure
  5. structure
  6. structure
simple past
  1. structured
  2. structured
  3. structured
  4. structured
  5. structured
  6. structured
present perfect
  1. have structured
  2. have structured
  3. has structured
  4. have structured
  5. have structured
  6. have structured
past continuous
  1. was structuring
  2. were structuring
  3. was structuring
  4. were structuring
  5. were structuring
  6. were structuring
  1. shall structure
  2. will structure
  3. will structure
  4. shall structure
  5. will structure
  6. will structure
continuous present
  1. am structuring
  2. are structuring
  3. is structuring
  4. are structuring
  5. are structuring
  6. are structuring
  1. be structured
  2. be structured
  3. be structured
  4. be structured
  5. be structured
  6. be structured
  1. structure!
  2. let's structure!
  3. structured
  4. structuring
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

structure [the ~] Nomen

  1. the structure (building; premises; construction; edifice; lot)
    le bâtiment; l'immeuble; la construction; l'édifice; la bâtisse; la maison; le lot; la parcelle; le monument; le terrain vague; le lotissement; le terrain à bâtir; la parcelle de terrain
  2. the structure (building; construction)
    la construction; la bâtisse; le secteur du bâtiment; le chantier
  3. the structure (bureaucracy)
    la bureaucratie
  4. the structure (construction)
    la construction; l'édifice; l'immeuble; le bâtiment
  5. the structure (outline; basic shape; topic)
    la grandes lignes; la base; la ligne de fond
  6. the structure (frame-work; chassis; carcass; foundation; shell)
    le châssis; le squelette; le cadre; la carcasse; la charpente; l'encadrement; le cadres; l'ossature
  7. the structure
    – A user-defined value type that, similar to a class, can contain constructors, constants, fields, methods, properties, indexers, operators, and nested types. Unlike classes, however, structures do not support inheritance. 1
    la structure
  8. the structure
    – The design and composition of a program, including program flow, hierarchy, and modularity. 1
    la structure

Übersetzung Matrix für structure:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
base basic shape; outline; structure; topic basal area; base; basement; basic rule; basic thought; basis; bogie; cellar; chassis; foundation; fundamental idea; home port; initial concept; landing gear; principle; rule of life; shop floor; substructure; undercarriage; vault
bureaucratie bureaucracy; structure civil service; officialdom
bâtiment building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure building
bâtisse building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure
cadre carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure body; carcass; cornice; crew; cutting edge; edge; employees; executive; female staff employee; female staff member; frame; frame aerial; frame work; framework; framing; letterbox; molding; moulding; mounting; officer; panel; personnel; picture frame; rim; shell; skeleton; staff member; work force
cadres carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure executive; executives; staff
carcasse carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure body; bone structure; carcase; carcass; frame; framework; scrag; shell; skeleton; skeleton man
chantier building; construction; structure building site; construction site; work-station
charpente carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure body; bone structure; carcass; carpentry; frame; framework; piece of carpentry; piece of woodwork; shell; skeleton; timberwork; woodwork; woodworking
châssis carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure beautiful person; body; body work; bogie; carcass; chassis; coach work; frame; framework; landing gear; piece; shell; skeleton; undercarriage; window cill; window-frame
construction building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure arrangement; assembly; basic rule; build; building; buildings; composition; constitution; construction; constructions; establishment; figure; founding; frame; fundamental law; making; manufacture; montage; physique; stature; system
encadrement carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure cornice; drip molding; drip moulding; frame; frame work; framework; framing; molding; moulding; mounting; panel; rim; weather board; weather molding; window frame; window-still
grandes lignes basic shape; outline; structure; topic main line
immeuble building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure building; house; premises; residence
l'ossature carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure
ligne de fond basic shape; outline; structure; topic
lot building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure batch; building site; bunch; bundle; certain amount; ground; lot; parcel; plot; set; site
lotissement building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure building site; dividing up of land; ground; lot; parcel; plot; site
maison building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure base; building; cottage; home; house; little house; premises; residence; trading company
monument building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure commemorative stone; gravestone; memorial stone; monument; statue
parcelle building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure building site; ground; lot; parcel; part; plot; site; small part
parcelle de terrain building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure building site; ground; lot; parcel; plot; site
secteur du bâtiment building; construction; structure
squelette carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure bag of bones; body; bone structure; carcass; frame; framework; scrag; shell; skeleton; skeleton man
structure structure building; bureau; composition; construction; establishment; existing order; layout
terrain vague building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure
terrain à bâtir building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure building plot; building site; construction site; ground; lot; parcel; plot; site
édifice building; construction; edifice; lot; premises; structure building
- anatomical structure; bodily structure; body structure; complex body part; construction; social organisation; social organization; social structure; social system
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
structurer structure
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
maison homemade

