
Detailübersetzungen für exciting (Englisch) ins Deutsch


exciting Adjektiv

  1. exciting (sexy)
    geil; aufregend; sexy
  2. exciting (thrilling; tense)
  3. exciting (horny; excited; lascivious; )
  4. exciting (stirring; fascinating; touching; thrilling; moving)

Übersetzung Matrix für exciting:

AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
heiß hot
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- captivating; stirring; thrilling
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
Seksuell gereitst sein excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy
aufgeregt excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy agile; agitated; angry; annoyed; aroused; bothered; disgruntled; displeased; enraged; excited; fluttered; heated; indignant; irate; irritated; livid; passionate; put out; seething; upset; vexed
aufgregend excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy
aufregend exciting; sexy
begeistert excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy amusing; animated; as pleased as punch; attentive; bright; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; delighted; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; festive; full of joy; funny; gay; glad; good-tempered; happy; impassioned; in high spirits; inspired; jolly; joyful; joyous; merry; mystified; neat; overjoyed; passionate; pleasant; pleased; reliable; safe; satisfied; spell bound; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; very glad; very happy; vibrant
brünstig excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy at rut; erotic; erotical; fiery; heated; hot-headed; hot-tempered; in heat; in season; on heat; rutting; ruttish; sensual; titillating
eifrig excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy active; actively; ambitious; animated; ardent; aspiring; assiduous; avid; busily; busily engaged; busy; decisive; desirous; diligent; eager; eagre; energetic; engaged; fanatical; fanatically; fervent; fierce; hard-working; high-flying; hot-blooded; hot-tempered; humming; indefatigable; industrious; industriously; intense; keen; lively; obsessed; occupied; operative; passionate; practiced; practised; pushy; temperamental; temperamentful; tied up; tireless; up; vibrant; working; zealous
eindrucksvoll exciting; fascinating; moving; stirring; thrilling; touching awecommanding; confounding; deferent; dumbfounded; enormous; excellent; extraordinary; fabulous; fantastic; first-rate; gigantic; grand; grandiose; great; heart rending; huge; immense; imposing; impressive; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; out of proportion; overpowering; overwhelming; phenomenal; prodigious; regardful; respectful; reverential; smashing; splendid; stupendous; terrific; top-notch; tremendous; vast; very large
enthusiastisch excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy eager; eagre; enthusiastic; impassioned; inspired; passionate
entzückt excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy appealed to; as pleased as punch; attracted by; attracted to; be taken with; cheerful; delighted; drawn to; gay; glad; happy; in high spirits; merry; overjoyed; pleased; satisfied; very glad; very happy
ergreifend exciting; fascinating; moving; stirring; thrilling; touching affable; amiable; benign; bewitching; bland; compelling; delightful; emotional; enchanting; enormous; fairy-like; fanciful; fascinating; friendly; glorious; grand; grandiose; great; gripping; heart rending; heart warming; imposing; impressive; magical; marvellous; marvelous; moving; mystical; sensational; splendid; stirring; stunning; taking; thrilling; touching; wonderful
erregend excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy
erregt excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy agile; agitated; aroused; bad-tempered; disgruntled; excited; fierce; fiery; fluttered; heated; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; intense; irritated; nettled; passionate; piqued; pissed off; put out; severe; sore; strong; violent
fesselnd exciting; fascinating; moving; stirring; thrilling; touching captivating; enchanting; fascinating; heart rending; intriguing
feurig excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy agile; agitated; ardent; aroused; blazing; broiling; brutal; burning; enthusiastic; excited; fervent; fierce; fiery; flaming; fluttered; glowing; heated; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; impassioned; inhuman; intense; passionate; peppered; peppery; pityless; ruthless; scalding; seasoned; severe; spiced; spicy; strong; temperamental; temperamentful; violent; warm
geil excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy; sexy horny; lascivious; salacious
gereizt excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy bad-tempered; fierce; fucked up; intense; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; severe; sore; strained; stressed; strong; tense; uptight; violent; worked up; wrought up
glühend excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy ardent; blazing; burning; fervent; fiery; fit; flaming; flourishing; glowing; healthy; impassioned; in good health; keen; passionate; prosperous; red-hot; smouldering; thriving; well
heiß excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy affectionate; cordial; hearty; horny; lascivious; salacious; warm; warm-hearted
hingebungsvoll excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy ardent; assiduous; committed; dedicated; devoted; diligent; fanatic; fervent; fierce; hot-blooded; hot-tempered; intense; manic; passionate; possessed; temperamental; temperamentful; zeal
hitzig excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy agile; agitated; ardent; aroused; excited; fervent; fevered; feverish; fierce; fiery; fluttered; frenzied; heated; hot-blooded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; intense; passionate; quick tempered; quick-tempered; severe; strong; temperamental; temperamentful; uncontrolled; violent
inbrünstig excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy ardent; fervent; fierce; fiery; heartfelt; hot-blooded; hot-tempered; intense; passionate; severe; strong; temperamental; temperamentful; violent
interessant exciting; fascinating; moving; stirring; thrilling; touching captivating; enchanting; fascinating; interesting; intriguing
lüstern excited; exciting; heated; horny; hot; lascivious; randy avid; cocky; desirous; eager; eager for; eagre; erotic; erotical; keen; keen on; longing for; quarrelsome; sensual; snappish; titillating; waspish
nerverzerreißend exciting; tense; thrilling
packend exciting; fascinating; moving; stirring; thrilling; touching
sexy exciting; sexy
spannend exciting; fascinating; moving; stirring; tense; thrilling; touching captivating; enchanting; fascinating; interesting; intriguing
uneterhaltsam exciting; fascinating; moving; stirring; thrilling; touching

