
Detailübersetzungen für seizes (Englisch) ins Spanisch


to seize Verb (seizes, seized, seizing)

  1. to seize (grab; catch; capture; trap; grip)
  2. to seize (secure; take possession of; get hold of something; lay one's hands on)
  3. to seize (confiscate; forfeit)
  4. to seize (get hold of; obtain; seize upon; )
  5. to seize (conquer; capture; occupy; annex)
  6. to seize (clasp; clutch; grip; grasp)
  7. to seize (serve oneself; take; fall to; dive in)
  8. to seize (catch; snatch; sneak up on; )
  9. to seize (arrest; apprehend; pick up; )
  10. to seize (snatch away; grasp; caught; )
    mangar; birlar
  11. to seize (seize upon; obtain; acquire)
  12. to seize (catch; capture)
  13. to seize (grab; clamp; grasp; )
  14. to seize (confiscate)
  15. to seize (overcome by)

Konjugationen für seize:

  1. seize
  2. seize
  3. seizes
  4. seize
  5. seize
  6. seize
simple past
  1. seized
  2. seized
  3. seized
  4. seized
  5. seized
  6. seized
present perfect
  1. have seized
  2. have seized
  3. has seized
  4. have seized
  5. have seized
  6. have seized
past continuous
  1. was seizing
  2. were seizing
  3. was seizing
  4. were seizing
  5. were seizing
  6. were seizing
  1. shall seize
  2. will seize
  3. will seize
  4. shall seize
  5. will seize
  6. will seize
continuous present
  1. am seizing
  2. are seizing
  3. is seizing
  4. are seizing
  5. are seizing
  6. are seizing
  1. be seized
  2. be seized
  3. be seized
  4. be seized
  5. be seized
  6. be seized
  1. seize!
  2. let's seize!
  3. seized
  4. seizing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für seize:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
agarrar having a grip; hold; laying hands on; taking hold of
birlar cadging; cajolery; coaxing; diddling; obtaining by begging; pinch; sponging; steal; wheedling
coger having a grip; hold; laying hands on; taking hold of; understanding
comprender comprehending; comprehension; containing; grasp; including; notion; understanding
conseguir obtaining; winning over
depositar putting down
detener arrest; grab; taking
encarcelar fastening; fixing; securing
enganchar hook on
entender comprehension; grasp; notion; understanding
escurrir drain; drain dry
fascinar alluring; attracting; charming; inviting; tempting
fijar fastening; fixing; securing
inmovilizar fastening; fixing; securing
invadir invading
mangar cadging; cajolery; coaxing; diddling; obtaining by begging; sponging; wheedling
pescar fishery; fishing
recoger picking up; taking in
tomar having a grip; hold
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
abordar catch; clamp; clasp; grab; grasp; grip; seize; take hold of board; bring up; broach; broach a subject; cut; cut into; down; initiate; put forward; put on the table; raise; reap; receive; sting; tackle; take on; throw up; toss in the air; toss up
abrazarse a clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize clasp; cling
adquirir acquire; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; lay one's hands on; obtain; receive for one's portion; secure; seize; seize upon; take possession of absorb; acquire; buy; catch; collect; come by; contract; gain; get; get the hang of; learn; obtain; pick up; procure; purchase; receive; study
adueñarse de acquire; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; lay one's hands on; obtain; receive for one's portion; secure; seize; seize upon; take possession of
agarrar capture; catch; clamp; clasp; clutch; grab; grasp; grip; seize; take hold of; trap catch; cause emotions; chain; cheat; enchain; grabble; gull; hitch in; hook into; move; shackle; spoof; touch; trick
agarrarse a catch; clamp; clasp; grab; grasp; grip; seize; take hold of chain; clasp; cling; fetter; tie
agarrotarse clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize stiffen
apoderarse de acquire; capture; catch; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; lay one's hands on; obtain; receive for one's portion; secure; seize; seize upon; take possession of absorb; collect; gain; learn; receive
aprehender apprehend; arrest; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize
apresar capture; catch; seize arrest; capture; polish off; put away; take in custody; take prisoner
aprisionar apprehend; arrest; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize arrest; capture; take in custody; take prisoner
apropiarse get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of arrogate; assume; occupate; take possession
arrestar apprehend; arrest; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize arrest; capture; take in custody; take prisoner
atrancar clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize
atrapar capture; catch; grab; grip; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; trap; twig collect; complicate; entangle; gather; glean; make difficult; make hard
birlar catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn cadge; cajole; coax; cuddle; nick; obtain by begging; pilfer; pinch; snatch; snitch; steal; swipe; wheedle
captar acquire; get hold of something; lay one's hands on; obtain; secure; seize; seize upon; take possession of catch; comprehend; get; grab; grasp; understand
capturar capture; catch; seize capture; fetch; polish off; put away
cautivar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig arrest; captivate; capture; chain; clamp; enchain; enthral; enthrall; fetter; handcuff; keep one's attention on something; shackle; take in custody; take prisoner
cazar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig aim for; bait; catch; chase; dart; fire; fire a shot; fusillade; hasten; haunt; hunt; hurry; move it; persecute; pursue; race; rush; shoot; snare; strive after
clavar con alfileres clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize pin
