
Detailübersetzungen für stilling (Englisch) ins Spanisch


still Adjektiv

  1. still (yet)
  2. still (yet)
    todavía; aún
  3. still (yet; although; nevertheless; )
  4. still (calm)
    tranquilo; sereno; apacible; calmado; quieto; sosegado; silencioso; calmoso; manso; pacífico
  5. still (serene; quiet; quietly; )
    sereno; tranquilamente; quieto; pacífico; tranquilo; apacible; manso; sosegado; calmado; calmoso; sosegadamente; sin inmutarse
  6. still (calm; quiet; peaceful; )
    tranquilo; sosegadamente; calmo; quedo; quieto; tranquilamente; frío; simpático; amoroso; agradable; amable; cordial; sociable; en calma; liso; ponderado; impasible; calmado; jovial; flemático; sereno; amistoso; apacible; manso; afable; pacífico; indiferente; amigable; afectuoso; sosegado; inmóvil; complaciente; inmutable; imperturbable; benévolo; calmoso; imperturable; sin inmutarse

still [the ~] Nomen

  1. the still
    el alambique; el destilador; la alquitara

Übersetzung Matrix für still:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
alambique still distillation column
alquitara still
destilador still distiller; firebrand; stoker; troublemaker
frío air of distance; chilliness; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; detachment; freshness
- distillery; hush; stillness
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- allay; calm; calm down; ease; hush; hush up; lull; quiet; quieten; relieve; shut up; silence; tranquilize; tranquillise; tranquillize
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- inactive; motionless; noneffervescent; placid; quiet; silent; smooth; soundless; static; tranquil; unruffled
AdverbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- all the same; even; even so; however; nevertheless; nonetheless; notwithstanding; stock-still; withal; yet
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
no obstante but; despite; despite of; in spite of; yet
pero but; yet
sin embargo but; yet
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
a pesar de todo although; anyhow; anyway; but; for all that; nevertheless; only; still; though; yet after all; anyhow; because of; despite it; nevertheless; nonetheless; notwithstanding it; since
afable calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful affable; amiable; amicable; amicably; assistent; attentive; benign; bland; complaisant; friendly; helpful; kind; kindly; lovable; obliging; taking
afectuoso calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful affectionate; attached; cordial; cordially; devoted; friendly; kind; kindly; obliging; wholehearted
agradable calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful a kind manner; affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amiable; amusing; appealing; appetising; appetizing; attractive; beautiful; benevolent; charming; chatty; comfortable; conciliatory; congenial; cordial; cosy; cozy; delicious; desireable; diverting; divine; easy going; enchanting; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; entertaining; entrancing; fine; friendly; good; good looking; good-looking; good-natured; gorgeous; gratifying; handsome; happy; harmonious; hearty; heavenly; inviting; joyful; kind; kindly; likable; lovely; memorable; mild; nice; obliging; palatable; personable; pleasant; pleasing; pretty; scrumptious; snap; sociable; subtle; sweet; tasty; tempting; warm; warm-hearted; winsome; yummy
amable calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful a kind manner; affable; affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amiable; appealing; assistent; attentive; attractive; benevolent; benign; bland; charming; cherished; comfortable; complaisant; conciliatory; congenial; cooperative; cordial; cosy; cozy; cute; dear; enchanting; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; entrancing; exclusive; favorite; favourite; fine; friendly; genial; good; good-natured; great; hearty; helpful; honest; kind; kindly; likable; lovable; lovely; mild; nice; obliging; pleasant; pleasing; preferential; pretty; private; select; selected; sweet; sympathetic; taking; warm; warm-hearted; well-behaved; winsome
amigable calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful a kind manner; affectionate; alluring; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; charming; congenial; cooperative; cordial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; good-natured; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; lovely; mild; nice; obliging; sweet; sympathetic; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
amistoso calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful amicable; brotherly; fraternal; friendly; kind; kindly; obliging
amoroso calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful affectionate; amorous; friendly; in love; kind; kindly; love-sick; loving; obliging; warm
apacible calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful
aun still; yet even
aún still; yet
benévolo calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful a kind manner; affectionate; amicable; amicably; benevolent; cordial; friendly; good-natured; hearty; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; lenient; mild; obliging; readiness; ready; sympathetic; warm; warm-hearted; willing
calmado calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful
calmo calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful businesslike; coldly; cool; cooling; coolly; freezing; frosty
calmoso calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful
complaciente calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful a kind manner; accommodating; amenable; amicable; amicably; assistent; attentive; benevolent; complaisant; compliant; docile; flexible; friendly; good-natured; helpful; humble; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; lenient; malleable; meek; mild; obliging; pliable; readiness; ready; servient; simple to operate; slavishly; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
cordial calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful affectionate; agreeable; amicable; amicably; comfortable; conciliatory; cordial; cordially; cosy; cozy; friendly; heartwarming; hearty; kind; kindly; obliging; pleasant; pleasing; uplifting; warm; warm-hearted; wholehearted
en calma calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful
flemático calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful cool; phlegmatic; stoic; super cooled; unemotional
frío calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful aloof; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; cool; cooled; cooling; coolly; distant; freezing; frosty; frozen; icy; in an unresponsive way; shivery; super cooled; unemotional
impasible calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful audacious; bold; coldly; cool; coolly; daring; dashing; dauntless; fearless; freely; impassible; impassive; insensitive; manful; paved; stolid; super cooled; unabashed; unaffected; undaunted; undisturbed; unemotional; unhindered; unimpaired; uninterrupted; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched
imperturable calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful cool; super cooled; unemotional
imperturbable calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful calm; collected; composed; cool; equanimous; freely; fresh; impassive; imperturbable; placid; stoic; stoical; super cooled; unabbreviated; unabridged; unbroached; uncut; undisturbed; unemotional; unhindered; uninterrupted; unopened; untouched; unused
indiferente calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful businesslike; careless; cold-blooded; coldly; cool; coolly; impassible; imperturbable; inattentive; insensitive; negligent; nonchalant; super cooled; unemotional
inmutable calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful calm; collected; composed; cool; equanimous; freely; fresh; indifferent; placid; super cooled; unbroached; undisturbed; unemotional; unhindered; uninterrupted; unopened; untouched; unused
inmóvil calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful cool; firm; immobile; motionless; mouse-still; on the quiet; on the sly; rudderless; sneakily; standing; staunch; super cooled; unemotional; unmoving
jovial calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful affectionate; amicable; amicably; conciliatory; cordial; friendly; frisky; genial; hearty; jolly; jovial; kind; kindly; merry; nice; pleasant; warm; warm-hearted
liso calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful bald; barren; cool; hairless; lank; razor-sharp; sharp; smooth; super cooled; unemotional; without hair
manso calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful docile; domesticated; house-trained; meek; tame; tamed
no obstante although; anyhow; anyway; but; for all that; nevertheless; only; still; though; yet after all; anyhow; because of; but; however; in truth; indeed; since; truly; verily; yet
pacífico calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful calm; nonviolent; on the quiet; on the sly; peaceable; peaceful; quiet; quietly; sneakily; tranquil
pero although; anyhow; anyway; but; for all that; nevertheless; only; still; though; yet but; however; yet
ponderado calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still

