
Detailübersetzungen für fusses (Englisch) ins Deutsch


fuss [the ~] Nomen

  1. the fuss (noise; sound)
  2. the fuss
    der Schnickschnack; der Unsin; die Fussel; der Mischmasch
  3. the fuss
    der Betrieb; Getreibe; der Trubel; Gewirr; der Tumult
  4. the fuss (commotion; ado; song and dance; to-do)
    die Aufregung; aufheben
  5. the fuss (commotion; bustle; hubbub; din)
    der Krakeel
  6. the fuss (argy-bargy; stir; commotion; squabbling; hubble-bubble)
    Gezänk; Durcheinander; die Scherrerei
  7. the fuss (ballyhoo)
    die Betriebsamkeit; Treiben; der Trubel; die Hektik; Gedränge; Gewirr; Gewühl; die Geschäftigkeit; Gewimmel; die Emsigkeit
  8. the fuss (bother; hassle; mess)
    die Mühe; der Umstände; der Kram; Getue; die viel Mühe
  9. the fuss (chicane)
    die Schikane; Schinanieren
  10. the fuss (trouble making; hassle; chicanery)
    die Unannehmlichkeit; der Kummer; die Schwierigkeit; der Ärger; der Schlamassel; Ungemach; die Unbequemlichkeit; die Last; die Scherereien; Ärgernis; die Schererei; die Lästigkeit
  11. the fuss (cumbrousness; prolixity)
    die Weitschweifigkeit; die Umständlichkeit