coger acquire; capture; catch; clamp; clasp; grab; grasp; grip; obtain; seize; seize upon; snatch; sneak up on; take hold of; take unaware; tattle; trap; twig absorb; admit; cadge; capture; catch; chain; collar; collect; contract; enchain; expropriate; filch; gather; get; get hold of; glean; go thieving; harvest; lap up; lay hold of; lay one's hands on; make off with; mooch; nick; obsess; obtain by begging; pick; pilfer; pinch; polish off; purloin; put away; reap; receive; rob; shackle; sip up; snatch; snitch; startle; steal; surprise; swipe; take; take away; take in; take unaware; take up
coger preso apprehend; arrest; catch; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig arrest; capture; take in custody; take prisoner
coger prisionero apprehend; arrest; catch; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig
comprender catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig add; be acquainted with; be on to; comprehend; comprise; contain; encapsulate; enclose; get; get to know; grant; grasp; hear; hold; include; interpellate; interrogate; question; realise; realize; rumble to; see through; subsidise; subsidize; understand
confiscar confiscate; forfeit; seize
conquistar annex; capture; conquer; occupy; seize
conseguir acquire; get hold of something; lay one's hands on; obtain; secure; seize; seize upon; take possession of absorb; bring off; collect; cope; fix; gain; learn; manage; pull off; receive
darse por aludido clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize
decomisar confiscate; forfeit; seize
depositar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig add; cheat; clearly define; confine; cut back; define; demarcate; deposit; deposit into account; dismiss; drop; fence; fence in; fence off; gull; insert; lay; lay up; laydown; limit; locate; map out; mark out; outline; place; placing; position; put; put down; put someone off; put up; reduce; remit; secure; send; set; set down; situate; spoof; station; stock; store; trace out; transfer; trick
detener apprehend; arrest; catch; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; detain; discourage; dissuade; halt; hold; hold back; hold up; keep up; lock up; obstruct; park; prevent; put in gaol; put to a stop; restrain; stem; stop
detengo catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig
embargar confiscate; forfeit; seize
encadenar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig attach; captivate; chain; change tack; clamp; combine; connect; enchain; enthral; enthrall; fetter; handcuff; join; keep one's attention on something; link up; shackle; tack; tie
encajar clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize bring down; fit; fit in; match; place; position; put; situate; slide into each other; take down; talk into
encarcelar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig arrest; capture; corner; detain; fasten; hold; lock up; put behind bars; put in gaol; take in custody; take prisoner
enganchar clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize affix; attach; attach to; clamp; connect; conscript; couple; crimp; crochet; fasten; glue; glue together; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; link up; paste in; paste on; paste together; prestress; recruit; shanghai; suture
engastar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig catch
engañar capture; catch; seize badger; be deceived; be duped; catch; cheat; deceive; diddle; dodge; fool; gull; hoax; hoodwink; kid; lead up the garden path; lie; mislead; put on the wrong track; spoof; swindle; tease; trick; vex; woodwink
entender catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig be acquainted with; be in sympathy with; be on to; comprehend; conceive; contain; feel; feel empathy for; get; get to know; grant; grasp; hear; hold; imagine; intend; interpellate; interpret; interrogate; question; realise; realize; rumble to; see through; subsidise; subsidize; sympathise; sympathize; take up; think; understand
escurrir clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize drip; mess; pour off; strain off; wrench; wrestle; wring out
estrechar clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize clasp; cling; constrict; narrow
estrujar clasp; clutch; grasp; grip; seize compress; contrive; crumple; crush; dash; devise; invent; make up; pack; press together; pulverise; pulverize; ripple; rub fine; rumple; shatter; smash; squeeze; wrinkle
fascinar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig allure; bewitch; captivate; cast a spell on; charm; delight; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; intrigue; obsess; put a spell on; ravish
fijar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig adhere; affix; allocate; attach; attach to; bid; cling; confirm; connect; determine; dictate; direct; establish; fasten; fix; glue; gum; identify; instruct; mend; order; paste; pin; repair; restore; secure; stick; tie up
ganar capture; catch; seize acquire; bring about; bring forth; bring in; buy; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; earn; earn a living; earn one's bread; earn wages; gain; gain the day; gain the victory; generate; get; invent; make; manufacture; obtain; prepare; produce; purchase; take in; win
incautar confiscate; forfeit; seize claim
inmovilizar catch; seize; snatch; sneak up on; take unaware; tattle; twig freeze; pay into a savings account; tie up
invadir overcome by; seize break into; drop by; enter; enter by force; enter the harbour; force one's way in; get the feeling; go in; infiltrate; intrude; invade; march in; penetrate
mangar catch; caught; clasp; clutch; drag; grasp; grip; pilfer; reach; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snout; stick; toil and moil; yearn cadge; cajole; coax; cuddle; disown; dispossess; expropriate; make off with; mooch; nick; obtain by begging; pilfer; pinch; snatch; snatch away; snatch off; snitch; steal; swipe; wheedle
montar catch

