
Detailübersetzungen für usually (Englisch) ins Spanisch


Übersetzung Matrix für usually:

AdverbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- commonly; normally; ordinarily; unremarkably
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
comúnmente as a rule; generally; usually acceptable; common; commonly; current; customary; habitual; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; usual; vile
de ordinario usually common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual
en general as a rule; generally; usually as a rule; general; generally; in a general sense; in general; more often than not; mostly; often; on the whole
en la mayoría as a rule; generally; usually for the greater part; generally; habitually; in large measure; largely; more often than not; mostly; to a large extent
en su mayoría as a rule; generally; usually for the greater part; in large measure; largely; to a large extent
generalmente as a rule; generally; usually as a rule; common; commonly; customary; habitual; more often than not; mostly; often; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual
habitualmente as a rule; generally; usually common; commonly; customary; frequently; habitual; many a time; often; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; regularly; systematically; usual
la mayoría de las veces usually as a rule; more often than not; mostly; often
las más de las veces usually
lo más usually
mayoritariamente as a rule; generally; usually for the greater part; generally; habitually; in large measure; largely; more often than not; mostly; to a large extent
normalmente generally speaking; usually acceptable; common; commonly; current; customary; generally speaking; habitual; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; used to; usual; vile
ordinariamente as a rule; generally; usually
por lo común as a rule; generally; usually quite common
usualmente usually frequently; many times; often; regularly; systematically

Verwandte Wörter für "usually":

Synonyms for "usually":

Antonyme für "usually":

Verwandte Definitionen für "usually":

  1. under normal conditions1
    • usually she was late1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für usually:

  1. most of the time

Cross Translation:
usually comúnmente gewoonlijk — zoals de ervaring leert dat het meestal is
usually generalmente doorgaans — in de meeste gevallen, met weinig uitzonderingen
usually de costumbre d’habitude — (familier, fr) normalement, habituellement, ordinairement.

usually form of usual:

Übersetzung Matrix für usual:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
corriente air lock; draft; inflow; influx
general commanding officer; general
malo nasty character
vil robber; thief
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- common
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- customary
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
acostumbrado common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; common; current; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; used to; vile
así como así common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; common; current; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; vile
como siempre common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; common; current; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; used to; vile
completamente normal common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual quite common
común common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; average; common; communal; current; joint; mean; mediocre; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; shared; sympathized; vile
común y corriente common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual quite common
comúnmente common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; as a rule; common; current; generally; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; usually; vile
corriente common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; common; contemporary; current; futile; insignificant; mean; meaningless; modern; new; normal; nowadays; of today; pedestrian; present; present-day; running; trifling; trivial; unimportant; unremarkable; up to date; vile
de ordinario common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual usually
false common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual
general common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual mean; pedestrian; vile
generalmente common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual as a rule; generally; more often than not; mostly; often; quite common; usually
habitual common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; common; current; mean; normal; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; vile
habitualmente common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual as a rule; frequently; generally; many a time; often; quite common; regularly; systematically; usually
malo common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual angry; bad; badly; banal; base; behind one's back; below the belt; blackguardly; bogus; coarse; corrupt; critical; cunning; degenerate; demonic; depraved; devilish; diabolic; diseased; dizy; enraged; evil-minded; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; grave; gross; ill; impolite; indecent; irate; jarring; livid; low; malicious; mean; miserable; naseaus; nasty; not genuine; offensive; pedestrian; perverted; putrefied; ribald; roguish; rotten; satanic; scoundrelly; scurvy; secretly; seething; serious; shabby; sham; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stingy; suffering from a disease; trite; trivial; uncivil; underhand; unfriendly; unkind; unmannerly; unpleasant; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar; weak; with evil intention; worrying; wretched
normal common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual at set times; frequent; frequently; normal; quite common; regular; regularly
normalmente common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; common; current; generally speaking; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; used to; usually; vile
ordinario common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; at set times; base; blackguardly; common; current; frequent; frequently; mean; nasty; normal; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; regular; regularly; roguish; scoundrelly; used to; vile; villainous
ruin common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual abusive; bad; blackguardly; coarse; crass; mean; pedestrian; roguish; scoundrelly; vile; villainous
sin más common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual common; just like that; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; right away; vile; without any warning
usual common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual acceptable; common; current; mean; normal; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; used to; vile
vil common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual abominable; amoral; bad; bald; base; bogus; caddish; criminal; cunning; detestable; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; greasy; icy; illegal; immoral; in gutter; indecent; lack of moral; malicious; mean; miserable; nasty; nefarious; not genuine; obscene; pedestrian; shabby; sham; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly; stingy; vile; villainous; wicked
vilmente common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual base; bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; nasty; not genuine; pedestrian; sham; stingy; vile; villainous

Verwandte Wörter für "usual":

Synonyms for "usual":

Antonyme für "usual":

Verwandte Definitionen für "usual":

  1. occurring or encountered or experienced or observed frequently or in accordance with regular practice or procedure1
    • grew the usual vegetables1
    • the usual summer heat1
    • came at the usual time1
    • the child's usual bedtime1
  2. commonly encountered1
    • the usual greeting1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für usual:

  1. most commonly occurring

Cross Translation:
usual general generaalalgemeen ebank|generaal1
usual habitual; acostumbrado; usual gebruikelijk — naar gewoonte, zoals men regelmatig doet
usual normalmente gewöhnlich — gewohntermaßen, üblicherweise, wie meist, wie immer
usual usado; usual üblich — gewöhnlich oder häufig auftretend, normal
usual general généralcommun à tous les individus d’un genre, applicable à un très grand nombre de personnes ou de choses.
usual habitual; adocenado habituel — Qui est devenu une habitude, qui est passé en habitude.

Computerübersetzung von Drittern: