
Detailübersetzungen für gains (Englisch) ins Spanisch


Konjugationen für gain:

  1. gain
  2. gain
  3. gains
  4. gain
  5. gain
  6. gain
simple past
  1. gained
  2. gained
  3. gained
  4. gained
  5. gained
  6. gained
present perfect
  1. have gained
  2. have gained
  3. has gained
  4. have gained
  5. have gained
  6. have gained
past continuous
  1. was gaining
  2. were gaining
  3. was gaining
  4. were gaining
  5. were gaining
  6. were gaining
  1. shall gain
  2. will gain
  3. will gain
  4. shall gain
  5. will gain
  6. will gain
continuous present
  1. am gaining
  2. are gaining
  3. is gaining
  4. are gaining
  5. are gaining
  6. are gaining
  1. be gained
  2. be gained
  3. be gained
  4. be gained
  5. be gained
  6. be gained
  1. gain!
  2. let's gain!
  3. gained
  4. gaining
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

gain [the ~] Nomen

  1. the gain (yield; profit; benefit; return; output)
    el beneficio; el rendimiento; la cosecha
  2. the gain (profit; benefit; advantage; )
    el beneficio; la ganancia; el provecho; el rendimiento; la ventaja; el medro; la utilidad; el sueldo; la ganga; la conveniencia; la valía; el mérito
  3. the gain (purchase; acquisition; shoppings; profit)
    la adquisición; la compra; el beneficio; el rendimiento; la obtención

Übersetzung Matrix für gain:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
adquisición acquisition; gain; profit; purchase; shoppings acquiring; acquisition; buy; buying; obtaining; procurance; purchase; purchasing
aprender learning; studying
beneficio acquisition; advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; purchase; return; shoppings; take; victory; winning; yield benefit; productivity; profit; use; usefulness; value
cobrar collecting
compra acquisition; gain; profit; purchase; shoppings acquiring; acquisition; buy; buying; obtaining; procurance; purchase; purchasing
conseguir obtaining; winning over
conveniencia advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield ability; advisability; appropriateness; becomingness; benefit; candor; candour; civility; courtesy; courtliness; decency; desirability; detachment; etiquette; faultlessness; frankness; gallantry; gentility; good breeding; good manners; impeccability; irreprochability; joy; light-heartedness; manners; merriment; mirth; neatness; open-heartedness; orderliness; perfection; pleasure; profit; propriety; purity; respectability; seemliness; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; suitability; suitableness; tidiness; use; usefulness; value
cosecha benefit; gain; output; profit; return; yield crop; cultivated plants; dividing wall; fence; fencing; grape harvest; harvest; harvesting; head; output; partition; reaping; septum; vintage; yield
extraer draining; pull
ganancia advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield
ganga advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield bargain; bid; bit of good luck; bit of luck; chance; fortune; godsend; luck; lucky coincidence; offer; piece of good luck; piece of luck; pleasant surprise; proposal; sheer luck; stroke of luck; stroke of unexpected luck; windfall
medro advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield
mérito advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield merit
obtención acquisition; gain; profit; purchase; shoppings capture; taking
provecho advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield affluence; benefit; productivity; profit; prosperity; use; usefulness; utility; value; wealth; welfare; well-being
rendimiento acquisition; advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; purchase; return; shoppings; take; victory; winning; yield benefit; effectiveness; effectivity; labour performance; performance; productivity; profit; throughput; use; usefulness; utility; value
sueldo advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield allowance; compensation; fee; fruits of labour; income; merits; pay; payment; receivings; recompense; remuneration; reward; salary; wage; wages
utilidad advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield appropriateness; benefit; productivity; profit; relevance; use; usefulness; utility; utility program; value
valía advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield
ventaja advantage; benefit; earnings; economy; gain; output; profit; return; take; victory; winning; yield benefit; bit of luck; chance; fortunate; godsend; good luck; piece of luck; profit; sheer luck; stroke of luck; use; usefulness; utility; windfall
- addition; amplification; increase; profit
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
adquirir absorb; acquire; collect; come by; gain; learn; obtain; procure; receive acquire; buy; catch; contract; get; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; get the hang of; lay one's hands on; learn; obtain; pick up; procure; purchase; receive; receive for one's portion; secure; seize; seize upon; study; take possession of
alcanzar catch up; catch up with; gain; run in; win affect; bear; bring; bring along; bring in; carry; carry along; catch up with; come up alongside with; concern; end up; get; get through; give; give to; hand; hand over; hit; move; obtain; pass; reach; strike; take in; touch
apoderarse de absorb; collect; gain; learn; receive acquire; capture; catch; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; lay one's hands on; obtain; receive for one's portion; secure; seize; seize upon; take possession of
aprender absorb; collect; gain; learn; receive acquire; allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; confer; get the hang of; give; grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; learn; pick up; practice; practise; question; study; studying; subsidise; subsidize; teach; train
cobrar acquire; come by; gain; obtain; procure bill; cash; charge; collect money; convert into cash; get back; glance; invoice; just touch; levy; realise; realize; regain; retake; stir; tag; tap; tick; touch; touch upon
conseguir absorb; collect; gain; learn; receive acquire; bring off; cope; fix; get hold of something; lay one's hands on; manage; obtain; pull off; secure; seize; seize upon; take possession of
engordarse become heavier; gain; gain weight
extraer gain alter; change; conceptualise; conceptualize; create; derive; design; draw; excerpt; extract; get undone; interchange; invent; make; pull; pull out; switch; tap; transform; unpick; untie; vary
ganar gain; win acquire; bring about; bring forth; bring in; buy; capture; catch; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; earn; earn a living; earn one's bread; earn wages; gain the day; gain the victory; generate; get; invent; make; manufacture; obtain; prepare; produce; purchase; seize; take in
ganar peso become heavier; gain; gain weight
obtener gain; win acquire; bring in; buy; get; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; get through; lay one's hands on; obtain; purchase; reach; receive for one's portion; secure; seize; seize upon; take in; take possession of
recibir absorb; acquire; collect; come by; gain; learn; obtain; procure; receive abide; accept; bid welcome; collect; entertain; get hold of something; hail; lay one's hands on; receive; regale; secure; seize; take; take on; take possession of; welcome
recuperar catch up; catch up with; gain; run in ask for; claim; get over; make good; make up; recapture; reconquer; recoup; recover; rectify; regain; retake; retrieve; revive; struggle up; win back
sacar absorb; collect; gain; learn; receive accuse; bail out; bale out; blame; bring out; cheat; discredit; draw up; excerpt; extract; fool; get undone; go short; hold against; play up; play up in a cardgame; pop; pull out; rebuke; reprimand; reproach; show; strike up; take out; tap; trick; undo; unpick; untie
triunfar gain; win conquer; gain the day; gain the victory; master; outdo; overcome; score off; triumph; trump; win; win over
- acquire; advance; arrive at; attain; benefit; bring in; clear; derive; earn; gain ground; gather; get ahead; hit; make; make headway; profit; pull ahead; pull in; put on; reach; realise; realize; take in; win
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- obtain; profit; secure; yield

Verwandte Wörter für "gain":

  • regain, gaining, gained, gains

Synonyms for "gain":

Antonyme für "gain":

Verwandte Definitionen für "gain":

  1. the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input1
  2. the advantageous quality of being beneficial1
  3. the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating1
  4. a quantity that is added1
    • they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks1
  5. increase (one's body weight)1
    • She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising1
  6. increase or develop1
    • the peace movement gained momentum1
  7. rise in rate or price1
    • The stock market gained 24 points today1
  8. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.1
    • The home team was gaining ground1
  9. reach a destination, either real or abstract1
  10. win something through one's efforts1
  11. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages1
  12. derive a benefit from1
  13. obtain1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für gain:

  1. acquire
  2. put on weight
  1. factor by which signal is multiplied
  2. what one gains (profit)
  3. act of gaining

Cross Translation:
gain provecho; ganancia profijt — het -met name financiële- voordeel dat men heeft bij een bepaalde zaak
gain obtener; conseguir; alcanzar behalen — een diploma of certificaat verwerven
gain ganancia Gewinnallgemein: ein Ereignis, bei welchem ein Nutzen oder Vorteil erzielt wird
gain ganar gewinnen — (intransitiv) durch eigenen Aufwand, Einsatz, eigene Bemühung (und günstige Umstand) etwas erstrebenswert beziehungsweise wünschenswert erlangen
gain ganar gewinnen — (intransitiv) eine Zunahme von etwas (anstreben) erreichen
gain distinguirse profilierensich profilieren: ein Profil in der Öffentlichkeit gewinnen, sich beweisen
gain ganar zunehmenzunehmen an: eine Eigenschaft oder einen Besitz vergrößern
gain engordar zunehmenGewicht: schwerer oder dicker werden
gain adquisición; compra; ganancia acquisitionaction d’acquérir.
gain adquirir acquérir — Devenir possesseur par le travail, par l’achat, par l’échange, par contrat ou alors par... (Sens général).
gain amasar; amontonar amasseraccumuler, réunir en masse.
gain ventaja; provecho; ganancia avantage — Utilité, profit, faveur, bénéfice.
gain adquisición; ganancia; botín butin — Ce que l’on prendre sur les ennemis.
gain beneficio; ventaja; provecho bénéfice — commerce|fr gain, profit.
gain ganar; cobrar gagner — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
gain obtener; lograr; alcanzar; conseguir obtenir — Se faire accorder par tel ou tel moyen une chose que l’on désirer.
gain aprovecharse; aprovechar profitertirer un émolument, faire un gain.
gain ganar; alcanzar; conseguir; lograr remporterTraductions à trier suivant le sens.

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für gains