Detailed Synonyms for lecturer in Englisch
the lecturer
the lecturer
– a public lecturer at certain universities 1 -
the lecturer
– someone who lectures professionally 1
Verwandte Wörter für "lecturer":
Alternate Synonyms for "lecturer":
Verwandte Definitionen für "lecturer":
lecturer form of lecture:
the lecture
the lecture
the lecture
the lecture
the lecture
the lecture
the lecture
– teaching by giving a discourse on some subject (typically to a class) 1 -
the lecture
– a lengthy rebuke 1 -
the lecture
– a speech that is open to the public 1
– censure severely or angrily 1lecture; to jaw; to rag; to scold; to rebuke; to reprimand; to chide; to trounce; reproof; dress down; to bawl out; call down; call on the carpet; berate; take to task– censure severely or angrily 1-
lecture Verb
reproof Verb
dress down Verb
call down Verb
call on the carpet Verb
berate Verb
take to task Verb
– deliver a lecture or talk 1