
Detailübersetzungen für tags (Englisch) ins Spanisch


tags [the ~] Nomen

  1. the tags

Übersetzung Matrix für tags:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
presilla para colgar tags labels; price tags

Verwandte Wörter für "tags":

tags form of tag:

tag [the ~] Nomen

  1. the tag (sticker; adhesive label; paster; ticket)
    la etiqueta; el rótulo; la pegatina; el adhesivo
  2. the tag (loop; slip knot; looping; )
    el nudo corredizo; el enlace; el lazo
  3. the tag
    el tú la llevas
  4. the tag
    el lazo; la correa; la cinta para colgar
  5. the tag (note tag)
    – A marker that can be applied to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information. This allows the user to find, view and sort tagged items with ease. 1
  6. the tag
    – In markup languages such as SGML and HTML, a code that identifies an element in a document, such as a heading or a paragraph, for the purposes of formatting, indexing, and linking information in the document. 1
    la etiqueta
  7. the tag
    – A marker used to identify a physical object. An RFID tag is an electronic marker that stores identification data. 1
    la etiqueta
  8. the tag
    – One or more characters containing information about a file, record type, or other structure. 1
    la etiqueta
  9. the tag
    – A geometrical arrangement of shapes that define a value that the Surface Vision System can recognize. These geometrical arrangements are added to physical objects (then called tagged objects) to work with Surface applications (for example, a glass tile that acts as a puzzle piece in a puzzle application). 1
    la etiqueta

to tag Verb (tags, tagged, tagging)

  1. to tag (just touch; touch; touch upon; )
  2. to tag
    – To request an alert for a specific contact when that contact's presence status changes. 1
  3. to tag
    – To apply an identification marker to an item, case, or pallet. 1
  4. to tag
    – To apply a marker to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information. 1

Konjugationen für tag:

  1. tag
  2. tag
  3. tags
  4. tag
  5. tag
  6. tag
simple past
  1. tagged
  2. tagged
  3. tagged
  4. tagged
  5. tagged
  6. tagged
present perfect
  1. have tagged
  2. have tagged
  3. has tagged
  4. have tagged
  5. have tagged
  6. have tagged
past continuous
  1. was tagging
  2. were tagging
  3. was tagging
  4. were tagging
  5. were tagging
  6. were tagging
  1. shall tag
  2. will tag
  3. will tag
  4. shall tag
  5. will tag
  6. will tag
continuous present
  1. am tagging
  2. are tagging
  3. is tagging
  4. are tagging
  5. are tagging
  6. are tagging
  1. be tagged
  2. be tagged
  3. be tagged
  4. be tagged
  5. be tagged
  6. be tagged
  1. tag!
  2. let's tag!
  3. tagged
  4. tagging
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für tag:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
adhesivo adhesive label; paster; sticker; tag; ticket adhesive; adhesive paste; glue
cinta para colgar tag
cobrar collecting
correa tag belt; chord; coupling-strap; girdle; strap; string; waistband
enlace coil; joint; kink; loop; looping; slip knot; spiral; tag; torsion; twist; twisting affair; agreement; alliance; association; band; binding; bond; brotherhood; circle; coalition; combination; connection; contact; data binding; fellowship; hook; junction; junctions; league; liaison; line; link; linkage; linking; linking together; pact; relation; relationship; relative context; society; telephone connection; thickness; treaty; union
etiqueta adhesive label; note tag; paster; sticker; tag; ticket characterizing someone; decorum; etiquette; good manners; identification mark; label; mannerliness; mark; rules of etiquette; social convention; strip
fomentar cultivating; improvements; stimulations
lazo coil; joint; kink; loop; looping; slip knot; spiral; tag; torsion; twist; twisting hair ribbon; headband; lasso; noise level; ribbon; sound intensity; sound level; sound volume; volume
nudo corredizo coil; joint; kink; loop; looping; slip knot; spiral; tag; torsion; twist; twisting
pegatina adhesive label; paster; sticker; tag; ticket bumper sticker; sticker
rótulo adhesive label; paster; sticker; tag; ticket characterizing someone; identification mark; identifying mark; mark
tocar tapping; touching
tú la llevas tag
- rag; shred; tag end; tatter; ticket
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
alterar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon alter; anger; change; create; disorder; disorganise; disorganize; disturb; enrage; incense; interchange; invent; make; mix up; modify; reform; reshape; rewrite; stir; switch; tangle; touch; transform; upset; vary
cobrar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon acquire; bill; cash; charge; collect money; come by; convert into cash; gain; get back; invoice; levy; obtain; procure; realise; realize; regain; retake
desordenar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon disorder; disorganise; disorganize; jumble together; mix up; tangle; throw into confusion; turn upside down; untidy
etiquetar tag label
excitar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon activate; arouse; awake; bait; drive; encourage; excite; freshen; generate; goad; incite; instigate; irritate; nettle; provoke; put someone on to something; reactivate; recover; refresh; revive; rouse; stimulate; stir up; support; tease; urge; whip up
fomentar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon breed; clone; cultivate; fan; foment; incite; stir; stir up; touch
interrumpir glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon adjourn; anger; break down; break in; butt in; disturb; enrage; finish off; hamper; hinder; impede; incense; intercede; interrupt; kill; murder; obstruct; sever; stir; stonewall; touch; upset
mencionar de paso glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon tick; tick off
perturbar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon disrupt; shake up; stir; touch
rozar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon brush; graze; iron; nudge; push to; touch lightly
rozar apenas glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon
tocar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon accrue to; affect; concern; fall to; feel; grope; play; regard; touch
tocar apenas glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon
tocar un momento glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon
tocar un poco glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon
trastornar glance; just touch; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon stir; touch
- chase; chase after; dog; give chase; go after; label; mark; tail; track; trail
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
alterar tamper
etiqueta de nota note tag; tag
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- rope's end
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
adhesivo adhesive; sticky

Verwandte Wörter für "tag":

Synonyms for "tag":

Verwandte Definitionen für "tag":

  1. (sports) the act of touching a player in a game (which changes their status in the game)2
  2. a game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser2
  3. a small piece of cloth or paper2
  4. a label written or printed on paper, cardboard, or plastic that is attached to something to indicate its owner, nature, price, etc.2
  5. a label associated with something for the purpose of identification2
    • semantic tags were attached in order to identify different meanings of the word2
  6. provide with a name or nickname2
  7. attach a tag or label to2
  8. touch a player while he is holding the ball2
  9. supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymes2
  10. go after with the intent to catch2
  11. To request an alert for a specific contact when that contact's presence status changes.1
  12. A marker that can be applied to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information. This allows the user to find, view and sort tagged items with ease.1
  13. In markup languages such as SGML and HTML, a code that identifies an element in a document, such as a heading or a paragraph, for the purposes of formatting, indexing, and linking information in the document.1
  14. A marker used to identify a physical object. An RFID tag is an electronic marker that stores identification data.1
  15. One or more characters containing information about a file, record type, or other structure.1
  16. To apply an identification marker to an item, case, or pallet.1
  17. To apply a marker to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information.1
  18. A geometrical arrangement of shapes that define a value that the Surface Vision System can recognize. These geometrical arrangements are added to physical objects (then called tagged objects) to work with Surface applications (for example, a glass tile that acts as a puzzle piece in a puzzle application).1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für tag:

  1. small label
  2. game
  1. to label

Verwandte Übersetzungen für tags