Verwandte Wörter für "structure":

Synonyms for "structure":

Verwandte Definitionen für "structure":

  1. a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts2
    • the structure consisted of a series of arches2
  2. the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts2
    • artists must study the structure of the human body2
    • the structure of the benzene molecule2
  3. a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing2
    • he has good bone structure2
  4. the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations2
    • his lectures have no structure2
  5. the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships2
    • sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family2
  6. give a structure to2
    • I need to structure my days2
  7. A user-defined value type that, similar to a class, can contain constructors, constants, fields, methods, properties, indexers, operators, and nested types. Unlike classes, however, structures do not support inheritance.1
  8. The design and composition of a program, including program flow, hierarchy, and modularity.1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für structure:

  1. underlying shape of a solid
  2. overall form or organization of something
Cross Translation:
structure structure structuur — de interne opmaak van een geheel
structure bâtiment Bauwerk — von Menschen gebauter, ortsfester Gegenstand
structure structure Struktur — allgemein: etwas Aufgebautes, aus mehreren Teilen bestehendes und von seinen Einzelteilen abhängiges Gefüge
structure structure Strukturohne Mehrzahl: das Aussehen einer Sache, die Beschaffenheit einer Oberfläche oder Musterung, z.B. bei Textilien sowie Tapeten oder bei einem Straßennetz (von einer Anhöhe oder aus großer Höhe betrachtet)
structure structure StrukturMathematik: Menge mit bestimmten Eigenschaften
structure structure StrukturSprachwissenschaft: abstrakter innerer Aufbau einer Sprache
structure assemblage; composition Zusammensetzungkein Plural: die Art und Weise des Zusammengesetztseins

Computerübersetzung von Drittern:

Verwandte Übersetzungen für structure


Detailübersetzungen für structure (Französisch) ins Englisch


structure [la ~] Nomen

  1. la structure (construction; composition; édification; constitution)
    the composition; the construction; the building
  2. la structure (ossature)
    the existing order; the establishment
  3. la structure (table de bureau; bureau; table de travail; )
    the bureau
  4. la structure
    the layout
    – The overall plan or design of a document system. 1
  5. la structure
    the layout
    – In programming, the order and sequence of input and output. 1
  6. la structure
    the structure
    – A user-defined value type that, similar to a class, can contain constructors, constants, fields, methods, properties, indexers, operators, and nested types. Unlike classes, however, structures do not support inheritance. 1
  7. la structure
    the structure
    – The design and composition of a program, including program flow, hierarchy, and modularity. 1

