
Detailübersetzungen für nastiest (Englisch) ins Spanisch


nasty Adjektiv

  1. nasty (cunning; vicious; mean; )
    exquisito; zorro; bajo; desagradable; malo; antipático; sinvergüenza; secreto; afilado; ducho; redomado; guarro; a escondidas; listo; grosero; canalla; sofisticado; vivo; falso; disimulado; secretamente; astuto; hábil; desafinado; indecente; taimado; pérfido; cazurro; traicionero; tallado; reticente; despreciable; obsceno; andrajoso; harapiento; solapado; socarrón; a hurtadillas; terriblemente; subrepticio; falsamente; en secreto; falsificado; desacorde; en falso
  2. nasty (sickly; nauseous; sick)
    mareado; mal
  3. nasty (banal; coarse; gross; )
    a sotavento; menos; basto; criminal; bajo; vulgar; burdo; añejo; banal; desaseado; deshonroso; bajamente; malo; bruto; trivial
  4. nasty (underhand; sneaky; malicious; )
  5. nasty (behind one's back; vicious; vile; )
  6. nasty (obscure; suspicious; suspect; )
    sombrío; oscuro; sospechoso; siniestro; malicioso; lúgubre
  7. nasty (sly)
    fastidioso; chinche
  8. nasty (malicious; wicked)
    vil; infame
  9. nasty (villainous; mean; base)
    bajo; sinvergüenza; a sotavento; malo; grosero; vil; indigno; ordinario; infame; indecente; obsceno; andrajoso; vilmente; bajamente; innoble

Übersetzung Matrix für nasty:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
antipático monstrosity; ogre; ugly fellow
bajo bass; contrabass; sandbank
bruto asshole; barbarian; bastard; blackguard; booby; boor; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; cruel person; dolt; duffer; fiend; hulk; ill-mannered brute; jerk; lout; lubber; madman; oaf; prole; rennet; ruffian; shithead; slob; swine; thug; tough; unlicked cub; yokel
canalla bastard; caboodle; cad; chaos; cunt; hash; mayhem; mess; monstrosity; muddle; nasty character; ogre; rabble; ragtag; rascal; riff-raff; riffraff; rogue; scamp; scoundrel; scum; shady chap; sneaker; snide; ugly fellow; vermin; villain
chinche bastard; bedbug; bully; cad; chinch; fault; immorality; monstrosity; nuisance; ogre; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; sin; teaser; tormentor; ugly fellow; vice; villain
criminal bastard; cad; criminal; delinquent; evil-doer; malefactor; offender; perpetrator; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; villain
exquisito exquisite
falso wrong
fastidioso bully; nuisance; teaser; tormentor
grosero bastard; booby; boor; boorishness; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; discourtesy; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lubber; oaf; prole; rude fellow; rudeness; slob; swine; yokel
guarro dirty fellow; dirty-fellow; dirtyness; obscenity; pervert; piglet; pigling; prole; skunk; slob; smut; smutty talk; swine; wretch
listo bright spark; genius; smart fellow
mal Beelzebuub; Lord of Evil; Lucifer; Prince of Darkness; Satan; ailment; complaint; daemon; demon; devil; disease; disorder; inconvenience; nuisance; trouble; wickedness
malicioso fly boy; shifty character; slick customer; smooth operator; sneak
malo nasty character
menos minus; minus sign
secreto confidentiality; mysteriousness; mystery; privacy; secrecy; secret; secretiveness
siniestro calamity; catastrophe; insurance claim
sinvergüenza asshole; bastard; brute; cad; criminal; delinquent; evil-doer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; malefactor; nasty piece of work; offender; perpetrator; rascal; rogue; rotter; scoundrel; villain; wretch; wretched fellow
socarrón fly boy; queer chap; queer fellow; rascal; rogue; shifty character; slick customer; slyboots; smooth operator; sneak; wag
taimado shady chap; sneaker; snide
traidor betrayer; squeaker; squealer; traitor; traitress; villain
vil robber; thief
vivo fastie; smart boy
zorro cunning person; dodger; fox; naughty boy; rascal; slick operator; slyboots
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- awful; cruddy; filthy; foul; smutty; tight
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
sofisticado fully-featured site; loaded site; rich site
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- mean; unpleasant
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
a escondidas bad; behind one's back; cunning; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; ribald; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile clandestine; concealed; furtive; on the quiet; on the sly; privately; quietly; secret; secretly; silently; sneakily; sneaking; softly; stealthily; stealthy; surreptitiously; underhand; unnoticed; unobserved; unperceived; unseen
a hurtadillas behind someone's back; covert; cunning; false; low; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand; vicious; vile clandestine; concealed; furtive; secretly; sneaking; stealthily; stealthy
a la chita callando behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand
a sotavento banal; base; below the belt; coarse; gross; mean; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; villainous; vulgar bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; mean; pedestrian; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vile; vulgar
afilado cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile able; adroit; astute; bright; capable; clever; crafty; cunning; dexterous; expert; ground off; handy; ingenious; intelligent; jagged; keen; keen-edged; lost; neat; nimble; perky; polished; proficient; razor-sharp; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sharp; sharp-edged; sharpened; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; sly; smart; smoothened; well sharpened; wily; wise
andrajoso bad; base; behind one's back; cunning; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; ribald; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous mean; miserable; paltry; pedestrian; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; slutty; tarty; unsightly; vile
antipático cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile antipathetic; blackguardly; impolite; repellant; repellent; repulsive; revolting; roguish; scoundrelly; uncivil; uncongenial; unengaging; unfriendly; unkind; unpleasant; villainous
astuto cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile astute; bluntly; bright; canny; clever; close; close by; coarse; crafty; crude; cunning; empty; even; flat; flatly; fresh; idle; ingenious; intelligent; level; nimble; perky; plain; point blank; pointed; quick; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; sly; smart; smooth; unbroached; uniform; unopened; untouched; unused; unwavering; vulgar; wily; wise
añejo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar matured; more than one year old; ripe; seasoned; stale
bajamente banal; base; below the belt; coarse; gross; mean; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; villainous; vulgar mean; pedestrian; vile
bajo bad; banal; base; behind one's back; below the belt; coarse; cunning; false; falsely; foul; gross; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; ribald; rotten; scurvy; secretly; shabby; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; trite; trivial; underhand; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar blackguardly; crude; diminutive; inadequate; indigent; inferior; little; low; low-grade; low-hanging; mean; middling; minuscule; needy; not high; pedestrian; pennyless; poor; roguish; scoundrelly; short; shortish; small; tiny; under; undersized; vile; villainous; vulgar
banal banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar futile; insignificant; mean; meaningless; sheet; sordid; trifling; trivial; unimportant; unremarkable
basto banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abusive; big-boned; coarse; crass; heavily-built; hefty; stocky
bruto banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abominable; agressive; arrogant; barbaric; beastly; bestial; blunt; boorish; brutal; coarse; commonplace; cruel; gross; gruesome; heinous; ill-bred; impudent; indecent; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; pityless; presumptuous; rude; rustic; ruthless; seedy; shameless; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly; unprocessed; unsavory; unsavoury; violent; vulgar
burdo banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar abusive; big-boned; chubby; coarse; crass; heavily-built; heavy; hefty; plump; squat; stocky
canalla cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile blackguardly; mean; pedestrian; roguish; scoundrelly; vile; villainous
cazurro cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile cunning; roguish; shrewd; slick; sly
chinche nasty; sly
clandestino bad; behind one's back; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; ribald; scurvy; secretly; vicious; vile black; clandestine; concealed; covertly; extrajudicial; furtive; illegal; in secret; secretly; sneakily; sneaking; stealthily; stealthy; unlawful
criminal banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar blackguardly; criminal; illegal; mean; of criminal law; pedestrian; roguish; scoundrelly; vile; villainous
desacorde cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile blackguardly; in disagreement; roguish; scoundrelly; secretly; stealthily; villainous
desafinado cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile badly; blackguardly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; roguish; scoundrelly; secretly; stealthily; vicious; villainous; with evil intention
desagradable bad; behind one's back; cunning; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; ribald; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile a pity; aggravating; annoying; awkward; bashful; bold; bothersome; cheerless; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; critical; diffident; disagreeable; dismal; embarrassed; exacting; grave; ill at ease; impolite; inadequate; inconvenient; insufficient; miserable; naseaus; pitiful; pityful; regretful; repulsive; rotten; serious; shy; sourly; timid; too bad; troublesome; unappetising; unappetizing; uncivil; uncongenial; uneasy; unengaging; unfriendly; ungrateful; uninviting; unkind; unpleasant; unsatisfactory; unsavory; unsavoury; unthankful; untrue; unwelcome; woeful; worrying; wretched
desarrapado bad; behind one's back; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; ribald; scurvy; secretly; vicious; vile
desaseado banal; below the belt; coarse; gross; nasty; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vulgar dirty