Übersetzung Matrix für fuss:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Aufregung ado; commotion; fuss; song and dance; to-do agitation; commotion; disorder; disturbance; highly strung; interference; jittery; nervousness; sensation; shake up; trouble; turbulence; turmoil; unrest; upheaval
Betrieb fuss business; clamor; clamour; company; concern; cooperation; corporation; enterprise; factory; firm; flow; house; hubbub; hullabaloo; industry; influx; noise; partnership; plant; racket; rush; shop; squash; stampede; trading company; trading partnership; tumult; tumultuousness; venture
Betriebsamkeit ballyhoo; fuss activity; agitation; bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; noise; pandemonium; racket; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; unrest; uproar
Durcheinander argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir absence of order; blend; blending; bungle; bungling; caboodle; chaos; confused heap; confusion; crisscross; debris; disarray; disorder; hash; heap; jumble; mayhem; maze; mess; messy performance; mingling; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter
Emsigkeit ballyhoo; fuss activity; assiduity; bedlam; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; diligence; diligentness; din; fervor; fervour; haste; hastiness; hubbub; hullabaloo; hurry; industriousness; industry; noise; overhaste; pandemonium; racket; rush; tirelessness; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar; zeal
Fussel fuss
Gedränge ballyhoo; fuss agitation; bedlam; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; flow; gathering; group; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; influx; noise; pandemonium; pushing; racket; rush; squash; stampede; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; unrest; uproar
Geräusch fuss; noise; sound buzzing; humming; rustle; rustling; tingling
Geschäftigkeit ballyhoo; fuss activity; agitation; assiduity; bedlam; bustle; capacity for work; clamor; clamour; commotion; diligence; diligentness; din; energy; fervor; fervour; hubbub; hullabaloo; industriousness; industry; noise; pandemonium; productivity; racket; tumult; tumultuousness; turbulence; unrest; uproar; work force; zeal
Getreibe fuss bedlam; burrowing; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; drudgery; flow; group; grubbing; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; influx; noise; pandemonium; racket; rooting; rush; squash; stampede; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Getue bother; fuss; hassle; mess ado; artificiality; bedlam; bother; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; fuzz; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; huzza; mannerism; mess; noise; pandemonium; racket; rumpus; to-do; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Gewimmel ballyhoo; fuss bedlam; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; noise; pandemonium; racket; swarming; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Gewirr ballyhoo; fuss bedlam; bustle; chaos; clamor; clamour; commotion; confusion; crisscross; crowd; din; disorder; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; noise; pandemonium; racket; tangle; trouble; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar; welter
Gewühl ballyhoo; fuss bedlam; burrowing; bustle; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; drudgery; gathering; group; grubbing; hubbub; hullabaloo; hustle; hustle and bustle; noise; pandemonium; racket; rooting; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Gezänk argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir arguing; bickering; fight; game of rough-and-tumble; quarreling; quarrelling; quibbling; romp; romping; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
Hektik ballyhoo; fuss agitation; arousal; drive; energy; gin; hectics; impetus; jenever; momentum; soul; spirit; spunk; strength; stress; thoroughness; turbulence; unrest
Krakeel bustle; commotion; din; fuss; hubbub arguing; quibbling
Kram bother; fuss; hassle; mess bag and baggage; caboodle; chaos; fake art; frills; fuss and bother; hash; hotchpotch; jumble; junk; kitsch; knickknacks; mayhem; medley; mess; mishmash; muddle; rubbish; to-do; trash
Kummer chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making afflictions; dejection; depression; distress; grief; melancholy; misery; mournfulness; pain; regret; sadness; sorrow; sorrows; wistfulness
Last chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making burden; burdens; cargo; circulation; cross; difficulty; impression; print; shape of a cross; weight
Lästigkeit chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making difficulty; inconvenience; nuisance; trouble
Mischmasch fuss bag and baggage; caboodle; chaos; crisscross; hotchpotch; jumble; lumber; medley; mishmash; muddle; omnium gatherum; tangle
Mühe bother; fuss; hassle; mess distress; grief; misery; pain; pains; sadness; sorrow; strain; worry
Schererei chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making annoyance; chagrin; difficulty; discomfort; hitch; mess; messing about; miseries; problem; problems; trouble; troubles; vexation
Scherereien chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making ado; annoyance; bother; chagrin; difficulty; fuzz; huzza; mess; miseries; problem; problematical case; problems; rumpus; to-do; troubles; vexation
Scherrerei argy-bargy; commotion; fuss; hubble-bubble; squabbling; stir
Schikane chicane; fuss pettifoggery; quibble
Schinanieren chicane; fuss
Schlamassel chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making beastliness; discomforts; distress; misery; misfortune; problems; sorrow; squalor; trouble; troubles
Schnickschnack fuss baubles; fake art; frills; gewgaws; junk; kitsch; knickknacks; trash; trinkets
Schwierigkeit chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making a tricky question; austerity; complication; difficulty; discomforts; inconvenience; laboriousness; misery; nuisance; problem; problematical case; problems; rigidity; severity; starkness; sternness; stiffness; strictness; task; troubles
Treiben ballyhoo; fuss activity; bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; drifting; floating; hubbub; hullabaloo; messy performance; noise; oscillation; pandemonium; racket; raid; round-up; sea; swell; swinging; swoop; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Trubel ballyhoo; fuss bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; movement; noise; pandemonium; racket; roar; rumor; rumour; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
Tumult fuss clamor; clamour; commotion; din; disturbance; fisticuffs; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; movement; noise; oscillation; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; roar; rumor; rumour; sea; swell; swinging; tumult; tumultuousness
Umstände bother; fuss; hassle; mess situation; states
Umständlichkeit cumbrousness; fuss; prolixity cumbrousness; lengthiness; long-windedness
Unannehmlichkeit chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making annoyance; beastliness; chagrin; difficulty; distress; inconvenience; nuisance; trouble; vexation
Unbequemlichkeit chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making difficulty; inconvenience; nuisance
Ungemach chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making inconvenience; nuisance
Unsin fuss
Weitschweifigkeit cumbrousness; fuss; prolixity cumbrousness; lengthiness; long-windedness
aufheben ado; commotion; fuss; song and dance; to-do
viel Mühe bother; fuss; hassle; mess
Ärger chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making annoyance; annoyances; chagrin; drag; grumpiness; inconvenience; indignation; irritability; irritation; irritations; nuisance; peevishness; pique; spite; surliness; testiness; tetchiness; vexation
Ärgernis chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making annoyance; chagrin; complaint; drag; inconvenience; irritability; irritation; nuisance; pique; vexation
- ado; bicker; bickering; bother; bustle; dither; flap; flurry; hassle; hustle; pettifoggery; pother; spat; squabble; stir; tiff; tizzy; trouble
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
aufheben abolish; annul; archivate; break up; build; cancel; clean; clear away; collect; conserve; disband; dissolve; document; erect; establish; file; gather; glean; guard from; heave; keep; lay; lift; lift up; melt away; neutralise; neutralize; nullify; organise; organize; pay for; pay off; pick up; place; preserve; put; put away; put down; raise; rescind; save; set up; shield; shut down; store; tidy up; undo; unhitch; unpick
- fret; mother; niggle; overprotect

Verwandte Wörter für "fuss":

  • fusses

Synonyms for "fuss":

Verwandte Definitionen für "fuss":

  1. a rapid active commotion1
  2. a quarrel about petty points1
  3. an angry disturbance1
    • he didn't want to make a fuss1
  4. an excited state of agitation1
  5. worry unnecessarily or excessively1
    • don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now1
  6. care for like a mother1
    • She fusses over her husband1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für fuss:

  1. excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something
  1. (intransitiv) laute, störende Geräusche verursachen
  1. (umgangssprachlich) oftmals abwertend: Aufhebens, Gebaren
  2. umgangssprachlich, pejorativ: unnötiger Aufwand
  3. umgangssprachlich, abwertend: für Nebenumstände, Überflüssiges, unnützer Aufwand, Getue
  4. -

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