
Detailübersetzungen für fitted (Englisch) ins Spanisch


Verwandte Definitionen für "fitted":

  1. being the right size and shape to fit as desired1
    • a fitted overcoat1
    • he quickly assembled the fitted pieces1


Konjugationen für fit:

  1. fit
  2. fit
  3. fits
  4. fit
  5. fit
  6. fit
simple past
  1. fitted
  2. fitted
  3. fitted
  4. fitted
  5. fitted
  6. fitted
present perfect
  1. have fitted
  2. have fitted
  3. has fitted
  4. have fitted
  5. have fitted
  6. have fitted
past continuous
  1. was fitting
  2. were fitting
  3. was fitting
  4. were fitting
  5. were fitting
  6. were fitting
  1. shall fit
  2. will fit
  3. will fit
  4. shall fit
  5. will fit
  6. will fit
continuous present
  1. am fitting
  2. are fitting
  3. is fitting
  4. are fitting
  5. are fitting
  6. are fitting
  1. be fitted
  2. be fitted
  3. be fitted
  4. be fitted
  5. be fitted
  6. be fitted
  1. fit!
  2. let's fit!
  3. fitted
  4. fitting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

fit [the ~] Nomen

  1. the fit
    el la forma de un modelo; el corte; la forma
  2. the fit (tantrum; temper)
  3. the fit (convulsion; convulsive movement; spasm; labour pain)
    la convulsión; la contracción; la constricción
  4. the fit
    – One of the criteria used for evaluating the success of a data mining algorithm. Fit is typically represented as a value between 0 and 1, and is calculated by taking the covariance between the predicted and actual values of evaluated cases and dividing by the standard deviations of the same predicted and actual values. 2
    el ajuste

Übersetzung Matrix für fit:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
ajuste fit adjusting; adjustment; equalisation; equalization; getting sharp; mentality; synchronisation; synchronization; tune in to; tune-up; tuning
ataque de cólera fit; tantrum; temper
ataque de rabia fit; tantrum; temper
concordar agreeing; arranging
constricción convulsion; convulsive movement; fit; labour pain; spasm
contracción convulsion; convulsive movement; fit; labour pain; spasm chain; coming together; concentration; contraction; crimp; labour pain; sequence; series; shrinkage; woe
convulsión convulsion; convulsive movement; fit; labour pain; spasm growing pain
corte fit bolt; bottom; clasp; coupe; court; court circle; court dignitaries; courtyard; cut; cut out; cutting; cutting out; cutting surface; degradation; disgracement; dishonering; excision; gash; groove; hair style; haircut; hairdo; incision; indentation; knife wound; lower side; nick; notch; piece of bread; piecie; quadrangle; quadrilateral; royal household; salary cut; score; section; slash; slice of bread; snip; style; underside; wound
experto authority; connoisseur; expert; professional; specialist
forma fit be in good shape; build; cast; casting; casting mould; condition; conversion rate; course; course of action; course of behaviour; currency; etiquette; exchange rate; figure; form; formulating; ghost; good manners; gypsum; line of conduct; manner; mannerliness; matrix; method; methodology; mode; mold; posture; rate; rate of exchange; shadow; shape; silhouette; size; stature; value; way
la forma de un modelo fit
perito authority; expert; specialist
- burst; conniption; convulsion; paroxysm; scene; tantrum
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
coincidir correspond to; fit; match agree; be correct; coincide; converge; correspond; correspond to; match
coincidir con correspond to; fit; match be accurate; be correct
concertar correspond to; fit; match close; conclude; draw; harmonise; harmonize; shut
concordar correspond to; fit; match agree; be accurate; be correct; concur; form a harmonious entirety; harmonise; harmonize; rhyme
construir assemble; construct; fit; instal; install; lay; place; set up add; add new buildings; add on to; arrange; build; build on; build out; build up; compose; construct; erect; establish; expand; extend; instal; install; lay bricks; put together; raise; set up; swell; widen
convenir fit; fit in; match agree; agree on; arrange; be all right; be convenient to; be fit; be right; be suitable; become; befit; come to an agreement; concur; conform to; correspond with; like; suit; suit one's convenience
encajar fit; fit in; match bring down; clasp; clutch; fit in; grasp; grip; place; position; put; seize; situate; slide into each other; take down; talk into
probarse fit; try; try on fit in; try on
probarse una prenda de vestir fit; try; try on
quedar bien fit; fit in; match become; flatter; form a harmonious entirety; harmonise; harmonize; look good
- accommodate; agree; check; conform to; correspond; equip; fit out; gibe; go; jibe; match; meet; outfit; suit; tally
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- primed; set
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
forma shape
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- adjust; cut to length; suit
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
adecuado effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable adequate; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; as it should be; correct; fair; fitting; impressive; moderate; proper; properly; reasonable; relevant; respectable; right; suitable; suitably; tolerable; well aware of
apropiado effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; effective; efficient; fair; fitting; moderate; reasonable; relevant; right; significant; suitable
apto able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
calificado able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; authorised; authorized; capable; certified; competent; efficient; experienced; good; qualified; seasoned; skilled
capacitado para el trabajo capable for work; fit; valid
capaz able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; adroit; alluring; attractive; capable; dexterous; experienced; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; seasoned; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
como corresponde effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable as it should be; properly; reasonable; suitably; tolerable; well aware of
competente able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; adroit; authorised; authorized; capable; competent; efficient; experienced; good; physically capable; proficient; seasoned; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
debidamente effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable as it should be; properly; suitably; well aware of
en forma fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well fighting fit; flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of
entrenado fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
experto able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; adroit; capable; clever; competent; dexterous; efficient; experienced; expert; good; handy; ingenious; neat; nimble; perfect; physically capable; proficient; resourceful; skilful; skilled; skillful; thorough; trained
experto en la materia able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; capable; competent; efficient; good
floreciente fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well booming; budding; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; florid; flourishing; flowered; healthy; high-coloured; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of
perito able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; acute; adroit; biting; capable; clever; ingenious; keen; proficient; resourceful; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
próspero fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well auspicious; beneficial; blooming; booming; exultant; flourishing; fortunate; healthy; in good health; lucky; propitious; prospering; prosperous; rich; successful; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of
saludable fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well beneficial; flourishing; health; healthy; in good health; prosperous; salutary; sanitary; thriving; well