Verwandte Wörter für "still":

  • stills, stillest

Synonyms for "still":

Antonyme für "still":

Verwandte Definitionen für "still":

  1. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves1
    • scarcely a ripple on the still water1
  2. free from noticeable current1
    • a still pond1
    • still waters run deep1
  3. not in physical motion1
  4. used of pictures; of a single or static photograph not presented so as to create the illusion of motion; or representing objects not capable of motion1
    • a still photograph1
    • Cezanne's still life of apples1
  5. marked by absence of sound1
    • the night was still1
  6. not sparkling1
    • a still wine1
    • still mineral water1
  7. to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons1
    • an even (or still) more interesting problem1
    • still another problem must be solved1
  8. despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)1
    • granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go1
  9. with reference to action or condition; without change, interruption, or cessation1
    • it's still warm outside1
    • will you still love me when we're old and grey?1
  10. without moving or making a sound1
    • he sat still as a statue1
    • time stood still1
    • he couldn't hold still any longer1
  11. a plant and works where alcoholic drinks are made by distillation1
  12. an apparatus used for the distillation of liquids; consists of a vessel in which a substance is vaporized by heat and a condenser where the vapor is condensed1
  13. a static photograph (especially one taken from a movie and used for advertising purposes)1
    • he wanted some stills for a magazine ad1
  14. (poetic) tranquil silence1
    • the still of the night1
  15. cause to be quiet or not talk1
  16. make motionless1
  17. make calm or still1
  18. lessen the intensity of or calm1
    • still the fears1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für still:

  1. not moving
  1. up to a time, as in the preceding time
  2. to an even greater degree
  3. nevertheless
  1. photography: a non-moving photograph
  2. a device for distilling liquids
  3. -

Cross Translation:
still todavía; aún alsnog — toch nog
still silencio Stille — die Abwesenheit von akustischen Signalen wie Lärm, Musik, Geräusch
still al igual que antes nach wie vor — noch immer
still todavía; aún noch — des Weiteren
still tranquilo; sosegado ruhig — (Personen, unpersönliche Größen) übertragen: frei von Leidenschaft, Aufregung, Erregung
still quieto ruhig — (Objekte und Personen) frei von Bewegung
still silencioso ruhigfrei von Geräuschen oder Lärm
still en el futuro; en adelante weiterhin — auch in Zukunft, immer noch
still apaciguar; sosegar; aquietar; tranquilizar apaiserramener au calme, à un état paisible.
still todavía; aún encore — Jusqu'à ce temps
still calmar; sosegar rassurerredonner l’assurance, rendre la confiance, la tranquillité.