Verwandte Wörter für "exciting":

Synonyms for "exciting":

Antonyme für "exciting":

  • unexciting

Verwandte Definitionen für "exciting":

  1. creating or arousing excitement1
    • an exciting account of her trip1
  2. stimulating interest and discussion1
    • an exciting novel1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für exciting:

  1. causing excitement
  1. ein (meist) angenehmes Gefühl des Grusels oder der gebannten Faszination erzeugend

Cross Translation:
exciting erregend; aufregend; anreizend; anregend; Erreger-; Reiz- captivant — Qui captiver.
exciting erregend; aufregend; anreizend; anregend; Erreger-; Reiz- passionnant — Qui passionne, qui est propre à passionner.


to excite Verb (excites, excited, exciting)

  1. to excite (arouse; stir up; stimulate)
    erregen; aufwinden; anregen; prickeln; stimulieren; anreizen; erhitzen; reizen; schmeicheln; kitzeln; aufreizen; anspornen; knuddeln; kosen
    • erregen Verb (errege, erregst, erregt, erregte, erregtet, erregt)
    • aufwinden Verb (winde auf, windest auf, windet auf, wand auf, wandet auf, aufgewunden)
    • anregen Verb (rege an, regst an, regt an, regte an, regtet an, angeregt)
    • prickeln Verb (prickele, prickelst, prickelt, prickelte, prickeltet, geprickelt)
    • stimulieren Verb (stimuliere, stimulierst, stimuliert, stimulierte, stimuliertet, stimuliert)
    • anreizen Verb (reize an, reizt an, reizte an, reiztet an, angereizt)
    • erhitzen Verb (erhitze, erhitzt, erhitzte, erhitztet, erhitzt)
    • reizen Verb (reize, reizst, reizt, reizte, reiztet, gereizt)
    • schmeicheln Verb (schmeichele, schmeichelst, schmeichelt, schmeichelte, schmeicheltet, geschmeichet)
    • kitzeln Verb (kitzele, kitzelst, kitzelt, kitzelte, kitzeltet, gekitzelt)
    • aufreizen Verb (reize auf, reizt auf, reizte auf, reiztet auf, aufgereizt)
    • anspornen Verb (sporne an, spornst an, spornt an, spornte an, sporntet an, angespornt)
    • knuddeln Verb (knuddele, knuddelst, knuddelt, knuddelte, knuddeltet, geknuddelt)
    • kosen Verb (kose, kosst, kost, koste, kostet, gekost)
  2. to excite (stimulate; encourage; arouse; )
    wecken; aktivieren; anregen; beleben; hervorrufen; neubeleben
    • wecken Verb (wecke, weckst, weckt, weckte, wecktet, geweckt)
    • aktivieren Verb (aktiviere, aktivierst, aktiviert, aktivierte, aktiviertet, aktiviert)
    • anregen Verb (rege an, regst an, regt an, regte an, regtet an, angeregt)
    • beleben Verb (belebe, belebst, belebt, belebte, belebtet, belebt)
    • hervorrufen Verb (rufe hervor, rufst hervor, ruft hervor, rief hervor, rieft hervor, hervorgerufen)
    • neubeleben Verb
  3. to excite (revive; generate; activate; )
    reanimieren; neu beleben; aktivieren; beleben
    • neu beleben Verb (belebe neu, belebst neu, belebt neu, belebte neu, belebtet neu, neu belebt)
    • aktivieren Verb (aktiviere, aktivierst, aktiviert, aktivierte, aktiviertet, aktiviert)
    • beleben Verb (belebe, belebst, belebt, belebte, belebtet, belebt)
  4. to excite (incite; stimulate; drive)
    • antreiben Verb (treibe an, treibst an, treibt an, trieb an, triebt an, angetrieben)
  5. to excite
    den Hof machen
    • den Hof machen Verb (mache den Hof, machst den Hof, macht den Hof, machte den Hof, machtet den Hof, den Hof gemacht)

Konjugationen für excite:

  1. excite
  2. excite
  3. excites
  4. excite
  5. excite
  6. excite
simple past
  1. excited
  2. excited
  3. excited
  4. excited
  5. excited
  6. excited
present perfect
  1. have excited
  2. have excited
  3. has excited
  4. have excited
  5. have excited
  6. have excited
past continuous
  1. was exciting
  2. were exciting
  3. was exciting
  4. were exciting
  5. were exciting
  6. were exciting
  1. shall excite
  2. will excite
  3. will excite
  4. shall excite
  5. will excite
  6. will excite
continuous present
  1. am exciting
  2. are exciting
  3. is exciting
  4. are exciting
  5. are exciting
  6. are exciting
  1. be excited
  2. be excited
  3. be excited
  4. be excited
  5. be excited
  6. be excited
  1. excite!
  2. let's excite!
  3. excited
  4. exciting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für excite:

VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
aktivieren activate; arouse; awake; encourage; excite; freshen; generate; reactivate; recover; refresh; revive; rouse; stimulate; support activate; enable; rehydrate; select; turn on
anregen activate; arouse; awake; encourage; excite; stimulate; stir up; support advise; badger; bait; drive; give rise to; kick forward; needle; prompt; provoke; suggest; urge; whisper; whisper in someone's ear
anreizen arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up badger; bait; give rise to; needle; provoke
anspornen arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up aggravate; boost; chase; cheer on; encourage; encourage someone; fire; incite; inspire; motivate; motivate someone; push on; stimulate; strike into
antreiben drive; excite; incite; stimulate chase; drive; encourage; goad; irritate; motivate; move on; nettle; prompt; propel; push on; stimulate; whip up; whisper; whisper in someone's ear
aufreizen arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up badger; bait; drive; give rise to; goad; irritate; needle; nettle; provoke; stimulate; whip up
aufwinden arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up clatter; clump; haul in; hoist; pull up; raise; reel; reel in; roll up; turn up; wind; wind up
beleben activate; arouse; awake; encourage; excite; freshen; generate; reactivate; recover; refresh; revive; rouse; stimulate; support
den Hof machen excite be courting; pay court to
erhitzen arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up anneal; boil; boil with rage; cook; heat; reach the boiling point; seethe; start boiling; warm; warm up food
erregen arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up affect; agitate; anger; annoy; budge; cause irritation; chafe; concern; give offence; hit; irritate; move; regard; shake up; stir; strike; touch; vex
hervorrufen activate; arouse; awake; encourage; excite; stimulate; support badger; bait; bring about; bring on; cause; elicit; give rise to; lead to; needle; provoke
kitzeln arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up caress; itch; tickle; titillate
knuddeln arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up caress; cherish; coddle; cuddle; fondle; hug; nourish; nurse; pet; stroke
kosen arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up caress; chuck; cuddle; fondle; hug; pet; stroke
neu beleben activate; awake; excite; freshen; generate; reactivate; recover; refresh; revive; rouse
neubeleben activate; arouse; awake; encourage; excite; stimulate; support
prickeln arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up anger; annoy; bead; bubble; cause irritation; chafe; effervesce; fizz; give offence; irritate; pearl; sparkle; vex
reanimieren activate; awake; excite; freshen; generate; reactivate; recover; refresh; revive; rouse
reizen arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up allure; anger; annoy; badger; bait; brighten; cause irritation; chafe; charm; cheer; delight; drive; enchant; fascinate; give offence; give rise to; gladden; irritate; make happy; nag; needle; prompt; provoke; ravish; urge; vex
schmeicheln arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up be nice; be sweet; blarney; butter someone up; coax; flatter; kiss up to someone; softsoap someone; toady to someone
stimulieren arouse; excite; stimulate; stir up activate; aggravate; badger; bait; boost; drive; encourage; encourage someone; give rise to; incite; inspire; kick forward; motivate; motivate someone; needle; prompt; provoke; push on; stimulate; urge
wecken activate; arouse; awake; encourage; excite; stimulate; support awaken; wake; wake up
- agitate; arouse; charge; charge up; commove; energise; energize; rouse; sex; shake; shake up; stimulate; stir; turn on; wind up

Verwandte Wörter für "excite":

Synonyms for "excite":

Antonyme für "excite":

Verwandte Definitionen für "excite":

  1. act as a stimulant1
  2. produce a magnetic field in1
    • excite the neurons1
  3. raise to a higher energy level1
    • excite the atoms1
  4. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of1
  5. stimulate sexually1
  6. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused1
  7. arouse or elicit a feeling1
  8. stir feelings in1
    • excite the audience1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für excite:

  1. to stir the emotions of
  2. to arouse or bring out (eg feelings); to stimulate
  1. anregen oder aus dem Schlaf erwachen
  1. jemanden in große freudige Erregung versetzen

Cross Translation:
excite entrüsten; anreizen; aufhetzen; reizen; aufreizen; angreifen; herausfordern; stumpf machen; provozieren agaceraffecter d’une irritation nerveuse.
excite begeistern enthousiasmerremplir d’enthousiasme.
excite anregen; stimulieren; anfeuern; aufregen exciter — Engager, porter à.
excite reizen exciter — Animer, encourager.
excite ärgern; erbittern; erzürnen; anfeuern; aufregen; anregen; ermutigen; erregen; reizen; schüren; anfachen; aufreizen hérisserdresser ses cheveux, ses poils, ses plumes, en parlant de l’homme et des animaux.
excite anreizen; aufhetzen; reizen; aufreizen irritermettre en colère.

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für exciting