
Detailübersetzungen für paltrier (Englisch) ins Spanisch


paltry Adjektiv

  1. paltry (terrible; miserable; abominable; )
    miserable; terrible; abominable; triste; lamentable; deplorable; pobre; mísero
  2. paltry (ragged; unsightly; shabby; )
    pasado; pobre; lamentable; andrajoso; harapiento; descuidado; miserable; mísero; decaído; haraposo; desharrapado

Übersetzung Matrix für paltry:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
miserable asshole; bastard; boor; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; louse; lout; nasty piece of work; pain in the neck; prole; rotter; scoundrel; slob; swine; villain; wretch; wretched fellow
pasado past
pobre bolt; bourgeois; clap of thunder; common folk; flash of lightning; pauper; poor fellow; poor wretch; populace; streak; thunderbolt; unfortunate; wretch
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- measly; miserable; negligible; trifling
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
abominable abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible abominable; atheistic; awful; detestable; disgraceful; disgusting; distressed; distressful; dreadful; frightful; godless; horrible; irreligious; miserable; naseaus; nefarious; outrageous; pathetic; pitiful; poor; rotten; scandalous; terrible; terrifying; unholy; wretched
andrajoso miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly bad; base; behind one's back; cunning; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; pedestrian; ribald; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; slutty; sly; tarty; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous
decaído miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly annoyed; dejected; depressed; despondent; disgruntled; displeased with; gloomy; in gutter; limp; listless; low spirited; miserable; pessimistic; shabby
deplorable abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible appalling; awful; cheerless; critical; crying shame; crying to heaven; dejected; deplorable; depressed; despondent; discouraged; disgraceful; disheartened; dispirited; distressed; distressful; dizy; drab; dreary; dull; gloomy; grave; grey; inadequate; insufficient; joyless; low spirited; miserable; outrageous; pathetic; pessimistic; pitiable; pitiful; pityful; plaintive; poor; rank; regretful; rotten; sad; serious; shocking; sorrowful; sorry; unfortunate; unsatisfactory; weak; woeful; worrying; wretched
descuidado miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly abandoned; careless; disorderly; disorederly; disorganised; disorganized; inattentive; indolent; lawless; lax; negligent; nonchalant; not tidy; ownerless; supine; unattended; undisciplined; wild
desharrapado miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly in gutter; miserable; shabby
harapiento miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly bad; behind one's back; cunning; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; pedestrian; ribald; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile
haraposo miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly
lamentable abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; terrible; unsightly complaining; dejected; depressed; despondent; discouraged; disheartened; dismal; dispirited; distressed; distressful; dizy; eccentric; exceptional; extremely; gloomy; greatly; highly; lamenting; low spirited; miserable; naseaus; particular; pathetic; pessimistic; pitiful; plaintive; rotten; sad; sorrowful; sorry; special; ultra; unfortunate; wailing; weak; woeful; wretched
miserable abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; terrible; unsightly awful; distressed; distressful; dreadful; frightful; horrible; lousy; miserable; pathetic; pitiful; plaintive; poverty stricken; rotten; sad; shabby; sorrowful; sorry; terrible; terrifying; woeful; wretched
mísero abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; terrible; unsightly come off badly; meager; meagre; plaintive; puny; sad; skinny; sorrowful; sorry; thin; woeful; worst
pasado miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly accomplished; achieved; before that; came by; clear; completed; concluded; dropped by; dropped in; elapsed; evident; exceeded; expired; finished; handed round; happened; lapsed; last; out; over; passed on; preceding; prepared; previous; previously; ready; ready for use; surpassed
pobre abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; terrible; unsightly come off badly; distressful; few; flimsy; impecunious; indigent; lean; lousy; meager; meagre; miserable; needy; pathetic; pennyless; pitiful; poor; poverty stricken; puny; scanty; shabby; skinny; thin; without means; woeful; worst; wretched
terrible abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible abominable; alarming; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; creepy; cruel; crying shame; crying to heaven; disgraceful; disgusting; dizy; dreadful; frightening; frightful; grisly; gross; gruesome; heinous; hideous; horrible; horribly; horrific; imminent; impending; inhuman; inhumane; monstrous; outrageous; rank; scandalous; scary; shocking; spooky; terrible; terribly; terrifying; threatening; weak
triste abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible a pity; cheerless; clowdy; dejected; depressed; despondent; disconsolate; discouraged; diseased; disheartened; dispirited; distressed; distressful; dizy; drab; dreary; dull; gloomy; grey; ill; joyless; low spirited; melancholic; miserable; moody; mopish; nostalgic; pathetic; pensive; pessimistic; pitiful; plaintive; rainy; sad; somber; sombre; sorrowful; sorry; suffering from a disease; too bad; triste; unfortunate; weak; wistful; woeful; wretched

Verwandte Wörter für "paltry":

  • paltriness, paltrier, paltriest

Synonyms for "paltry":

Verwandte Definitionen für "paltry":

  1. contemptibly small in amount1
    • a paltry wage1
  2. not worth considering1
    • he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für paltry:

Cross Translation:
paltry poca; poco karg — bezüglich Bezahlung, Nahrung, Zeit, und so weiter knapp, gering bemessen
paltry pobre; lastimoso; miserable; mísero; digno de lástima pauvre — Qui inspire la pitié.
paltry pobre; lastimoso; miserable; despreciable; mísero pauvre — Qui inspire le mépris

Computerübersetzung von Drittern: