
Detailübersetzungen für commoner (Englisch) ins Deutsch


Übersetzung Matrix für commoner:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- common man; common person

Synonyms for "commoner":

Verwandte Definitionen für "commoner":

  1. a person who holds no title1


common [the ~] Nomen

  1. the common

Übersetzung Matrix für common:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Allgemeine common
- commons; green; park
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- coarse; mutual; plebeian; rough-cut; uncouth; unwashed; usual; vernacular; vulgar
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- cheap; common land; inexpensive; joint
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
allgemein common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual general; generally; in a general sense; on the whole
alltäglich acceptable; average; common; commonly; current; customary; habitual; mediocre; ordinarily; ordinary; plain; quite common; usual mean; normal; pedestrian; vile
betrifft mehrere Personen common; communal; joint
durchschnittlich average; common; mediocre average; medium; on average
einfach common; commonly; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual absolute; actual; austere; blatant; comfortable; considerate; demure; discreet; downright; easily; easy; effortless; free; freely; frugal; genuine; grave; humble; in truth; indeed; it's true; just; just like that; light; mean; meek; modest; not difficult; not hard; of simple origin; pedestrian; plain; real; really; scanty; sedate; sheer; simple; simply; sober; straight; thoughtlessly; to be sure; truly; unaffected; uncomplicated; unobtrusive; unpretentious; vile; without any warning; without pretentions
gebräuchlich acceptable; common; commonly; current; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual conventional; customary; normal; of old; time-honored; time-honoured; traditional; traditionally; true to tradition; useful
gemeinsam common; communal; joint altogether; combined; concerted; concordant; connected; in all; jointly; oneness; shared; solidary; sympathized; together; unanimous; united; with each other; with one another
gemeinschaftlich common; communal; joint altogether; combined; concerted; concordant; connected; in all; jointly; oneness; shared; solidary; sympathized; together; unanimous; united; with each other; with one another
gewöhnlich acceptable; common; current; ordinarily; ordinary; plain as a rule; as usual; at set times; crude; customary; easy; effortless; free; freely; frequent; frequently; futile; generally; insignificant; light; meaningless; normal; regular; regularly; trifling; trivial; true to habit; unaffected; unimportant; unpretentious; unremarkable; usually; vulgar; without pretentions
gängig acceptable; common; commonly; current; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; plain; quite common; usual mean; normal; pedestrian; quite common; used to; vile
herkömmlich acceptable; common; commonly; current; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual conventional; customary; of old; time-honored; time-honoured; traditional; traditionally; true to tradition
ordinär common; ordinarily; ordinary; plain crude; racial; vulgar
trivial common; ordinarily; ordinary; plain banal; base; below the belt; coarse; futile; gross; insignificant; low; mean; meaningless; nasty; not high; rotten; shabby; sheet; sordid; trifling; trite; trivial; unimportant; unmannerly; unremarkable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; villainous; vulgar
üblich acceptable; common; commonly; current; customary; habitual; ordinarily; ordinary; quite common; usual normal; quite common

Verwandte Wörter für "common":

Synonyms for "common":

Antonyme für "common":

Verwandte Definitionen für "common":

  1. having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual1
    • the common man1
    • a common sailor1
    • the common cold1
    • a common nuisance1
    • followed common procedure1
    • it is common knowledge that she lives alone1
    • the common housefly1
    • a common brand of soap1
  2. belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole; public1
    • for the common good1
    • common lands are set aside for use by all members of a community1
  3. commonly encountered1
    • a common (or familiar) complaint1
  4. being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language1
    • common parlance1
  5. of or associated with the great masses of people1
    • the common people in those days suffered greatly1
    • behavior that branded him as common1
  6. to be expected; standard1
    • common decency1
  7. lacking refinement or cultivation or taste1
    • behavior that branded him as common1
  8. common to or shared by two or more parties1
    • a common friend1
  9. of low or inferior quality or value1
    • produced...the common cloths used by the poorer population1
  10. a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für common:

  1. ordinary
  2. found in large numbers or in a large quantity
  3. usual
  4. mutual
  1. alltäglich, gewöhnlich, landläufig, nichts Besonderes
  2. weit verbreitet, üblich
  3. vielfach vorkommend, viele Male, immer wieder auftretend
  4. sehr gebräuchlich; weit verbreitet
  5. innerhalb der Norm befindlich
  6. mehreren Personen oder Sachen zugleich eigen
  7. herablassend: einfach
  8. ursprünglich: eine Eigenschaft, die Mehrere gemeinsam hatten, habend
  9. im Gebrauch; im gegenwärtigen Gebrauch befindlich; in bestimmter Häufigkeit verwendet
  10. überall
  1. historisch: das von allen oder einzelnen Berechtigten der Dorfgemeinschaft privat genutzte Gemeindegut, das nicht zur Deckung der Gemeindeausgaben bewirtschaften wird

Cross Translation:
common ordinär ordinairgewoon, alledaags, normaal
common gemeinsam gemeenschappelijk — gerelateerd aan meer dan een entiteit
common gangbar gangbaar — wat gebruikelijk is
common Durchschnitt doorsnee — iets of iemand waarvan de eigenschappen dicht bij het gemiddelde liggen
common gemein; allgemein; gemeinsam; gemeinschaftlich commun — Qui sert, qui peut servir à tout le monde ou seulement à plusieurs personnes.
common einfach; einfältig; blank; rein; reinlich; sauber; absolut; losgelöst; beziehungslos; uneingeschränkt; unumschränkt; unabhängig; unvermischt pur — Qui est sans mélange.

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