
Detailübersetzungen für snap (Englisch) ins Spanisch


snap Adjektiv

  1. snap (good looking; beautiful; pretty; )
    bonito; guapa; bello; espléndido; guapo; cariñoso; hermoso; precioso; atractivo; buen mozo; agradable; atrayente; de buen ver
  2. snap (graceful; dainty; sophisticated; )
    amada; fino; atractivo; elegante; gracioso; sutilmente; querido; dulce; delicado; ameno; agraciado; hermoso; airoso; finamente; delicadamente; decorativo; con gracia

snap [the ~] Nomen

  1. the snap (biscuit; cookie; kind of biscuit)
    – a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger 1
    el bizcocho; la galleta; el pastel

to snap Verb (snaps, snapped, snapping)

  1. to snap (bite; rise to the bait)
  2. to snap (crackle; crack)
  3. to snap (explode; burst)
  4. to snap (crack; break)
  5. to snap (flutter; wave; flap; blow)
  6. to snap (shout at; snarl; snipe; shout down)
  7. to snap (cut)
  8. to snap
    – To automatically align drawing objects to gridlines, guides, columns, other objects, etc. 2

Konjugationen für snap:

  1. snap
  2. snap
  3. snaps
  4. snap
  5. snap
  6. snap
simple past
  1. snapped
  2. snapped
  3. snapped
  4. snapped
  5. snapped
  6. snapped
present perfect
  1. have snapped
  2. have snapped
  3. has snapped
  4. have snapped
  5. have snapped
  6. have snapped
past continuous
  1. was snapping
  2. were snapping
  3. was snapping
  4. were snapping
  5. were snapping
  6. were snapping
  1. shall snap
  2. will snap
  3. will snap
  4. shall snap
  5. will snap
  6. will snap
continuous present
  1. am snapping
  2. are snapping
  3. is snapping
  4. are snapping
  5. are snapping
  6. are snapping
  1. be snapped
  2. be snapped
  3. be snapped
  4. be snapped
  5. be snapped
  6. be snapped
  1. snap!
  2. let's snap!
  3. snapped
  4. snapping
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für snap:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
amada lady-love; lesbian love
atractivo allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness
bizcocho biscuit; cookie; kind of biscuit; snap Dutch rusk; biscuit; biscuit rusk; cake; cookie; hard tack; ship's biscuit; turban
cariñoso chickadee; darling; ducky; peach; sweetie
dulce candy; motto-caramel; motto-kiss; snack
galleta biscuit; cookie; kind of biscuit; snap Dutch rusk; biscuit; biscuit rusk; cookie
gracioso crazy person; nut; rascal; rogue
guapa beautiful girl; doll; manequin; pretty girl
guapo clever fellow
pastel biscuit; cookie; kind of biscuit; snap cake; cup cake; pastel crayon; pastry; pie; tart
quebrar breaking; snapping
querido beloved; best friend; bosom friend; boyfriend; buddy; candy; close friend; confidante; darling; dear; dearest; deary; ducky; favorite; favourite; heart; hearts desire; honey; ladylove; love; lover; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure; young man
romper breaking; demolition; destruction; rending; snapping; tearing; wrecking
- breeze; catch; centering; child's play; cinch; crack; cracking; duck soup; elasticity; ginger nut; ginger snap; ginger-snap; gingersnap; grab; picnic; piece of cake; press stud; pushover; shot; snap bean; snap fastener; snapshot; snatch; walkover
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
abusar de break; crack; snap abuse; bare; break; break into pieces; destroy; exploit; misuse; strip; take advantage of; violate; wreck
ajustar snap adjust; assume; be all right; be correct; be fit; be right; be suitable; become; befit; fine tune; fix; presume; reconcile; redeem; redress; repair; restore; sew; stretch; suit; suppose; tighten; tune; tune in
aprovechar la ocasión bite; rise to the bait; snap
cascar break; crack; snap beat up; break house; censure; chatter; chirp; claw; conjugate; crack; criticise; criticize; decline; gabble; grate; inflect; jabber away; knock about; paw; quack; rasp; rattle; rave; run down; scrape; scratch; screech; slate; talk nonsense
chasquear cut; snap blab; blunder; censure; crackle; criticise; criticize; flap; run down; slate; sputter
craquear break; crack; snap break house; censure; crack; criticise; criticize; grate; run down; slate
desfigurar break; crack; snap be corrupted; break; break into pieces; change form; cripple; deform; degenerate; destroy; disfigure; distort; maim; mutilate; transform; turn around; wreck
entrar en erupción burst; explode; snap
espetar shout at; shout down; snap; snarl; snipe gore; skewer; spear; spike
estallar burst; explode; snap acquire; bang; blow to bits; blow to pieces; blow up; boom; break; break loose; burn loose; burst; burst into pieces; burst open; burst out to; chuck down; come loose; crack; explode; fling down; flop; flop down; fly to pieces; get the hang of; intentionally destroy; jump down; jump over; leap down; leap off; learn; pick up; plop down; plump down; pop; shatter; spring open; study
explosionar burst; explode; snap blow to pieces; blow up; explode
explotar burst; explode; snap blow to pieces; blow up; bring about; burst; crack; crush; cultivate; develop; effect; explode; exploit; make or let explode; realise; realize; reclaim; shatter; squeeze; take advantage of; unfold
hablar bruscamente shout at; shout down; snap; snarl; snipe
hacer explosión burst; explode; snap burst; crack; shatter
hacer pedazos break; crack; snap attack; boast; brag; break; break into pieces; break to pieces; chop; chop into pieces; chop into small pieces; chop up; cleave; crack; crush; cut up; cut up in pieces; damage; dash; divide; erode; exagerate; fracture; fritter away; knock to pieces; pulverise; pulverize; refract; rend; rip; rub fine; separate; shatter; smash; smash into pieces; smash to pieces; smash up; split; split open; spoil; talk big; tear; tear to pieces; tear up; throw in
ladrar shout at; shout down; snap; snarl; snipe bark; bellow; cry out; roar; scream; shout; shriek; squeal; yell
ondear blow; flap; flutter; snap; wave flow; gush; heave; roll; undulate; wave; wobble
