
Detailübersetzungen für brains (Englisch) ins Spanisch


brains [the ~] Nomen

  1. the brains (cranium; skull; brain-pan)
    la calavera; el cráneo; el coco; la crisma; la campana; la mollera

Übersetzung Matrix für brains:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
calavera brain-pan; brains; cranium; skull block; brain; brain-pan; braincase; cranium; libertines; rake; skull
campana brain-pan; brains; cranium; skull church bell; tolling bell; tower clock
coco brain-pan; brains; cranium; skull block; bogeyman; brain; brain-pan; braincase; bugbear; clapper; coco; coconut; coconut fibre; coconut palm; coconut tree; cranium; grated coconut; skull
crisma brain-pan; brains; cranium; skull block; brain; brain-pan
cráneo brain-pan; brains; cranium; skull block; brain; brain-pan; braincase; cranium; skull
mollera brain-pan; brains; cranium; skull crest; crown; peak; top
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- understanding; wit

Verwandte Wörter für "brains":

brains form of brain:

brain [the ~] Nomen

  1. the brain (discernment; understanding; insight; notion)
    la perspicacia; la listeza; la agudeza; el entendimiento; la noción; la inteligencia; la sagacidad; el genio; el ingenio; la discernimiento; la inventiva
  2. the brain (brain-pan; block)
    el cerebro; el cabeza; la mente; la cabecera; el coco; el cráneo; el bulbo; la bola; la calavera; el bollo; la esfera; el encabezamiento; el cabecilla; la crisma

Übersetzung Matrix für brain:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
agudeza brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding acidity; acumen; acuteness; adeptness; bittyness; brightness; cattishness; cleverness; cunning; curtness; discernment; gag; insight; intelligence; jest; joke; keen perception; keenness; pleasantry; quick-wittedness; quip; readiness for battle; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; snappiness; witticism; witty remark
bola block; brain; brain-pan ball; ball of wool; globe; pellet; sphere
bollo block; brain; brain-pan ball; ball of wool; blow; bread roll; dent; growth; knob; lump; roll; swelling; swollen spot; tumor; tumour
bulbo block; brain; brain-pan
cabecera block; brain; brain-pan awareness; beginning; beginning of a letter; captain; centurion; chief; commander; forewoman; head; headman; leader; mind; reason; scoutmaster; woman-leader
cabecilla block; brain; brain-pan gangleader
cabeza block; brain; brain-pan awareness; beginning; beginning of a letter; boss; chief; head; head of a human being; leader; mind; reason; sphere; superior
calavera block; brain; brain-pan brain-pan; braincase; brains; cranium; libertines; rake; skull
cerebro block; brain; brain-pan beginning; beginning of a letter; headline; mastermind; scoutmaster
coco block; brain; brain-pan bogeyman; brain-pan; braincase; brains; bugbear; clapper; coco; coconut; coconut fibre; coconut palm; coconut tree; cranium; grated coconut; skull
crisma block; brain; brain-pan brain-pan; brains; cranium; skull
cráneo block; brain; brain-pan brain-pan; braincase; brains; cranium; skull
discernimiento brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding discernment; distinguishability; insight; perception; recognizability; sharp-eyedness; vision
encabezamiento block; brain; brain-pan address; awareness; foreword; headline; introduction; introductory remarks; mind; preamble; preface; prologue; reason; scoutmaster; speech
entendimiento brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding awareness; brainpower; clarity; clearness; combined action; concord; consensus; discernment; genius; insight; intellect; intelligence; limpidity; mental capacity; mind; perception; reason; sense; teamwork; thought; unanimity; understanding; vision
esfera block; brain; brain-pan chain; chainlet; circle; circlet; clockface; dial; ring; row
genio brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding ability; aptitude; brainpower; bright spark; brilliance; capacity; genius; gift; go getter; high flyer; ingenuity; intellect; intelligence; inventiveness; magician; mental capacity; natural ability; resourcefulness; sense; smart fellow; sorcerer; talent; thought; whizz kid; wizard
ingenio brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding drift; tendency
inteligencia brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding adeptness; awareness; brainpower; brightness; cleverness; discernment; genius; headline; insight; intellect; intellectual powers; intelligence; mental capacity; mind; nature; quick-wittedness; reason; sagacity; sense; sharpness; smartness; thought
inventiva brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding
listeza brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding adeptness; brightness; cleverness; craftiness; cunning; discernment; dodge; down to the minutest details; guile; insight; intelligence; keenness; nicety; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; subtlety; wiliness
mente block; brain; brain-pan beginning; beginning of a letter; brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought
noción brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding awareness; concept; conception; consciousness; conviction; creed; designation; discernment; disposition; idea; image; inclination; insight; mind; name; notion; opinion; realisation; realization; reason; term; thought; view; vision
perspicacia brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding acumen; acuteness; adeptness; awareness; brightness; cleverness; cunning; discernment; down to the minutest details; insight; intelligence; keen perception; mind; nicety; quick-wittedness; reason; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness
sagacidad brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding acumen; acuteness; adeptness; cleverness; craftiness; cunning; discernment; dodge; down to the minutest details; guile; insight; intelligence; keen perception; keenness; nicety; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; subtlety; wiliness
- Einstein; brainiac; brainpower; encephalon; genius; head; learning ability; mastermind; mental capacity; mentality; mind; nous; psyche; wit
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- inspirer

Verwandte Wörter für "brain":

Synonyms for "brain":

Verwandte Definitionen für "brain":

  1. that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord1
  2. that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason1
  3. mental ability1
    • he's got plenty of brains but no common sense1
  4. the brain of certain animals used as meat1
  5. someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality1
  6. kill by smashing someone's skull1
  7. hit on the head1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für brain:

  1. organ

Cross Translation:
brain cerebro hersenen — brein
brain seso; cerebro brein — het zich in de schedel bevindende orgaan...
brain cerebro GehirnAnatomie: der im Kopf gelegenen Teil des Zentralnervensystems der Wirbeltiere
brain sesos; cerebro HirnAnatomie, kurz für: Gehirn
brain sesos HirnGastronomie: Gehirn von Schlachttieren als Lebensmittel
brain cerebro; seso cerveau — Organe central supervisant le système nerveux des animaux présentant une céphalisation ; encéphale.
brain cerebro; seso cerveau — Siège des facultés mentales, de la pensée.
brain cerebro; seso cervelle — anatomie|fr Nom vulgaire du cerveau, surtout chez l’homme.