Verwandte Wörter für "nasty":

Synonyms for "nasty":

Antonyme für "nasty":

Verwandte Definitionen für "nasty":

  1. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter1
    • a nasty pigsty of a room1
  2. characterized by obscenity1
  3. exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent1
    • a nasty problem1
  4. offensive or even (of persons) malicious1
    • in a nasty mood1
    • a nasty accident1
    • a nasty shock1
    • a nasty smell1
    • a nasty trick to pull1
    • Will he say nasty things at my funeral?1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für nasty:

  1. dirty, filthy
  2. contemptible of a person

Cross Translation:
nasty vil; obsceno; mísero; infame schunniglaag, vuil, schuin
nasty desagradable naar — onaangenaam, niet leuk
nasty nauseabundo misselijk — een nare indruk makend, onuitstaanbaar
nasty malvado; maligno; malicioso; malévolo kwaadaardig — met een slecht karakter
nasty miserable; malo; mal beroerd — bijzonder slecht, waardeloos
nasty lúgubre; horrible akelig — onaangenaam
nasty abominable; horrible; horroroso abominable — Qui est en horreur, qui mériter d’tenir en horreur.
nasty agudo; afilado aigu — Qui a un aspect pointu, tranchant, voire déchirer.
nasty antipático; antipática antipathique — Qui provoque l’antipathie. (Sens général).
nasty horrible; lúgubre désagréable — Qui déplaire, de quelque manière que ce être.
nasty abominable; horrible; horroroso hideux — Qui est difforme à l’excès, affreux et repoussant.
nasty feo laid — Qui a quelque défaut qui se remarque dans les proportions
nasty malo; mal mauvaisdéfavorable ; qui cause une impression défavorable.
nasty picante piquant — Qui piquer.
nasty abominable; horrible; horroroso répugnant — Qui inspirer la répugnance.

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