papirotear cut; snap
petardear break; crack; snap chuck down; crackle; fling down; flop; sputter
pinchar bite; rise to the bait; snap badger; bait; corrode; cut; drill; give rise to; gnaw; needle; perforate; pierce; pierce through; prick; provoke; reap; sting
quebrantar break; crack; snap assault; beat up; become defective; break; break down; break into pieces; burst open; come loose; damage; desecrate; destroy; fall to pieces; give way; go to pieces; injure; knock about; maul; spring open; use force; violate; wreck
quebrar break; crack; snap adjourn; become defective; break; break down; break into pieces; break to pieces; burst open; come loose; die; fall to pieces; fracture; give way; go to pieces; intentionally destroy; perish; refract; sever; shatter; smash; smash into pieces; spring open; throw in
refractar break; crack; snap become defective; break; break down; break into pieces; burst open; come loose; destroy; die; fall to pieces; give way; go to pieces; perish; spring open; wreck
revolear blow; flap; flutter; snap; wave
revoletear blow; flap; flutter; snap; wave
romper crack; crackle; snap adjourn; become defective; break; break down; break in; break into pieces; break to pieces; break up; burst open; carve; come loose; crush; cut in; dash; destroy; destruct; devastate; die; eliminate; exhaust; fall to pieces; fracture; hew in; intentionally destroy; knock to pieces; lay waste; liquidate; perish; pulverise; pulverize; refract; rend; rip; rub fine; ruin; sever; shatter; smash; smash into pieces; smash to pieces; smash up; spring open; tear; tear loose; throw in; wear out; work to death; wreck
saltar cut; snap attract attention; be conspicuous; burst open; clang; clink; come loose; dive in; hop up; jangle; jingle; jump; jump over; jump up; jut out; leap; leap out; leap up; make a little jump; plunge; prance; protrude; rattling; show off; spring open; stand out; stick out
- break down; bust; click; crack; flick; lose it; photograph; rupture; shoot; snarl; snatch; snatch up; tear
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
atractivo beautiful; charming; dainty; elegant; good looking; good-looking; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish able; acute; adorable; adroit; alluring; amiable; appealing; attracting; attractive; biting; capable; charming; cherished; clever; compelling; congenial; cute; desireable; dexterous; dinky; elegant; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; expert; friendly; graceful; great-looking; handy; inviting; keen; likable; lovely; most charming; neat; nice; nimble; pretty; proficient; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; sweet; sweetest; tempting; winsome
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- snatch
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
agraciado dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish alluring; amiable; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; elegant; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; graceful; likable; lovely; nice; pretty; sweet; winsome
agradable beautiful; charming; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap a kind manner; affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amiable; amusing; appealing; appetising; appetizing; attractive; benevolent; calm; calmly; charming; chatty; collected; comfortable; composed; conciliatory; congenial; cordial; cosy; cozy; delicious; desireable; diverting; divine; easy going; enchanting; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; entertaining; entrancing; fine; friendly; good; good-natured; gorgeous; gratifying; happy; harmonious; hearty; heavenly; inviting; joyful; kind; kindly; likable; lovely; memorable; mild; nice; obliging; palatable; peaceful; placid; pleasant; pleasing; pretty; quiet; quietly; restful; scrumptious; serene; silent; sociable; still; subtle; sweet; tasty; tempting; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; winsome; yummy
airoso dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish aesthetic; classical; classy; elegant; esthetic; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; in good style; in good taste; smart; sophisticated; stylish; tasteful
amada dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish charming; cherished; elegant; graceful; lovely; sweet
ameno dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish agreeable; alluring; amiable; amusing; appealing; attractive; benevolent; charming; comfortable; comic; comical; conciliatory; congenial; cosy; cozy; cute; diverting; droll; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; entertaining; entrancing; friendly; funny; good-natured; hilarious; humoristic; humorous; humourous; kind; likable; lovely; mild; nice; pleasant; pleasing; sweet; waggish; winsome
atrayente beautiful; charming; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap adorable; alluring; appealing; attracting; attractive; charming; dinky; enchanting; entrancing; exciting; fascinating; inviting; lovely; most charming; moving; pretty; stirring; sweetest; tempting; thrilling; touching
bello beautiful; charming; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap acute; adorable; alluring; amiable; appealing; astute; attractive; beautiful; biting; bright; charming; clever; crafty; cute; enchanting; entrancing; friendly; handsome; ingenious; intelligent; keen; lovely; pretty; sagacious; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; sweet; wily; wise
bonito beautiful; charming; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap acute; adorable; alluring; amiable; appealing; attractive; beautiful; benevolent; biting; charming; clever; cute; enchanting; entrancing; fashionable; friendly; good-natured; handsome; keen; kind; lovely; mild; pretty; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; snappy; snazzy; stylish; sweet; trendy
buen mozo beautiful; charming; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely

Verwandte Wörter für "snap":

Synonyms for "snap":

Antonyme für "snap":

  • inelasticity

Verwandte Definitionen für "snap":

  1. (American football) putting the ball in play by passing it (between the legs) to a back1
    • the quarterback fumbled the snap1
  2. the act of catching an object with the hands1
    • the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion1
  3. the act of snapping the fingers; movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand1
    • he gave his fingers a snap1
  4. any undertaking that is easy to do1
  5. a fastener used on clothing; fastens with a snapping sound1
    • children can manage snaps better than buttons1
  6. an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera1
  7. the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed1
    • the waistband had lost its snap1
  8. a sudden breaking1
  9. a sudden sharp noise1
    • he can hear the snap of a twig1
  10. the noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand1
    • servants appeared at the snap of his fingers1
  11. a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger1
  12. tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections1
  13. a spell of cold weather1
  14. break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension1
    • The pipe snapped1
  15. close with a snapping motion1
    • The lock snapped shut1
  16. utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone1
    • The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer1
  17. record on photographic film1
    • She snapped a picture of the President1
  18. cause to make a snapping sound1
    • snap your fingers1
  19. put in play with a snap1
    • snap a football1
  20. to grasp hastily or eagerly1
  21. bring the jaws together1
    • he snapped indignantly1
  22. separate or cause to separate abruptly1
    • The rope snapped1
  23. lose control of one's emotions1
    • When her baby died, she snapped1
  24. move or strike with a noise1
    • his arm was snapped forward1
  25. move with a snapping sound1
    • bullets snapped past us1
  26. make a sharp sound1
    • his fingers snapped1
  27. To automatically align drawing objects to gridlines, guides, columns, other objects, etc.2

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für snap:

  1. quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound
  2. photograph
  1. to speak abruptly or sharply
  2. to suffer a mental breakdown
  3. to snap one's fingers

Cross Translation:
snap chasquear schnalzen — (intransitiv), Dativ: durch eine abrupte, schwungvolle Bewegung - zumeist der Zunge, den Fingern oder einer Peitsche - einen kurzen, (leicht) knallenden Laut erzeugen
snap restallar; chasquear; castañetear claquer — Faire un certain bruit aigu et éclatant.

Verwandte Übersetzungen für snap