Adverb | Verwandte Übersetzungen | Weitere Übersetzungen |
equally; every bit
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how much; however much; much as; much though
according as; because; since
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as; when
just like; like; than
as; given that; since
over there
as; because; given that; since
after all; anyhow; at that place; at that time; because of; ibid.; in that case; in the same place; in those days; just like; like; over there; since; then; there
as; when
at that time; formerly; in old days; in old times; in those days; of yore; then
as; because
actual; after all; anyhow; because of; despite it; for; indeed; just like; like; nevertheless; nonetheless; notwithstanding it; since; than
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; just like; like; likewise; such as; the same
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; just like; like; likewise; such as; the same
according to; and also; as much; as per; as well as; by the rules; equally; in accordance with; in conformity with; just as; just like; like
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
accurate; accurately; bashfull; careful; conscientious; correct; detailed; diffident; economic; economical; economically; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; just; meticulous; minutely; narrow minded; painstaking; petty; precise; precisely; punctual; right; scrupulous; stringent; true; truethfull
as; just like; like; such as
just like; like
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; analogous; analogue; equivalent; identical; similar; the same; unaltered; unchanged; uniform
im übereinstimmung mit
as; just like; like; such as
in dem Maße
according as; as; in proportion as
in der Zwischenzeit
as; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst
as; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst
but; however; just like; like; yet
as; during; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst
but; however; just like; like; yet
je nachdem
according as; as; in proportion as
sowohl als
as; just like; like; such as
von da an
as; when
from the moment that; since
as; because; given that; since
just like; like
according as; as; in proportion as; just like; like; such as
how; how many; how much; in which way; just like; like; what amount
as; during; while
during; during long time; just like; like; under
as; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst
as; during; while
as; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst