
Detailübersetzungen für commanded (Englisch) ins Spanisch

commanded form of command:

command [the ~] Nomen

  1. the command (assignment; order; shibboleth; )
    el encargo; la consigna; la comisión; el mando; la dedicación; la misión; el comando; la instrucción; la enseñanza; el cometido; el apremio
  2. the command (control)
    el dominio; el control; la dominación
  3. the command (order)
    la orden; el mandamiento; el comando; el mando
  4. the command (order)
    el mandamiento
  5. the command (order)
    la orden; el mando; el encargo; el comando; la tarea; el mandato
  6. the command (dominion; authority; mastery; power)
    el poder; la supremacía; la autoridad; el dominio; el señorío
  7. the command (front position; leading; taking the lead; lead)
    el mando; la dirección
  8. the command (instruction; assignment; order)
    la instrucción; la tarea; la enseñanza; la indicación; el mando; la orden; el encargo; el mandato; la asignación; la misión; el comando
  9. the command
    el mando supremo
  10. the command
    – An instruction to a computer program that, when issued by the user, causes an action to be carried out. Commands are usually either typed at the keyboard or chosen from a menu. 1

Konjugationen für command:

  1. command
  2. command
  3. commands
  4. command
  5. command
  6. command
simple past
  1. commanded
  2. commanded
  3. commanded
  4. commanded
  5. commanded
  6. commanded
present perfect
  1. have commanded
  2. have commanded
  3. has commanded
  4. have commanded
  5. have commanded
  6. have commanded
past continuous
  1. was commanding
  2. were commanding
  3. was commanding
  4. were commanding
  5. were commanding
  6. were commanding
  1. shall command
  2. will command
  3. will command
  4. shall command
  5. will command
  6. will command
continuous present
  1. am commanding
  2. are commanding
  3. is commanding
  4. are commanding
  5. are commanding
  6. are commanding
  1. be commanded
  2. be commanded
  3. be commanded
  4. be commanded
  5. be commanded
  6. be commanded
  1. command!
  2. let's command!
  3. commanded
  4. commanding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für command:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
apremio assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth haste; hastiness; hurry; overhaste; quickness; rush
asignación assignment; command; instruction; order allocation; allowance; amends; assignment; compensation; indemnification; map; mapping; memory allocation
autoridad authority; command; dominion; mastery; power administration; authorities; authority; cabinet; capacity; circumstances beyond one's control; colonial administration; colonial government; competence; competency; establishment; force; force majeure; government; influence; local government; power; rule; ruler; strength; superior force; superiority
comando assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth army order; instruction; lesson; tuition
cometido assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth
comisión assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth brokerage; brokerage fee; commission; committee; instruction; lesson; tuition
conducir drive
consigna assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth device; left luggage office; slogan
control command; control administration; analysis; care; check up; control; exam; examination; examining; exploration; guardianship; inspecting; inspection; management; monitoring; observation; ordeal; overlooking; preliminary examination; prelims; restraint; supervision; surveillance; test; testing; thumb; thumb control; trial; visitation; watch
dedicación assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth affection; ambition; assiduousness; attachment; dedication; devotion; diligence; fondness; passion
dirección command; front position; lead; leading; taking the lead address; addressing; board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; committee; conducting; course; direction; directorate; directorship; e-mail address; email address; internet e-mail address; management; policy; politics; régie; stage-management; strategy; supervision; tactic; wire
dirigir directing; leading
dominación command; control domination; restraint; rule
dominio authority; command; control; dominion; mastery; power TLD; area; authority; belonging; capacity; district; domain; force; household effects; influence; possession; power; region; restraint; strength; territory; top-level domain; zone
encargo assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth announcement; authority; instruction; mandate; notification; orders; subpoena; summons; warrant
enseñanza assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth course; curriculum; education; instruction; lesson; schooling; teaching; training; tuition; upbringing
guiar drifting; floating
indicación assignment; command; instruction; order clue; cue; evidence; hand; hint; indicating; indication; lead; omen; pointer; pointing out; showing; sign; symptom; tip; tip-off
instrucción assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth action statement; army order; briefing; college; drilling; education; guidebook; handbook; instruction; instruction book; judicial inquiry; judicial investigation; lesson; manual; prescription; qualification; recommendation; regulation; schooling; statement; teaching; training; tuition
llevar carrying away
mandamiento command; order
mandato assignment; command; instruction; order announcement; authority; hotchpotch; jumble; mandate; medley; mishmash; notification; power of attorney; subpoena; summons; warrant
mando assignment; command; cue; front position; instruction; lead; leading; motto; order; parole; shibboleth; taking the lead board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; committee; direction; employees; foreman; governing; management; manpower; personnel; ruling; servants; staff; steering; supervision; wire
mando supremo command supreme command
misión assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth action; chore; delivery; dispatch; duties; hobby; labor; labour; mission; pastime; supplies; supply; task; work; working; workpiece
orden assignment; command; instruction; order announcement; building; by-law; candor; candour; chain; chicanery; civility; construction; courtesy; courtliness; decency; decision; defining; detachment; determination; discipline; establishment; etiquette; existing order; faultlessness; file; fixing; frankness; fuss; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; hassle; hotchpotch; impeccability; irreprochability; joint; joy; jumble; light-heartedness; line; manners; medley; merriment; mirth; mishmash; neatness; notification; open-heartedness; order; orderliness; ordinance; perfection; pleasure; propriety; purity; rank; regularity; regulation; regulations; respectability; row; rules; sequence; series; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; string; submission; subpoena; succession; summons; tidiness; trouble making
poder authority; command; dominion; mastery; power ability; administration; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; authorization form; cabinet; capacity; colonial administration; colonial government; fiat; force; form of proxy; government; instructions; licence; license; local government; mandate; power; power of attorney; strength; warrant
señorío authority; command; dominion; mastery; power
supremacía authority; command; dominion; mastery; power circumstances beyond one's control; force majeure; hegemony; preponderance; superior force; superiority; supremacy
tarea assignment; command; instruction; order action; army order; hobby; instruction; orders; pastime; task; to-do; to-do item
- bid; bidding; control; dictation; instruction; mastery; program line; statement
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
conducir be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead be at the wheel; carry; direct; drive; drive horses; guide; lead; operate; point the direction; ride; steer; transport
dar orden de be in command of; charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; preside; rule; take the lead
decretar be in command of; charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; preside; rule; take the lead bid; call; charge; dictate; direct; give notice of; instruct; ordain; order; proclaim
dirigir be in command of; command; direct; lead; order; preside; take the lead address; adjust; arrange; be at the wheel; conduct; conform to; direct; drive; join; put on an address; refer to; steer
encabezar be in command of; command; direct; lead; order; preside; take the lead
encargar charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule aggravate; assign to; board out; burden; commission someone; give an order; instruct; order; order someone; pre-order; put out
encomendar charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule assign to; give an order; instruct
estar en cabeza be in command of; command; direct; lead; order; preside; take the lead
gobernar be in command of; command; direct; lead; order; preside; take the lead
guiar be in command of; command; direct; lead; order; preside; take the lead drive; drive horses; lead about; pilot through; show around
ir a la cabeza be in command of; command; direct; lead; order; preside; take the lead go before; precede
ir delante be in command of; command; direct; lead; order; preside; take the lead be way ahead; drive at the front; drive in front; drive onward; go before; precede; ride at the front
liderar be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead
llevar be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead bear; bring; bring around; bring back; carry; carry along; deliver; deliver to the door; deprive; furnish; hand over; have on; leave; provide; put up for shipment; return; send; ship; supply; wear
mandar be in command of; charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; direct; exert power; force; lead; order; preside; rule; take the lead aggravate; assign to; bid; bring; burden; capitulate; charge; contribute; deliver; deliver to the door; dictate; direct; discharge; dismiss; dominate; drop; enter; fire; force; forward; give an order; give up; hand oneself in; hand oneself over to; hand over; have the upper hand; instruct; lay off; leave; mail; majorate; ordain; order; predominate; prevail; release; remit; sack; send; send in; send to; ship; supply
obligar charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule charge; coerce; compel; enforce; force; oblige; oblige to; ordain; order; press on
ordenar be in command of; charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; preside; rule; take the lead aggravate; arrange; assign to; assort; bid; burden; call; card-index; charge; class; classify; clean; clear away; coerce; compel; dictate; direct; do odd jobs; do out; entomb; force; get settled; give an order; give notice of; group; instruct; inter; oblige; ordain; order; proclaim; put away; put in order; put out; put right; range; rank; redevelop; remove; renovate; restore; select; settle; shunt; sift; sort; sort out; systematise; systematize; take off; tidy up
pilotar be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead lead in; navigate; sail; show in; sneak in
poder be able; be allowed to; have permission; may
preceder be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead be ahead; lead the way; walk on before
presidir be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead
ser primero be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead
- control; dominate; overlook; overtop; require
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
comando command
control control
dominio domain
orden Z order; order; stack order; z order; z-order
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- commanding; fetch; injunction; involve; lead; leadership; order

Verwandte Wörter für "command":

Synonyms for "command":

Verwandte Definitionen für "command":

  1. availability for use2
    • the materials at the command of the potters grew2
  2. the power or authority to command2
    • an admiral in command2
  3. great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity2
    • a good command of French2
  4. (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program2
  5. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something2
  6. a military unit or region under the control of a single officer2
  7. a position of highest authority2
    • the corporation has just undergone a change in command2
  8. make someone do something2
  9. be in command of2
    • The general commanded a huge army2
  10. demand as one's due2
    • This speaker commands a high fee2
    • The author commands a fair hearing from his readers2
  11. exercise authoritative control or power over2
  12. look down on2
  13. An instruction to a computer program that, when issued by the user, causes an action to be carried out. Commands are usually either typed at the keyboard or chosen from a menu.1
  14. An instruction sent via mobile phone to perform a certain action on Windows Live, such as updating a status message, or to retrieve information, such as a list of the day's events).1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für command:

  1. order

Cross Translation:
command mandato; orden sommatie — aanmaning
command mandato; instrucción; orden; comando commando — opdracht om een bepaald proces uit te voeren
command mando; mandato; comando commando — bevel, leiding
command mandar; acaudillar commanderen — het bevel voeren over
command ordenar bevelen — een dwingende opdracht geven.
command mandar; encabezar; comandar; acaudillar aanvoeren — bevel voeren over
command comando Befehl — kleinste Funktionseinheit eines Programmes in der Datenverarbeitung
command pedido; encargo; demanda commande — comm|fr ordre donné à un fabricant, à un ouvrier, à un artiste de faire un certain ouvrage, ou à un marchand de faire une certaine livraison.
command mandar; ordenar; encargar commander — Ordonner, enjoindre quelque chose à quelqu’un. (Sens général).
command conocimiento; sentido; conocimientos; conocido connaissance — Idée, notion qu’on a de quelque chose, de quelqu’un; le fait de le connaître