Verwandte Wörter für "seize":

  • seizing

Synonyms for "seize":

Verwandte Definitionen für "seize":

  1. capture the attention or imagination of1
    • The movie seized my imagination1
  2. affect1
    • Fear seized the prisoners1
    • The patient was seized with unbearable pains1
    • He was seized with a dreadful disease1
  3. take hold of; grab1
    • The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter1
    • The mother seized her child by the arm1
    • Birds of prey often seize small mammals1
  4. take or capture by force1
    • The terrorists seized the politicians1
    • The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages1
  5. hook by a pull on the line1
  6. take possession of by force, as after an invasion1
    • the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants1
    • The army seized the town1
  7. take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority1
    • The FBI seized the drugs1
  8. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession1
    • She seized control of the throne after her husband died1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für seize:

  1. grab
  2. take advantage

Cross Translation:
seize acapillar; asir; agarrar; coger grijpen — plotseling iets of iemand beetpakken
seize tomar; asir; coger aanpakken — aanvatten
seize aferrar; coger greifen — etwas mit der Hand nehmen, packen, anfassen, festhalten
seize apresar; capturar; tomar como botín kapern — sich eines Schiffs bemächtigen
seize tomar; coger nehmen — eine Sache greifen
seize atrapar; coger attraper — Prendre à une trappe, à un piège ou à quelque chose de semblable.
seize atrapar; capturar capturers’emparer d’un être vivant ou d’une chose.
seize apoderarse emparer — Se saisir d’une chose, se rendre maître.
seize dañarse; agarrotarse gripper — (vieilli) attraper, saisir subtilement, en parlant du chat et de quelques autres animaux. On dit plutôt « agripper ».
seize sustraer; arrebatar; amputar; cercenar; truncar; restar; quitar; deducir; descontar; arrancar; atrincherar retrancher — Traductions à vérifier et à trier
seize asir; agarrar saisir — Prendre vivement.
seize apoderarse s’emparer — Se saisir d’une chose, se rendre maître.

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