Übersetzung Matrix für structure:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
building composition; constitution; construction; structure; édification arrangement; bâtiment; bâtisse; chantier; classement; composition; construction; immeuble; lot; lotissement; maison; mise en ordre; monument; ordre; parcelle; parcelle de terrain; secteur du bâtiment; terrain vague; terrain à bâtir; édifice
bureau bureau; instance; institut; office; organe; organisation; organisme; structure; table de bureau; table de travail instance; institut; organe; organisation; organisme
composition composition; constitution; construction; structure; édification architectonique; architecture; assemblage; combinaison; composition; construction; contenance; contenu; dissertation; ensemble; essai; fixation; installation; intention; mise en place; montage; mémoire; pièces; placement; portée; positionnement; règlement judiciaire; rédaction; rédaction d'un texte; réunion; sens; technique architectonique
construction composition; constitution; construction; structure; édification application; arrangement; bâtiment; bâtisse; chantier; classement; composition; construction; fabrication; immeuble; lot; lotissement; maison; mise; mise en ordre; monument; ordre; parcelle; parcelle de terrain; secteur du bâtiment; terrain vague; terrain à bâtir; édifice
establishment ossature; structure autorité; autorités; construction; création; définition; détenteur du pouvoir; détentrice du pouvoir; détermination; fondation; installation; instauration; institution; pouvoir; sens; édification; établissement
existing order ossature; structure
layout structure disposition; topologie
structure structure base; bureaucratie; bâtiment; bâtisse; cadre; cadres; carcasse; chantier; charpente; châssis; construction; encadrement; grandes lignes; immeuble; l'ossature; ligne de fond; lot; lotissement; maison; monument; parcelle; parcelle de terrain; secteur du bâtiment; squelette; terrain vague; terrain à bâtir; édifice
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
structure structurer

Synonyms for "structure":

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für structure:

  1. manière dont un édifice bâtir.
  1. structured arrangement of items
  2. a basic conceptual structure
  3. structure, building
  4. underlying shape of a solid
  5. overall form or organization of something

Cross Translation:
structure structure structuur — de interne opmaak van een geheel
structure structure Struktur — allgemein: etwas Aufgebautes, aus mehreren Teilen bestehendes und von seinen Einzelteilen abhängiges Gefüge
structure structure Strukturohne Mehrzahl: das Aussehen einer Sache, die Beschaffenheit einer Oberfläche oder Musterung, z.B. bei Textilien sowie Tapeten oder bei einem Straßennetz (von einer Anhöhe oder aus großer Höhe betrachtet)
structure structure StrukturMathematik: Menge mit bestimmten Eigenschaften
structure structure StrukturSprachwissenschaft: abstrakter innerer Aufbau einer Sprache

structure form of structurer:

structurer Verb (structure, structures, structurons, structurez, )

  1. structurer
    to structure
    • structure Verb (structures, structured, structuring)

Konjugationen für structurer:

  1. structure
  2. structures
  3. structure
  4. structurons
  5. structurez
  6. structurent
  1. structurais
  2. structurais
  3. structurait
  4. structurions
  5. structuriez
  6. structuraient
passé simple
  1. structurai
  2. structuras
  3. structura
  4. structurâmes
  5. structurâtes
  6. structurèrent
futur simple
  1. structurerai
  2. structureras
  3. structurera
  4. structurerons
  5. structurerez
  6. structureront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je structure
  2. que tu structures
  3. qu'il structure
  4. que nous structurions
  5. que vous structuriez
  6. qu'ils structurent
conditionnel présent
  1. structurerais
  2. structurerais
  3. structurerait
  4. structurerions
  5. structureriez
  6. structureraient
passé composé
  1. ai structuré
  2. as structuré
  3. a structuré
  4. avons structuré
  5. avez structuré
  6. ont structuré
  1. structure!
  2. structurez!
  3. structurons!
  4. structuré
  5. structurant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Übersetzung Matrix für structurer:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
structure base; bureaucratie; bâtiment; bâtisse; cadre; cadres; carcasse; chantier; charpente; châssis; construction; encadrement; grandes lignes; immeuble; l'ossature; ligne de fond; lot; lotissement; maison; monument; parcelle; parcelle de terrain; secteur du bâtiment; squelette; structure; terrain vague; terrain à bâtir; édifice
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
structure structurer

Synonyms for "structurer":

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für structurer:

  1. donner une structure.


structuré Adjektiv

  1. structuré

Übersetzung Matrix für structuré:

AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
structured structuré

Synonyms for "structuré":

Computerübersetzung von Drittern:

Verwandte Übersetzungen für structure