
Detailed Synonyms for long in Englisch


long Adjektiv

  1. long
    – for an extended time or at a distant time 1
    – for an extended time or at a distant time 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • a promotion long overdue1
      • something long hoped for1
      • his name has long been forgotten1
      • talked all night long1
      • how long will you be gone?1
      • arrived long before he was expected1
      • it is long after your bedtime1
  2. long
    – primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified 1
    – primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • a long life1
      • a long boring speech1
      • a long time1
      • a long friendship1
      • a long game1
      • long ago1
      • an hour long1

to long Verb (longs, longed, longing)

  1. to long
    – desire strongly or persistently 1
    to desire; to crave; to covet; to want; to wish; to will
    • desire Verb (desires, desired, desiring)
    • crave Verb (craves, craved, craving)
    • covet Verb (covets, coveted, coveting)
    • want Verb (wants, wanted, wanting)
    • wish Verb (wishes, wished, wishing)
    • will Verb (will, would, willing)
    to long
    – desire strongly or persistently 1
    • long Verb (longs, longed, longing)
  2. to long
    – desire strongly or persistently 1
    to crave; to desire
    • crave Verb (craves, craved, craving)
    • desire Verb (desires, desired, desiring)
    to long
    – desire strongly or persistently 1
    • long Verb (longs, longed, longing)
  3. to long
    – desire strongly or persistently 1
    to long; to yearn; hanker
    – desire strongly or persistently 1
    • long Verb (longs, longed, longing)
    • yearn Verb (yearns, yearned, yearning)
    • hanker Verb

Konjugationen für long:

  1. long
  2. long
  3. longs
  4. long
  5. long
  6. long
simple past
  1. longed
  2. longed
  3. longed
  4. longed
  5. longed
  6. longed
present perfect
  1. have longed
  2. have longed
  3. has longed
  4. have longed
  5. have longed
  6. have longed
past continuous
  1. was longing
  2. were longing
  3. was longing
  4. were longing
  5. were longing
  6. were longing
  1. shall long
  2. will long
  3. will long
  4. shall long
  5. will long
  6. will long
continuous present
  1. am longing
  2. are longing
  3. is longing
  4. are longing
  5. are longing
  6. are longing
  1. be longed
  2. be longed
  3. be longed
  4. be longed
  5. be longed
  6. be longed
  1. long!
  2. let's long!
  3. longed
  4. longing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

long Adjektiv

  1. long
    – having or being more than normal or necessary: 1
    – having or being more than normal or necessary: 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • long on brains1
      • in long supply1
  2. long
    – primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified 1
    – primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • a long road1
      • a long distance1
      • contained many long words1
      • ten miles long1
  3. long
    – primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified 1
    – primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • a long life1
      • a long boring speech1
      • a long time1
      • a long friendship1
      • a long game1
      • long ago1
      • an hour long1
  4. long
    – (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration 1
    – (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot' are long1
  5. long
    – holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices 1
    – holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • is long on coffee1
      • a long position in gold1
  6. long
    – planning prudently for the future 1
    long; longsighted; foresighted; farseeing; prospicient; foresightful; farsighted
    – planning prudently for the future 1
  7. long
    – good at remembering 1
    long; tenacious; recollective; retentive
    – good at remembering 1
  8. long
    – involving substantial risk 1
    – involving substantial risk 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • long odds1
  9. long
    – of relatively great height 1
    – of relatively great height 1
    • long Adjektiv
      • a race of long gaunt men1
      • looked out the long French windows1

long adv

  1. long
    – for an extended time or at a distant time 1
    – for an extended time or at a distant time 1
    • long adv
      • a promotion long overdue1
      • something long hoped for1
      • his name has long been forgotten1
      • talked all night long1
      • how long will you be gone?1
      • arrived long before he was expected1
      • it is long after your bedtime1
  2. long
    – for an extended distance 1
    – for an extended distance 1

Verwandte Wörter für "long":

Alternate Synonyms for "long":

Antonyme für "long":

Verwandte Definitionen für "long":

  1. having or being more than normal or necessary:1
    • long on brains1
    • in long supply1
  2. primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified1
    • a long road1
    • a long distance1
    • contained many long words1
    • ten miles long1
  3. primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified1
    • a long life1
    • a long boring speech1
    • a long time1
    • a long friendship1
    • a long game1
    • long ago1
    • an hour long1
  4. (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration1
    • the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot' are long1
  5. holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices1
    • is long on coffee1
    • a long position in gold1
  6. planning prudently for the future1
    • took a long view of the geopolitical issues1
  7. good at remembering1
  8. involving substantial risk1
    • long odds1
  9. of relatively great height1
    • a race of long gaunt men1
    • looked out the long French windows1
  10. for an extended time or at a distant time1
    • a promotion long overdue1
    • something long hoped for1
    • his name has long been forgotten1
    • talked all night long1
    • how long will you be gone?1
    • arrived long before he was expected1
    • it is long after your bedtime1
  11. for an extended distance1
  12. desire strongly or persistently1

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