Verwandte Wörter für "fit":

  • refit, fits, fittest

Synonyms for "fit":

Antonyme für "fit":

Verwandte Definitionen für "fit":

  1. physically and mentally sound or healthy1
    • felt relaxed and fit after their holiday1
    • keeps fit with diet and exercise1
  2. meeting adequate standards for a purpose1
    • a fit subject for discussion1
    • it is fit and proper that you be there1
    • water fit to drink1
    • fit for duty1
    • do as you see fit to1
  3. (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed1
    • in no fit state to continue1
    • fit to drop1
    • laughing fit to burst1
    • she was fit to scream1
  4. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)1
    • a fit of housecleaning1
  5. the manner in which something fits1
    • I admired the fit of her coat1
  6. a sudden uncontrollable attack1
    • a fit of coughing1
  7. a display of bad temper1
    • he had a fit1
  8. insert or adjust several objects or people1
    • Can you fit the toy into the box?1
    • This man can't fit himself into our work environment1
  9. make fit1
    • fit a dress1
    • He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out1
  10. make correspond or harmonize1
  11. provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose1
  12. be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics1
  13. be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired1
    • This piece won't fit into the puzzle1
  14. satisfy a condition or restriction1
  15. be agreeable or acceptable to1
  16. conform to some shape or size1
    • How does this shirt fit?1
  17. One of the criteria used for evaluating the success of a data mining algorithm. Fit is typically represented as a value between 0 and 1, and is calculated by taking the covariance between the predicted and actual values of evaluated cases and dividing by the standard deviations of the same predicted and actual values.2

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für fit:

  1. sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom
  2. seizure
  1. to be in harmony
  2. to have right size and cut, as of clothing
  3. to conform to in size and shape
  1. suitable, proper

Cross Translation:
fit quedar; caber passen — precies de goede maat zijn, erin kunnen
fit sano fit — in goede lichamelijke conditie
fit intentar; ensayar; probar aanpassen — aantrekken om te passen
fit traer; llevar; aportar aanbrengen — brengen naar
fit estar; sentado; sentar sitzenvon Kleidung: von Größe oder Schnitt angemessen sein
fit apto; útil tauglichMilitärwesen, von Personen: wehrdiensttauglich; geeignet Wehrdienst zu leisten
fit entrada; acceso; acometida; agresión; ataque accès — Action, endroit, ou facilité plus ou moins grande d’accéder dans un lieu, physique ou virtuel.
fit apoplejía apoplexie — médecine|fr arrêt brusque, plus ou moins complet, des fonctions cérébrales, accompagner de la perte entier ou partielle de la connaissance et du mouvement.
fit asalto; acometida assautattaque pour emporter de vif force une ville, une place de guerre, une position, etc.
fit ataque attaque — propre|nocat=1 Action d'attaquer
fit convenir convenir — Être approprié
fit vestir; vestirse habiller — Mettre des habits à quelqu’un…
fit revestir; enfundar; poner; sobreponer; revocar revêtirpourvoir de vêtements quelqu’un qui en a besoin.
fit vestir vêtirhabiller, couvrir d’un vêtement.

Verwandte Übersetzungen für fitted