
Detailübersetzungen für authorities (Englisch) ins Französisch


authorities [the ~] Nomen

  1. the authorities (government; public authorities)
    le gouvernement; l'autorités; l'Etat; le pouvoir public; le royaume; l'autorité; l'empire
  2. the authorities (establishment; power)
    l'autorité; la détentrice du pouvoir; le détenteur du pouvoir; le pouvoir; l'autorités
  3. the authorities (persons in charge)

Übersetzung Matrix für authorities:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Etat authorities; government; public authorities country; empire; kingdom; nation; state
autorité authorities; establishment; government; power; public authorities administration; authority; cabinet; colonial administration; colonial government; command; competence; control; dominion; expert; government; leadership; local government; mastery; power; qualification; regime; reign; right of say; rule; rule of life; ruler; specialist
autorités authorities; establishment; government; persons in charge; power; public authorities authority; competence; country; empire; kingdom; nation; power; qualification; ruler; state
détenteur du pouvoir authorities; establishment; power authority; ruler
détentrice du pouvoir authorities; establishment; power authority; ruler
empire authorities; government; public authorities authority; competence; country; empire; kingdom; nation; power; qualification; state
gouvernement authorities; government; public authorities administration; board; board of directors; board of managers; cabinet; cable; colonial administration; colonial government; committee; direction; government; government of the state; governorship; leadership; local government; management; office of governor; regime; reign; rule; rule of life; supervision; tutorship; wire
pouvoir authorities; establishment; power authority; capacity; command; competence; control; dominion; force; mandate; mastery; power; qualification; right of say; rule; strength; warrant
pouvoir public authorities; government; public authorities administration; cabinet; colonial administration; colonial government; government; leadership; local government; regime; reign; rule; rule of life
royaume authorities; government; public authorities country; empire; kingdom; nation; realm; state
- government; regime
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
pouvoir be able; be allowed to; have permission; may

Verwandte Wörter für "authorities":

Synonyms for "authorities":

Verwandte Definitionen für "authorities":

  1. the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit1
    • the matter was referred to higher authorities1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für authorities:

Cross Translation:
authorities autorité; pouvoirs publics Obrigkeit — die verantwortliche Trägerschaft der staatlichen oder kirchlichen Macht

authorities form of authority:

authority [the ~] Nomen

  1. the authority (competence; qualification; power)
    l'autorité; la puissance; le pouvoir; la compétence; l'empire; l'aptitude; l'autorités; le pouvoirs
  2. the authority (ruler)
    l'autorité; l'autorités; l'organe du pouvoir; la puissance; le maître; le souverain; le pouvoirs; le détenteur du pouvoir; la détentrice du pouvoir
  3. the authority (power; rule)
    l'autorité; la puissance; le pouvoir
  4. the authority (mandate; warrant)
    le mandat; la procuration; l'ordonnance de paiement; l'autorisation; l'habilitation; la délégation; le pouvoir; le pleins pouvoirs
  5. the authority (expert; specialist)
    le spécialiste; le connaisseur; l'expert; le professionnel; l'homme compétent; l'autorité
  6. the authority (dominion; command; mastery; power)
    l'autorité; le pouvoir; la puissance; la domination
  7. the authority (power; strength; capacity; force)
    la puissance; la capacité; le pouvoir; la force; le pouvoirs
  8. the authority (mandate; instructions)
    le mandat; la procuration; l'autorisation; la carte blanche; le plein pouvoir
  9. the authority (authorization; power of attorney; approval; )
    l'autorisation; l'approbation; la permission; la procuration; le consentement
  10. the authority (mandate)
    le mandat
  11. the authority

Übersetzung Matrix für authority:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
approbation approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney acclaim; agreement; approval; approval activity; approving; assent; assenting; consent; endorsement; finds general favour; permission; sanctioning
aptitude authority; competence; power; qualification ability; adroitness; agility; appropriateness; art; capability; capacity; chance; competence; competency; dexterity; handiness; knack; opportunity; possibility; quality; skill; suitability; trick
autorisation approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; instructions; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney; warrant acceptance; access; admission; admittance; agreement; allowance; approval; authorisation; authorization; authorization form; consent; form of proxy; granting; licence; license; permission; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard
autorité authority; command; competence; dominion; expert; mastery; power; qualification; rule; ruler; specialist administration; authorities; cabinet; colonial administration; colonial government; control; establishment; government; leadership; local government; power; public authorities; regime; reign; right of say; rule; rule of life
autorités authority; competence; power; qualification; ruler authorities; country; empire; establishment; government; kingdom; nation; persons in charge; power; public authorities; state
capacité authority; capacity; force; power; strength Capacity; ability; ability to achieve; adroitness; business sense; capability; capacity; cargo hold; cargo space; carrying capacity; competence; dexterity; expertise; handiness; knack; loading capacity; potential; power; quality; skill; stowage; tonnage; volume
carte blanche authority; instructions; mandate allowance; full powers; licence; license; permission; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard
compétence authority; competence; power; qualification ability; business sense; capability; capacity; competence; competency; expertise; handiness; quality; skill
connaisseur authority; expert; specialist art expert; connoisseur; gastronome; gourmand; gourmet
consentement approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney acclaim; agreement; approval; assent; authorisation; authorization; chord; come to terms; complaisance; compliance; compliantness; concurrence; consent; endorsement; finds general favour; make a compromise; permission; pliability; settlement; yes
domination authority; command; dominion; mastery; power domination; rule
délégation authority; mandate; warrant delegating; delegation; deputation; legation
détenteur du pouvoir authority; ruler authorities; establishment; power
détentrice du pouvoir authority; ruler authorities; establishment; power
empire authority; competence; power; qualification authorities; country; empire; government; kingdom; nation; public authorities; state
expert authority; expert; specialist expert; inspector; sampler; specialist
force authority; capacity; force; power; strength boost; compulsion; courage; drive; energy; fervor; fervour; fiber; fibre; fierceness; force; fortitude; gin; gusto; impetus; impulse; incentive; influence; intensity; jenever; momentum; power; pressure; robustness; soul; spirit; spunk; spur; stimulus; strength; strongness; sturdiness; thoroughness; vehemence; vigor; vigour; violence; zest
habilitation authority; mandate; warrant
homme compétent authority; expert; specialist expert; specialist
mandat authority; instructions; mandate; warrant authorization form; command; commission; form of proxy; instruction; mandate; money order; order; power of attorney
maître authority; ruler boss; champ; champion; chief; gent; governor; instructor; king; leader; lord; master; mentor; mister; principal; ruler; schoolmaster; schoolteacher; teacher; tutor; usurper; viceroy
ordonnance de paiement authority; mandate; warrant
organe du pouvoir authority; ruler
permission approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney acceptance; access; admission; admittance; agreement; allowance; approval; authorisation; authorization; consent; day off; floating day; furlough; granting; leave; leave-pass; licence; license; mountain pass; pass; permission; permit; sabbatical; study leave; vacation
plein pouvoir authority; instructions; mandate
pleins pouvoirs authority; mandate; warrant
pouvoir authority; capacity; command; competence; dominion; force; mandate; mastery; power; qualification; rule; strength; warrant authorities; control; establishment; power; right of say
pouvoirs authority; capacity; competence; force; power; qualification; ruler; strength powers
procuration approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; fiat; instructions; licence; license; mandate; power; power of attorney; warrant care; facility; furnishing; maintenance; nursing; procurement; providing; provision; service
professionnel authority; expert; specialist expert; prof.; professional; specialist
puissance authority; capacity; command; competence; dominion; force; mastery; power; qualification; rule; ruler; strength courage; fiber; fibre; fortitude; influence; power
représentant de l'Autorité authority
souverain authority; ruler commander; crown prince; crown princess; gent; heir to the throne; heir-apparent; king; lord; master; mister; monarch; pretender to the throne; prince; prince royal; princess royal; ruler; ruler of the country; sovereign; sovereign lord; successor to the throne; usurper
spécialiste authority; expert; specialist expert; specialist
- agency; assurance; authorisation; authorization; bureau; confidence; dominance; federal agency; government agency; office; potency; sanction; say-so; self-assurance; self-confidence; sureness
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
pouvoir be able; be allowed to; have permission; may
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
professionnel able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; professional; professional-looking; proficient; qualified; skilled
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- competence; impressiveness; powers
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
expert able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; experienced; fit; good; proficient; qualified; seasoned; skilled
souverain independent; sovereign; unattached
spécialiste specialised; specialistic; specialized; specializing

Verwandte Wörter für "authority":

Synonyms for "authority":

Verwandte Definitionen für "authority":

  1. official permission or approval1
    • authority for the program was renewed several times1
  2. the power or right to give orders or make decisions1
    • he has the authority to issue warrants1
  3. freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities1
    • she spoke with authority1
  4. an authoritative written work1
    • this book is the final authority on the life of Milton1
  5. an administrative unit of government1
  6. an expert whose views are taken as definitive1
    • he is an authority on corporate law1
  7. (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others1
    • the authorities have issued a curfew1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für authority:

  1. person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject
  2. persons in command; specifically, government
  3. power to enforce rules or give orders
Cross Translation:
authority autorité overheid — het geheel aan gezagvoerende lichamen
authority autorité Autoritätohne Plural: maßgebender Einfluss, Geltung, Ansehen
authority autorisation Befugnis — Berechtigung, Erlaubnis etwas tun zu dürfen
authority administration BehördeInstitution, die Aufgaben der öffentlichen Verwaltung wahrnimmt
authority pouvoir Gewalt — Fähigkeit oder Möglichkeit, über jemanden zu bestimmen
authority autorité; pouvoirs publics Obrigkeit — die verantwortliche Trägerschaft der staatlichen oder kirchlichen Macht

Computerübersetzung von Drittern:

Verwandte Übersetzungen für authorities