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Detailübersetzungen für righteousness (Englisch) ins Spanisch


righteousness [the ~] Nomen

  1. the righteousness (justice; right)
    el derecho; la justicia; la razón

Übersetzung Matrix für righteousness:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
derecho justice; right; righteousness common law; customary law; forehand; unwritten law
justicia justice; right; righteousness Justice; Justice Department; Ministry of Justice; administration of justice; fairness; judiciary; judiciousness; jurisdiction; jurisprudence; justice; justness; moderation; propriety; reasonableness; rightness; seemliness; soundness; suitability
razón justice; right; righteousness amorous adventure; awareness; basic assumption; basic principle; basis; brainpower; bringing about; cause; causing; courtship; fairness; foreword; genius; immediate cause; intellect; intelligence; introduction; introductory remarks; judiciousness; love affair; mental capacity; mind; moderation; motivation; motive; point of departure; preamble; preface; principle; prologue; propriety; reason; reasonableness; relationship; romance; romanticism; seemliness; sense; starting point; suitability; thought; wooing
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- justice; justness
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
derecho bolt upright; clear; dead straight; directly; erect; perpendicular; standing; straight; straight ahead; straight on; upright; vertical

Verwandte Wörter für "righteousness":

Synonyms for "righteousness":

Antonyme für "righteousness":

  • unrighteousness

Verwandte Definitionen für "righteousness":

  1. adhering to moral principles1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für righteousness:

Cross Translation:
righteousness justicia GerechtigkeitEinstellung, Prinzip, Zustand, bei denen jede Person das erhalten, was ihr zustehen
righteousness virtud vertu — au singulier disposition ferme, constante de l’âme, qui porter à faire le bien et à fuir le mal.


righteous Adjektiv

  1. righteous (honourable; honest; sincere; )
    sincero; honrado; fiel; recto; leal; bueno; honesto

Übersetzung Matrix für righteous:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
fiel pious person; religious person
honesto honest person; righteous person; sincere person
honrado honest person; righteous person; sincere person
recto anus; rectum
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
bueno honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright accurate; agreeable; all right; alright; amiable; appetising; appetizing; at present; attractive; benevolent; charming; correct; delicious; divine; enchanting; enjoyable; entrancing; fine; friendly; good; good-natured; gorgeous; heavenly; honest; in this moment; indeed; kind; lovely; mild; nice; now; nowadays; palatable; pleasant; precise; presently; pretty; right; scrumptious; subtle; sweet; tasty; that's it; well; well mannered; well-behaved; yummy
fiel honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright expressive; fair; faithful; honest; loyal; realistic; realistically; true; true-to-nature; truthful
honesto honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright agreeable; becoming; chaste; civil; clean; decent; durable; every inch; fair; fine; frank; genial; genuine; good-natured; great; heartfelt; honest; honorable; honourable; in heart and soul; incorruptible; neat; open; pleasant; proper; reliable; reputable; respectable; right; sincere; solid; sound; sporting; substantial; true; undiscussed; upright; virtuous; well mannered; worthy
honrado honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright civil; clean; contemplative; decent; fair; faithful; frank; honest; honorable; honourable; loyal; neat; open; reputable; respectable; right; sincere; sporting; true; upright; virtuous; worthy
leal honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright assiduous; committed; dedicated; devoted; diligent; fair; faithful; honest; loyal; zeal
recto honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright bolt upright; clear; dead straight; directly; erect; fair; honest; incorruptible; perpendicular; straight; undiscussed; upright
sincero honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright confidential; cordial; cordially; deep; fair; fierce; frank; genuine; heart-felt; heartfelt; heavy; honest; intense; intimate; open; outspoken; plain; private; profound; right; serious; sincere; sporting; straight; straightforward; true; upright; vehement; violent; wholehearted

Verwandte Wörter für "righteous":

Synonyms for "righteous":

Antonyme für "righteous":

  • unrighteous

Verwandte Definitionen für "righteous":

  1. morally justified1
    • righteous indignation1
  2. characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice1
    • the...prayer of a righteous man availeth much1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für righteous:

  1. free from sin or guilt
  2. moral and virtuous, suggesting sanctimonious
  3. justified morally

Cross Translation:
righteous equitativo; justo rechtvaardig — in overeenstemming met bepaalde ethische beginselen
righteous justo juste — Qui a le caractère de la justesse

Verwandte Übersetzungen für righteousness